On this day, Huihui and Darkness repeated the old words after they got up. They hugged Yang Lei's arms from left to right, looked up at Yang Lei's mysterious eyes, and demanded again that they wanted to Give him a baby soon.

"At least until you leave, I want you to hug her."

Megumin looked down at her belly with a gentle look on her face.

According to Megumin herself, she has always dreamed of a beautiful little girl in her dreams recently, so she said that it was her daughter.

Uh, Yang Lei said that this has the demeanor of a middle-aged illness.

"Honey, just promise us."

Darkness is also exerting her coquetry skills, which seems to be an ability she has awakened again. Before, she was just shaking M, but now 277 has become another kind of character. It can only be said that in the end, Yang Lei is better at chess. , Bending Darkness...

This sounds so weird, but anyway, since Darkness and Yang Lei got married, she has rarely done the kind of behavior that would make people criticize before.

Or maybe it's because I'm a mother, so I'm too embarrassed to play a character who changed to T again?


Being attacked by two sweet wives together, Yang Lei said that he couldn't hold it any longer, and finally he could only sigh, but agreed: "Okay, okay, I promise you, this will start a time flow that is countless times faster than the outside world. Space."


Megumin and Darkness cheered happily, like children.

But if you really want to count, don't forget that one of them is only eighteen years old, and the other is only fourteen years old. They are really just two little girls.

Because he noticed the actual ages of the two girls, Yang Lei couldn't help but twitch in the corners of his eyes. At this time, he couldn't help but scolded himself for being very Qin and shou in his heart.

"It seems that I really have to take them to increase their age. After all, I don't want to always be said to be a T...!"

(PS: The fifth chapter is freshly released today. In other words, if I want to do it, I can do it... Then, I will try to write tomorrow's chapter five earlier in the evening, and then continue to meet you at one o'clock in the morning, I will Come on...).

0796 Old Seven Old Eight Old Nine Born

The next day, at least for everyone else.

Early in the morning, that is, at four or five in the morning.


In the room of Yang Lei's family of three, a crack in time and space suddenly opened, and three people walked out of it, and behind everyone was a child floating in the sky.

"I didn't expect five years to pass in a blink of an eye. Time flies so fast."

Glancing at the bedroom that had not changed at all, Darkness couldn't help but feel like she was in a different world.


Aside from that, Megumin, who had become a big girl at the age of nineteen, stroked her long black hair, then stretched her lazy waist to stretch her slender and slender figure, and muttered, "I really want to go home soon. Hug our millet."

"Mommy, who is Xiaomi?"

At this time, a little doll who had been chasing behind Megumin's head asked in a milky voice.

It looks like a newborn baby, and this child is indeed just born, but she can speak, which is amazing.

Huihui held her daughter down with open arms, and took her to sit next to Chuang not far away, telling her a story about Aunt Xiaomi.

In other words, Xiaomi is only 16 years old, not [-] to [-] years old, but it turns out that she is already an aunt.

By the way, Hui Huisheng's daughter is indeed a daughter, so it seems that her previous dream was not without purpose.

As for her daughter's name, her name is Nuonuo.

When choosing the name, Yang Lei definitely did not dare to let Huihui, who is a Crimson Demon, decide, and planned to give the child a mighty and domineering Yang Meiniang.

Although Megumin was a Crimson Demon, she was still speechless about the name.

And the little guy was not very happy, and finally Megumin decided to call his daughter Nuonuo.

What kind of shitty name is this?Yang Lei called him a horizontal block and a vertical block, but it was a pity that their old seventh inherited the style of Hui Hui in the name, which made him very sad.

That's right, Megumin's daughter Nono is the eldest sister in this world, while Darkness's twins are Jiro and the youngest sister.

According to the agreement promised to Darkness, Jiro was named Dustinis Ford Yang Jiro....

Is it Jiro because he is Jiro?The ability to co-author their family's name is not very good, it's really hard for the child.

But looking at Erlang's appearance, he didn't seem to resist very much, just glanced at Darkness indifferently and responded.

This kid, in fact, is obviously very resistant to such an unreliable name, right?It's just because you don't want to argue with your mother and don't want to rebel against your mother, so you reluctantly agreed to it, right?

It's just that Yang Lei has a vague illusion that even Darkness is also very unhappy, and has a feeling of being very sorry for his son. Why is this?

After asking him, he found out that it was the unreliable girl Megumin who had quietly threatened Darkness before, saying that if she gave birth to a child one day, she would be entitled to give Darkness the first priority as her aunt. A child named in return for her acceptance of Darkness.

How much does this guy want to name others... It seems that she also knows that the name of the Crimson Demons is very strange, but she just refuses to admit it, so she wants Erlang to be embarrassed with Nuonuo?

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Yang Lei, the father, must not cheat on his son. In the end, he intervened strongly, and finally changed Erlang a more formal name, Dustinis Ford Yang Wells.

This name is much better, Erlang is also relieved, finally willing to show a smile to his useless old lady, this child seems to be very precocious, he is only one year old, tsk tsk.

Finally, it's your sister's turn.

I remember that the little girl had a cold war when she was frightened. It was the experience of her twin brother that scared her, and she was worried that she would also be named by a messy and broken name.

It's just that the little girl is obviously smarter than her brother. At that time, she was held by Darkness, Yang Lei held Erlang, and Huihui held their Nuonuo.

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