After chatting for a while, Yang Lei took advantage of Huihui and Darkness's explanation to Aqua and Yunyou to go to the kitchen to make a table of breakfast, and then left.

Today is the day when the brides go home. He will take them back to the Huihui house in the home of the Red Devils for a day, and then he has to visit Ignis and stay at the Darkness house for another day.

"Then let's go first."

After saying goodbye to Aqua and Yunyun, Megumin brought back the somewhat overwhelmed Dounosuke by her side for Nuonuo to hold, and was about to leave.

With Yang Lei here, although there is no advanced teleportation point available in Axel Town, there is no need to worry about the problem of rushing on the road. It was just an instant, and the family of six came to the home of the Red Devils again.

"Oh oh oh."

Suddenly, the three children let out a soft cry, looked at each other and nodded.

"These three little guys."

Yang Lei shook his head with a wry smile on his face, thinking that he accidentally let them see teleportation, this is good, I just hope they don't be too foolish.

The bloodline is inherited from Yang Lei. The three little guys will definitely have pupil skills, but I don't know what they have awakened. Anyway, Yang Lei saw it. He just used a teleportation and they learned it. It's comparable to seeing the ancient eyes. .

After arriving in the hometown of the Red Devils, a family of six walked towards the Huihui family.

The location that appeared before was not far from the destination, and it only took a while to arrive.

"Boom bang."

Although she was going back to her own house, because Megumin was already married, she still knocked on the door, instead of directly opening the door and entering as before.

"Who is it?"

A childish voice came from inside.

"Xiaomi, it's me."

Megumin's eyes lit up, and she even wanted to cry when she was so excited.

I haven't seen her for five years. She really misses her sister. Don't forget that this girl has a sister-control attribute.

".ˇIt's my sister who is back."

Xiaomi in the door exclaimed, only to hear a fast running sound and soon came to the door, with a 'click', the anti-theft door full of modern style was pushed open, and it was Xiaomi who stood at the entrance of the entrance. .


"who are you?"

With a confused look on Xiaomi's face, she looked at Megumin, who was already hugging her, with a familiar feeling, and wondered, "It's strange, I clearly feel the breath of my sister, but you are not my sister."

"Silly Xiaomi, I'm my sister."

Megumin was really moved to tears, probably because she became a mother, so Megumin was more emotional than before, not as sharp as she used to be.

After Huihui's explanation, Xiaomi simply figured it out. Because of her brother-in-law's relationship, her sister was stolen for five years, so she became an older child.

"very scary."

(Have you Zhao)

Xiaomi looked at Yang Lei cautiously with frightened eyes, afraid that her brother-in-law would suddenly steal five years from her.


Huihui suddenly remembered, and hurriedly hugged Nuonuo, who had been flying behind her head, and introduced to Xiaomi: "Xiaomi Xiaomi, this is my sister's daughter Nuonuo."

"Nuo Nuo, this is the Aunt Xiaomi I told you."

Under Huihui's recommendation, the two children became good friends, and Nuonuo made a bunch of delicious food for Xiaomi, which made her aunt even happier.

In other words, the child Nuonuo can actually conjure things, which is too similar to superpowers such as the Great Priest or the Namekian.

Not only Nuonuo, but Wells and An An can also do it, and they also used this method to make friends with Xiaomi.

Uh, these three children seem to be more mature than Xiaomi, but three juniors come to coax their auntie, it's amazing... .

0798 The Bride's Return: Darkness

Because Megumin and the others came back with their three children, Gyo Saburo and Wei Wei, who deliberately stayed at home today, expressed their shock.

Didn't you say you're pregnant in October?It's only been a few days since they got married, and Megumin and Darkness haven't shown much pregnancy. Well, why did they even give birth to a child?

So the old couple expressed doubts and thought that they should have given birth to the child outside long ago, right?It would be too embarrassing to say that.

Later, Huihui took the trouble to explain it to the old couple, which made them a little relieved.

On the same day, Yang Lei and the others stayed with Huihui at her parents' house and stayed overnight.

The three children were so smart that they quickly captured Piao Saburo and Wei Wei, and Xiaomi took it even earlier.

In this way, because of the plug-in of having children, the family spent a beautiful and happy return day.

After getting up the next day, Yang Lei and the others packed up and left.

Don't forget that Darkness has to go back too, and she is very anxious to bring Wells and An An home to show her father.

When Ignis found out that Darkness was pregnant, he was so happy.

Especially Yang Lei and Darkness promised him that the first son would inherit the honor and fame of the Dustinis family and continue to pass it on.

This is too important. For a big family, especially the Dustinis family with only one daughter in the family, nothing worries Ignis more than inheritance.

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