As we said before, the current situation is that all human countries have allied with Belzegu Kingdom, and in order to support Belzegu Kingdom to continue to fight against the Demon King’s army and avoid the fire of war coming to their own door, they will regularly provide Belzegu Kingdom sent support, some people gave away, and rich people gave money.

Among them, the Kingdom of Elrod is a special country that relies on the gambling industry. Because of its special circumstances, their country does not have strong warriors and knights. On the contrary, relying on the huge gambling industry, they have gathered the whole world for them. most money.

Therefore, the support that the Kingdom of Elrod is responsible for is related to money.

It can be guessed that the reason why Alice suddenly chose to envoy to the Kingdom of Elrod must be related to the support of friendly forces. I just hope that there will not be any major problems. After all, it is said that the battle situation on the front line is very fierce and fierce, even the king and prince. On the battlefield.

"That's it."

After reading the contents of the letter, Yang Lei glanced at everyone and said, "We have nothing to do anyway, so let's go for a walk in an allied country. Is this considered a trip abroad?"

Darkness was the first to support Yang Lei's proposal, Megumin was not to be outdone, and Yoyo, of course, also had Kazuma Sato, who had been pretending to be X for a while.

Among them, only Aqua seemed more resistant.

"Well, why don't I stay and watch the house?"

Suddenly, Aqua said: "It just so happens that the children can't go with them, right? Just stay and let me take care of them, you can play with confidence."

"what happened?"

Yang Lei asked curiously, he really didn't know what happened, why did Aqua react so much when she heard that she could go abroad to play?Is this still the same Aqua?

"Is such that."

Huihui smiled and came to Yang Lei's other side and sat down, then leaned into Yang Lei's ear and explained to him...  

It turned out that Aqua bought a legendary dragon egg. Recently, she has been trying to find a way to hatch it, so she is so resistant now.

"Dragon egg?"

Yang Lei glanced at the egg that Aqua had been protecting in her hands, and said speechlessly, "Isn't that just an egg? I thought it was Aqua prepared to eat, but I didn't expect you to actually eat it. Think of it as a dragon egg hatching? It's amazing."

Yang Lei had already seen the egg in Aqua's hand, but because he saw that it was just an ordinary egg at the beginning, he mistakenly thought Aqua was going to eat it. It is so.

"Ah, ah, ah?"

Aqua screamed horribly, startling the three children who were having fun on the other side. The adults who turned to look at this side didn't know what was going on, but they were very interested.

"Why does Yang Lei also say it's an egg? I see, you are jealous, hum."

Aqua was unhappy, and ran away with a tantrum like a child.


Darkness didn't know what to say or not, so he explained to Yang Lei, "Well, it seems that Aqua seems to have spent all of her net worth to buy this egg, so dear , you'd better stop provoking her, after all, every day He Zhen satirizes her and she can't stand it anymore."

Is such a gentle and reliable cute girl really Darkness?Shouldn't the actor be changed?

Don't be fooled 1.6, Darkness has always considered the unity of the team. As long as she doesn't encounter things that can excite her, she has always been so reliable.

"I see."

Yang Lei nodded, and he only mourned for a second of Aqua's deception, and then announced: "Since this is the case, then you can ask her plan again, we will leave early tomorrow to go to Wang All reunite with Alice."

"At that time, if Aqua really doesn't want to travel, let her stay at home. It's not a big task anyway, even if it's a hiking trip."

(PS: Chapter [-] has been written. I admire myself so much. I wrote [-] chapters and more than [-] words in one day. It’s amazing. It’s already [-] o’clock after I finished writing, so I won’t set it to post at [-] o’clock. Well, it's all sent out as soon as possible...).

0801 Alice's Shock

Waking up early the next morning, Aqua's last choice was to temporarily withdraw from the team activities and stay at home to take care of the egg she spent all her net worth.

Yang Lei and the others didn't care, and they didn't say that they would leave the three children to Aqua's care, but took them away together.

With the three children and Aqua, God knows what they will do.

Yang Lei and his wife don't have to worry about the safety of their three children, but they are afraid that others will be hurt by them.

Besides, what if Aqua pulls the children into the Axis order while they are still young and ignorant?

That religious group is not a good place. The children are still young, so it would be better for them to have less contact with the mentally retarded.

In this way, the team set off again after a long period of time. Although there was one less Aqua, but because of the newcomer Yoyo, plus three children, the team became "[-]" members not only did not decrease, Instead, it expanded a lot.

In other words, despite the fact that the Royal Capital is far away from Axel Town, because of the existence of teleportation, they quickly completed their journey, only a flash of white light flashed, and when they reappeared, they were already standing in the Royal Capital. the city gate.

After all, this is the capital of a country. Except for the royal family and a limited number of nobles, ordinary people do not have the right to directly use teleportation to enter the capital city, so Yang Lei and the others have to appear at the city gate first, and then register before entering.

Accompanied by the eldest lady Lalatina, the group successfully completed the registration, and there were special personnel who came to take them to the city.

It is said that after getting their reply, Alice has always ordered special personnel to wait at the gate of the city. It seems that she is in a hurry.

Under the leadership of that person, the group walked through the bustling and lively capital to the palace.

Alice had already received the news, and at this time, she brought Kurea and Rein to wait at the gate of the palace in advance.

"You are finally here."

The first to greet her was Kureya, and when she met again, she finally faced everyone with a grateful expression, not as arrogant and aloof as before.

"Miss Cureya."

Darkness and Kureya nodded and said hello. The strengths of the two families were equal, and the two women were of the same age. They felt that they both had a good relationship with Alice, and they should have had a lot of friendships when they were young.

"Let's not talk about the greetings."

Later, Alice came over with Lei Yin, and heard her say to Yang Lei and the others: "The time is relatively short, so I want to explain things to you on the road while walking. If there is no problem, let's go first."

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