Maybe she saw that her father was more reliable than her mother, so she struggled to flee to Yang Lei, hiding in her father's arms.

This distressed Yang Lei, isn't it just a name, it scares their little baby.

Darkness and Megumin didn't dare to go too far, because they were afraid that they would really scare the children. Even though they were born not long ago, they could not only fly, but even talk. Obviously, they have been remembering things since they were born. .

In the end, Yang Lei and Xiao Yaomeier discussed giving her a name called Yang Anan. Yaomeier said that she just wanted to be a quiet and beautiful girl.

That is, the length of the name is not enough, otherwise she would have to give herself a name of 'Yang Jingjing plus beautiful and beautiful'.

It seems that this girl is not very reliable...

At this point, the seventh, eighth and ninth members of Yang Lei's family are officially on the stage. They are the seventh member of Huihui's family, Yang Nuonuo (brackets, Yang Lei, regardless of Huihui and Nuonuo's unwillingness, insisted on forcibly giving promises to them.) Noga has a surname, so it is called Yang Nuonuo).

Then there are the eldest daughter Wells of the Darkness family, and Yang Anan, the ninth eldest.

. . . . . .

In the room of Yang Lei and his wife, the family of six was not in a hurry to go out, but three adults instilled some common sense into the three children, and Darkness and Huihui had the heaviest task.

You think, Yang Lei himself is still relatively unfamiliar with this world. The only thing he can teach children is to make them pay attention to their strength, and not to accidentally kill others with their naturally awakened superpowers.

That's right, compared to the four brothers and sisters of Bitranks, no matter in talent, potential, and instant combat power at birth, they are all exactly the same.

So Yang Lei had to explain to them solemnly, lest he have to wipe their farts when he got it.

In fact, rubbing the fart is second, Yang Lei is afraid that the children will be isolated by others.

The old saying is good, when human beings face the unknown power, they either choose to obey or choose not to admit it.

Speaking of which, Fubuki has been isolated by others, because she has the power that is absolutely terrifying to ordinary people, so she was not recognized by others, and then she was always in a lonely state, and then she became so Perseverance.

Yang Lei didn't want his children to be so lonely. 167

Not only were the three children born with terrifyingly powerful powers, but they also possessed much smarter intelligence than ordinary people, and even had an unforgettable memory.

Therefore, Yang Lei and the others don't have to worry too much, as long as they say it a little bit, they can make inferences, and soon they won't have to worry about them.

"It's terrifying."

Huihui stared at Nuonuo, the eyes of the two mother and daughter are the same bright red, but there are some other patterns in Nuonuo's eyes, so it is more complicated than Huihui.

At this moment, I heard Megumin complain: "Although it is a child born by me, it still makes me feel incredible that she is so defiant."

Xiao Nuonuo rolled over her beautiful big eyes speechlessly, and said in her heart, mother, you will hurt me very much if you complain so much.

Darkness's side is easy to accept, anyway, it is her children, she just needs to love them with all her heart.

"All right."

Yang Lei stood up with An An in his arms and greeted his family: "If I remember correctly, today should be the day for you to go home. As I said before, we will go back to Huihui's house together today, and back to Darkness's house tomorrow. , then let's go now."

(PS: Let me sort out the order of the children. Elsa is the eldest, Bulma's little Te is the real Erlang, the third, the fourth and the fifth are the crystal clear third siblings, and the sixth is The child in Chuixue's belly, and then to the three children of Megumin and Darkness are the old seven and the old eight and the old nine.).

0797 The Bride's Return to the Door

When Yang Lei and his wife came out of the house with a baby doll in their arms, except for Kazuma Sato who didn't get up, Yunyou and Aqua, who were already up, all exclaimed.

When Yang Lei and the others taught the three children the common sense that normal people should have, more than three hours had passed from four or five in the morning, and it was seven or eight now. Logically, Aqua and Yoyo It's time to get up.

And when they saw the three of them, they were really startled.

I saw that Megumin and Darkness not only gave birth to a child, but also changed their appearance. After all, they were all five years older, so they must be different from before.

Take Megumin, for example, she's changed the most, and she's even a little unrecognizable.

The first is the head. The original Megumin was only about [-] meters, but now it has become close to [-] meters tall. The tall figure brought a great sense of oppression to Yunyou, only the size of each other's weapons can still be used. Let Yunyou regain some dignity.

That is to say, even if Megumin grows up, her murder weapon is still small, her mother said it was a prophecy...

Moreover, Megumin's appearance has also changed. Originally, she had half-length hair that was worthy of her ears, but now it has become long and straight.

The facial features are also becoming more refined. After all, they haven't grown up before, but now they have become a big girl. It is said that the eighteenth female university has changed, and she has become more and more beautiful.

Especially in the past five years, Yang Lei has made a lot of delicious food for her and Darkness. He has eaten too many high-end ingredients, which has also improved her and Darkness's physical fitness and external image. have been improved a lot.

To put it in a more playful way, Megumin is as unfamiliar as a different actor.

Relatively speaking, Darkness's changes will be smaller. After all, she was [-] years old before, and it can be regarded as a stereotype. The past five years have only made her more mature and beautiful.

By the way, it's not completely unchanged. For example, Darkness's tangled muscles have become soft, and now she is a soft girl, no longer a muscular girl.

Just don't underestimate the current Darkness, her strength has already reached an extraordinary realm, and it can only be said to be stronger than before.

Don't forget that Yang Lei has Dragon Ball, and once made a wish to help Darkness get unlimited physical strength, endless power, the strongest physique, and immortality and immortality.

Then she also ate too many high-grade ingredients like Megumin, and her physical fitness was improved again.

It is no exaggeration to say that compared to Aqua and Eris, Darkness and Megumin are the real gods, and their power can be called the power of gods.

It's just that one thing that is more criticized is that because Darkness has never had any attack skills, her attack setting is still [-]% MISS, which...

Yang Lei said in his heart that when the necessary moment is reached, let Darkness be bare-handed, so that the hit rate will be higher.

. . . . . .

After a short chat, Yunyou and Aqua finally understood that it was only a day's absence in their eyes, but for Darkness and Megumin, five years had passed for them.

"Okay, it's time for us to go". "

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