And now that he has a grandson to inherit, of course he is willing to one hundred, otherwise he thinks that he might be able to adopt Balta.

With the death of Ardap, especially his crimes were all exposed, although Balta was not affected at all, it also made him fall from the son of the former lord to an ordinary person, although he still wears the name of a noble. But there is no trace of heritage or privilege.

In this way, as long as Ignis and Balta are willing, Balta can be adopted as the adopted son of the Dastinis family, which is normal.

It just doesn't have to be that troublesome now.

Fortunately, Balta is a good person, but he doesn't really care about these things.

If this is replaced by a fierce and narrow-minded person who knows the news, I am afraid that he will vomit blood.

Of course, this makes no sense.

Wells is the grandson of Ignis, and it is normal for Wells to inherit the property and various privileges of the Dustinis family, isn't it normal?

. . . . . .

After saying goodbye to the reluctant Piao Saburo family, Yang Lei and the others returned to Axel Town from the hometown of the Red Devils through teleportation again.

In other words, it is convenient to have teleportation. If Megumin wants to, she can go back and forth between Axel Town and Red Devils Town every day.

Even if Megumin doesn't want to learn magic other than explosion magic, don't forget that she also has Nuonuo, but Xiao Nuonuo has also learned to teleport, so she can travel with her useless old lady? .

Five years have passed, but Megumin's obsession with explosion magic has not weakened at all, but has become more and more obsessed.

Now she is still maintaining the daily activities of the first explosion with the help of Yang Lei, but Axel Town does not need to be tortured anymore, Yang Lei dare not let her go outside, because Huihui can completely explode the universe now .

After all, Yang Lei is willing to give Huihui and Darkness even millions of ingredients. Their strength is already incredible, so they can be called gods.

. . . . . .


At the door of Dustinis mansion, a white light flashed, and Yang Lei and his party walked out of time and space.

"Boom bang."

Just like when Megumin came home, Darkness also knocked on her door.

I definitely don't need to see things like this again in the future, but the bride still has to go through a formality on the first day she gets home, after all, they are already Yang Lei's wife.

"The eldest lady is back."

When the servant who opened the door saw Yang Lei's family standing outside, he immediately cheered and turned around and ran inside, not caring about the so-called etiquette. Everyone knew that Darkness had returned home.

"Finally home."

Ignis has also been waiting at home like Piao Saburo and Weiwei yesterday, and came out at this time, looking at Lalatina who had just walked into the door with excitement.

It's just that before he could get excited tears in his eyes, (bgfj) Suddenly, the little man in Lalatina's arms shocked him all over.

"That is?"

With an unbelievable expression on his face, Ignis pointed to Wells with dazzling short blond hair and green eyes. He had already guessed something in his heart, but he still wasn't sure that it was his grandson.

"Yes, Lord Father, this is Lalatina's eldest son Wells, Dustinis Ford Young Wells."

Darkness took the initiative to greet him, handed his son to Ignis, and said, "You can hug him, and An An is also my daughter. They are twins."

Nuonuo's hair and eyes are the same red as Huihui, and they are similar to Yang Lei in terms of facial features.

Wells and An An are the same, they both follow their mother's hair and eye color, and they look like their father in terms of facial features.

Fortunately, Yang Lei's appearance definitely passed the test, and even turned into a female version of Yang Lei, which made Nuonuo and An An not too manly, but beautifully carved in pink and jade.

To borrow a saying from Mr. Guo, it is the beauty of a thought, that is, what is the most beautiful look of a little girl in your imagination, and what are these little dolls like.

"I have a grandson, I have a granddaughter."

Ignis hugged Wells and An An, who were full of tangled faces, in tears, and couldn't help himself with excitement.

After a long while, Ignis finally remembered and asked Darkness, "Lalatina, what's going on? Why did you even give birth to a child all of a sudden?"

"Also, your appearance has changed a lot."

"And also, is that Megumin? Why is she so big? And is that her child?"

"By the way, why is this bastard the only one who hasn't changed at all?"

At the end, Ignis couldn't help but glared at Yang Lei, and smacked his lips and snorted coldly.

The relationship between Weng and his son-in-law is really complicated. For Ignis, even if Yang Lei is already his family, the husband of his daughter, and the father of his granddaughter, he still can't help but target Yang Lei.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Ignis will really hate Yang Lei, but he just said so, in fact, he already regarded him as his family in his heart.

Didn't Yang Lei say it before when he proposed, Ignis recognized Yang Lei.

If he hadn't found out later that Yang Lei had a bride in addition to his own daughter, maybe their relationship would not have been so tense.

Faced with his father's doubts, Darkness explained as Megumin had before, finally letting Ignis understand the reason for their change and the talents of these three children.

Not to mention other things, just the fact that it takes five years to conceive is not something that others can match.

"As expected of my grandchildren."

Ignis praised proudly.

Yang Lei rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that not only did I lose his role, how could he even get the credit?

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