Now they are blessed, as long as a soak in the hot springs of Acanretia can wipe away the previous scars, and the skin will soon return to the point of smoothness and thoroughness, this effect is also worth pursuing.

Also, after experiments, it was found that the hot water in Acanretia can easily purify the undead as soon as it touches them. This effect is really awesome.

Therefore, the business of attracting guests by relying on hot springs is not as profitable as selling holy water.

And in this way, Jesta and the others have thought that even if they are stupid, to be so terrifying and exaggerated, that adult might really be Aqua, the goddess of water, who is their goddess of faith. .

This. . .

It seems that they were spitting on her old man behind their backs before?Hope she doesn't know. . .

It was precisely because Aqua's identity was guessed that the believers of the Axis Order had unconditional trust and obedience to her.

Nonsense, she is their belief, can you disobey?

In other words, all of today's farce is actually Aqua's fault.

"Let's go back."

Yang Lei didn't know the inside story, and he didn't want to study these things. In 5.0, he just came out for a walk with two lovely wives who had just finished dinner.

They are already a little pregnant now, but their belly is a little protruding. It's time to go for a walk. Don't they all say that pregnant women who love to walk are easy to give birth.

Huihui and Darkness nodded, followed Yang Lei obediently and turned back home.

After becoming married women, the characters of the two women suddenly became much more mature, and they respected Yang Lei more.

After all, this is a background world in the Middle Ages, and respecting a husband is the criterion for a good wife.

Of course, this is not to say that women have no status. This is a world where a woman can also be a king, just like Alice. The current situation is that it is not known whether Alice will succeed in the end or her brother will be the king. Well, but at least for now, before the king returned to the capital, she was basically the head of the state.

So, what a contradiction. . . .

0795 Megumi and Darkness's Request (5)

In recent days, the newlywed couple Yang Lei's family of three rarely go out, and even Sato Kazuma, who lives under the same roof, rarely sees the three of them.

This is normal. Generally, newly married couples will stick to each other for a while. Even if they have been in a relationship for a long time before getting married, this is the fresh period, and they definitely don’t want to be disturbed by outsiders.

So unless they go out for a walk by themselves, it is difficult for anyone to see them. Even my husband, Ignis, wants to see his daughter, and he has to wait for his daughter to come back in a week.

As for the other pair of father-in-law and mother-in-law, Piao Saburo and Wei Wei solved it very well. They took Xiaomi home on the night of the wedding, saying that from today, Huihui will be a member of the Yang family, and their family will no longer manage meals. ....

Of course it's just a joke, don't take it seriously....

In other words, what are Yang Lei and the others doing every day?Not even participating in the whole town's mountain climbing activity, is it too unsocial?

So what, what is the whole town's uphill insect-catching activity?

To briefly explain, there are also bugs in this different world, such as locusts 16, and cicadas and the like.


It's just that the insects of another world are different from those of the earth, especially the cicadas. Once summer comes, their cries are not only countless times louder than those of cicadas on the earth, but also endless, day and night. And it lasts for a month to a few months.

In this way, nearby towns or villages inhabited by humans don’t even want to sleep peacefully, so whenever it’s summer, the Adventurer’s Guild will issue missions to exterminate insects in the nearby mountains and forests.

Especially in Axel Town, because there is a cafe opened by a succubus, the type of business is the kind of little secret that can't be told, which makes the male adventurers very enthusiastic and active.

It's just relatively speaking, Yang Lei is too lazy to participate. After all, he is a man with a wife, and they have two different styles. If Yu Jie has Yu Jie, if Lori has Lori's wife, he also needs the help of a succubus. ?What a joke.

So I ask, are they always doing shameful things at home?

Of course not, after all, Megumin and Darkness are both pregnant. Although that thing won't end, should it be restrained?

In fact, they have been struggling with one thing recently, that is, Huihui and Darkness want to give birth to their children before Yang Lei leaves, while Yang Lei wants the children to grow up naturally, so they have been struggling.

Yang Lei's children must all be so talented, such as the second son Trunks, and the crystal clear combination of the triplets. From birth, they have the strength to dominate a universe. It's really scary. .

It is precisely because children are born that they are not mortals, and their growth cycle is slower than other children.

Other people's children are ten months pregnant. Unlike Yang Lei's family, it takes at least five years to enter the delivery period.

And according to Yang Lei himself, he can't stay in this world for five years, and I'm afraid he won't even need a year, so he has to leave.

After all, he has to work hard to bring all his wives and children with him, and it is impossible to stop only to accompany two of them.

That's why Megumin and Darkness made a request, asking him to take them to a space where time flows quickly to speed up the flow of time, so that five years can pass quickly?

During their time together, Yang Lei explained everything about him clearly.

He is not the kind of person who can keep secrets. If he thinks that the people who love each other are together, although he can't even have a little personal space, he must at least explain his origins in detail, right?

And the two women also listened to his experience as a little bedtime story, and they had to listen to some of them every day to fall asleep...

Indeed, Yang Lei's experience is really amazing. If it was written as a novel, it should be very popular and popular, although the truth is the opposite. . . .

So the two women knew that Yang Lei had a way to speed up the time, so they said, they can't let their children not even see their father's face, right?

With that said, Yang Lei almost cocked his nose, what is this called?He clearly said that he would come back to pick them up and leave together, and also explained that when he left this world, the time of this world was still for him, and they would not even feel that he had left.

In fact, Huihui and Darkness have heard Yang Lei's explanation and comfort more than once, but they can't stop worrying. After all, they have never traveled to other worlds, so they can't imagine if Yang Lei doesn't come back. How to do.

Not to mention them, even Yang Lei's wives in other worlds compromised because of this concern, otherwise who would accept a rival in love?He even took the initiative to allow him to 'fuck around' outside.

It's just that the women didn't want him to have too much pressure, and they didn't want to make him embarrassed by their worries and lack of confidence, so they didn't show it all the time.

. . . . . .

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