Having said that, this is actually very simple. It is just a normal wedding. Why did it say it was a grand wedding at the beginning?Is it because there are so many people attending the wedding?

Yes, it is because there are too many people attending the wedding.

In addition to the adventurers from Axel Town, basically all the adventurers came, not counting the nobles, just saying that there were too many people watching the ceremony.

We mentioned at the beginning that it is already summer season.

In this different world, although there are no festivals such as fireworks and summer festivals in summer, they have the Eris Thanksgiving, which is an event where an Eris cultist thanks Goddess Eris.

It was nothing at all, it was just a very simple little activity in previous years.

But this year, because Kazuma Sato was involved, the celebration was heavily featured, and it was a big hit on the first day. Kazuma Sato dared to treat Yang Lei and their wedding as an opening performance. Now, it's no wonder that this is a grand wedding. It's so grand. There are audiences all around, and it's a huge crowd.

"Prepare to cut the wedding cake, then pop the champagne and go to the feast."

The bride and groom don't care. They will only be happier if they can get the blessings of so many people, so even if today's expenses are huge, they still keep their happy faces and announce that every guest present can attend them. wedding reception.

Immediately, the venue exploded in an instant, and countless happy and happy cheers were thanking and blessing Yang Lei and his family of three.

Overall, it was a successful wedding. .

0794 Happy Goddess Thanksgiving (4)

Yang Lei, Huihui and Darkness are married, and the three of them are still together facing difficulties.

Ignis will definitely be a little reluctant. He was very upset just because his daughter was stolen, but at the last moment he learned that it was not only his daughter who was married, but also a Megumin who also wanted to follow Lala together. Tina married Yang Lei.

At this time, it would be too late to go back and regret it. He couldn't afford to lose that person. He could only be dumb and couldn't tell the pain of eating Huanglian, and he had to pretend that he knew the result now.

Fortunately, Yang Lei has his own capital, at least he doesn't need to follow his wife back to his parents' house to live and eat soft rice, otherwise Ignis will definitely find fault with him every day.

After Yang Lei and the others got married, Sato Kazuma, Aqua and the others would have to move out. The big villa should be given up as a new house for Yang Lei and the others.

Later, it was Yang Lei and the others who kept all three of Youyou behind, saying that in such a big house, they didn't have "one-eight-three" servants, and it was time-consuming and laborious just to clean, so let's all continue to live together.

Of course, this is just an excuse, mainly because they think it is more interesting to live together, it is more convenient to communicate, and they can also take care of each other and so on.

. . . . . .

On the second day of Yang Lei and their wedding, the thanksgiving ceremony for Eris and Aqua, planned by Sato Kazuya, officially began.

As mentioned earlier, this day was supposed to be an event where the Eris cultists offered their gratitude to their goddess Eris, but Aqua later expressed dissatisfaction, why only Eris had a thank offering and she didn’t?Obviously she is still Eris' senior.

Just like that, Aqua, who was rambunctious, won the Thanksgiving for herself. . .

It was also fortunate that she was attracted a lot of attention by the thanksgiving ceremony, otherwise she would have to continue to play around because she wanted to be the wedding host, which made Yang Lei and the others very relieved.

Regarding the Thanksgiving Festival for the two goddesses, the most busy must be the believers of the two religious groups. In order to let more people feel the atmosphere of the festival, they launched activities according to Kazuma Sato's description of the summer festival in Japan. .

In this way, in the town of Axel in another world, people suddenly have a sense of being in a summer festival in Japan.

In the end, even Sato Kazuma, who had fireworks or something, figured out a way to replace it with a potion that would explode when touched.

All in all, the effect is still very good.

Where have people from another world seen such a festival like a temple fair? It was a lot of fun.

Of course, according to the characteristics of Aqua's followers, something will definitely happen at the Thanksgiving Festival.

For example, a small stall modeled on goldfish fishing was reported.

Yang Lei took a newly married wife's little hand in his left and right hands and glanced over, then he shook his head speechlessly.

You, people in Japan are fishing for goldfish, but you are actually fishing for tadpoles, is it too insincere?And who would keep this thing for fun?

Also, these tadpoles are not ordinary tadpoles, but tadpoles of giant frogs, the kind of giant frogs that once devoured Aqua and Megumin.

I wiped it off. According to the growth rate of frogs, these tadpoles will soon grow up. At that time, the owner of this thing will be turned into food for the first time, right?

There is another stall, obviously it is iron plate squid, but the plaque reads "roasted sea monster", Haiyoumei's strange, and it is so expensive, customers have to complain.

Also, there was a hut with the words 'Murlocs and Mermaid Children's Fair' blatantly written on the door, and there was already a quarrel inside.

"This is obviously just an ordinary fish. Where did the murlocs or mermaids come from? The soul is dull."

"This guest is a fish because he is the child of a murloc and a mermaid."

Hey, hey, this is already a strong word, isn't it?


Megumin and Darkness were already laughing like crazy. Even though they knew that the people of the Axis Order were unreliable, they never thought they would be so unreliable.

"It's really nonsense."

Yang Lei also shook his head with a black line on his face, thinking who came up with these bad ideas?It's too NC, isn't it?

Aqua said that she was also very innocent. She knew that all Japanese summer festivals did this, so why was she so unpopular when she came to them?

Hey, are you going too far?This is all kinds of scams and extortion, right?It's not surprising that people will be disgusted, even if you have a little sincerity.

Then again, why was Aqua able to command the Axis Order this time?Before she went to purify Acanretia's hot spring, she hadn't received any sincere thanks.

It turns out that the spring water that has been purified into hot water has a stronger effect than holy water has been discovered.

Jesta, the top leader of the Axis sect, found that although the hot spring had turned into hot water, it had an unexpected effect like a healing potion. Not only did not lose the slightest bit, but it became even more popular and exploded...  

For example, some adventurers, especially female adventurers, will definitely leave some scars and other traces in their years of adventurer life?

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