Also, I have a relationship with you. You have inherited it from generation to generation. It's useless at all. It's all about my good blood. Well, it's shameless.

Well, not only does the old man despise the unreliable son-in-law, in fact, the son-in-law often slanders the old man in his heart... .

0799 Alice's Help Letter

After staying with Darkness at her parents' house for another day, Yang Lei and the others went home.

After all, it's convenient to go back and forth, and you don't have to live for so long, otherwise the two brides will definitely not leave so soon.

After returning home, they finally met Sato Kazuma.

After not seeing each other for five years, Yang Lei missed him quite a bit. At this time, he had the idea of ​​making fun of the other party.

However, Yang Lei is now more or less a father, and there are three little ghosts behind him. In order to avoid setting a bad example for them, he finally told him to hold back.

Although Sato Kazuma had heard Aqua and Yoyo talk about Yang Lei's family before, he was still shocked when he saw it.

Especially when I saw that the three little guys could fly in the sky without being held by adults, I was even more shocked.

Also, the three little guys are still able to talk, and they seem to be as mature as the little adults. He compared them secretly and felt that Yang Lei's three children were even smarter than Aqua.

This is not something he dismissed casually, but there is evidence to prove it.

For example, in chess and card games, Aqua has only beaten Nono, the eldest sister, the first time.

But after the three siblings saw it once and knew how to play, Aqua would never win again.

My God, even three children can't win, what's the point of Aqua's life?

Sato Kazuma couldn't help but secretly complained.

Of course, when it was finally his turn, he was also killed terribly.

No way, the three prodigies are so smart.

This time Sato Kazuma was no longer embarrassed to laugh at Aqua, after all, even he was taught by three children to be a man.

. . . . . .

Next, Yang Lei and their lives gradually returned to the right track, no longer just acting alone, but reuniting with Sato Kazuma and the others.

"By the way, shouldn't we act a little bit?"

On this day, Yang Lei fell on the sofa with his son Wells and read a book. When he saw that Kazuma Sato was going out, he couldn't help but mention this.

"No need?"

Sato Kazuma had a face of resistance, he refused without even thinking about it, and even prepared an excuse early, he opened his mouth and said, "Well, Yang Lei, you see that you are now the father of three children. , they are still young, and it is time to think about a stable way of working and living."

"Don't worry about them."

Yang Lei rubbed his son's short hair, and said to Kazuma Sato with a look of disdain: "My son's strength is super strong, it's enough for the three of them to fight the Demon King's Army."

Wells blinked innocently, as if afraid that Kazuma Sato wouldn't believe it, raised his chubby little hand at Kazuma Sato and lifted him up with thought force.


Sato Kazuma exclaimed again and again, only to feel that his heart almost vomited, this time was too sudden.


Wells smiled happily and felt that he had found a very interesting way to play, and was about to continue to try Kazuma Sato.

"Okay, put him down."

Yang Lei hurriedly stopped Wells, no matter how smart he was, he was still a child, and it would be difficult to educate him if he opened any doors.

And Yang Lei also told Wells that this was wrong and asked him to apologize to brother Hezhen.

Yang Lei has always regarded himself as Sato Kazuma's master. In this way, he and his three children are really the same generation.

"I'm sorry Manabe."

Wells was very obedient, and apologized to Kazuma Sato with a look of remorse and guilt.

This little thing is very clever, knowing that he must be easily forgiven for putting on such an appearance.

Sure enough, not only was Sato Kazuma not angry, but a sense of guilt arose, thinking how could he let a child do this, and hurriedly ran over with a smile to comfort Wells.


Just when the three of them were bored, the door opened, and Darkness walked in quickly with An An in his arms.

"Darkness, wait for us."

Behind Darkness were Megumin holding Nono, Yunyun who was angry, and Aqua.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei sat up, looked at Darkness and asked, "Did something happen? Don't worry, speak slowly."

Darkness raised a letter in her hand, and said to Yang Lei with a beaming expression, "Look at what this is."

Yang Lei turned around with a black line and wanted to lie down with Wells in his arms.

"and many more."

Darkness took a quick step and sat on the sofa where Yang Lei was about to fall, so that her husband could only lie down in her arms, and then lowered her head and said to Yang Lei: "You should have seen it, this is the royal badge, It means that there must be something for Her Royal Highness Princess Alice that needs our help."

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