Hearing Alice's words, Kurea sighed heavily, and finally, as if she had made up her mind, when Alice turned around and walked towards the backyard of the palace, she pulled Sato Kazuma away on the way.

Yang Lei glanced at the back casually, inadvertently listened to the murmurings of Kureya and Sato Kazuma, and finally shook his head a little speechlessly.

According to Kureya, Alice's purpose in going to Elrod Kingdom is to meet her fiancé, Prince Levi, the first prince of Elrod Kingdom.

Kazuma Sato was taken aback, he didn't expect Alice to have a marriage contract.

But if you think about it again, it is a royal princess after all. In order to stabilize the covenant with the allied countries, it is a matter of course that there will be such a political factor.

Then the two seemed to have reached an agreed goal, and it was entrusted by Kureya, hoping that Kazuma Sato would try his best to destroy the marriage contract between Alice and Prince Levi during this mission.


There must be a problem with Kurea's orientation, right?This has surpassed the feelings of the retainers towards the Lord, okay?

It's just that Kazuma Sato seems to have more problems. This guy actually dares to agree to this commission. Are you okay?You are just an ordinary adventurer.

Yang Lei shook his head while eavesdropping on the anecdotes behind.


Wells, who had been held in Yang Lei's arms, looked up at his father's chin in confusion, his face full of confusion, as if his father had heard something interesting, but he had no idea what was going on in the surrounding voices. What an interesting thing.

Even An An and Nuonuo, who were held in their arms by Megumin and Darkness who were walking in front, turned their heads and looked at their father and their brothers with big fluttering eyes, with an inquisitive look on their faces. look.

"By the way, Lalatina."

It may be because of the actions of the three children that Alice finally noticed them, and she was a little tangled at this time, not knowing whether to congratulate her first or express her confusion.


In the end, Alice thought about it and said congratulations first: "Although I don't know how you did it, congratulations on becoming a mother..."

"Thank you, Your Highness Alice."

Darkness hurriedly thanked Alice. As the shields of the royal family, their family and Kureya's family can be said to be the direct vassals of the royal family.


An An was a little puzzled by Darkness's attitude, so she had nothing to be happy about. What did their mother and daughter and their family have to do with outsiders.


Alice scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly, and it was not good for her to doubt her retainer as the master, but she couldn't help but ask: "In this mission, I think it's better to be able to It's better to go light."

"Don't worry, Your Highness Alice."

Darkness quickly explained, and opened her hands to let An An fly, saying, "Look, our three children are not mortals, even if they can't become the main ace in the team, at least they can't. It's going to be a drag."


Alice was startled. An An was obviously a newborn baby, but she could fly as a result. This picture is very scary.

Not only An An, but Nuonuo and Wells have long felt bored. At this time, they couldn't hold it any longer, and they broke free from their parents' arms and flew away.

At the moment, I saw three cute little people in small clothes flying around in the palace, and from time to time they would make a series of crisp laughter, which made everyone who heard it couldn't help but feel a burst of joy.


Alice was completely dumbfounded, and then looked at Darkness, Yang Lei, and finally Megumin with weird eyes.

She naturally knew about Darkness's marriage, and she also knew that Yang Lei married two brides at the time, and Nuonuo's eyes seemed to be related to the Crimson Demons, that is to say.

"It seems that it has nothing to do with the mother, but Mr. Yang Lei's genes are very powerful."

Alice sighed with emotion and said with some disappointment: "It's a pity that there is only one princess in this generation, otherwise I really want to introduce your blood into our royal family."

(PS: I declare in advance that Alice does not accept, does not accept, does not accept, does not accept, this time will definitely not accept......).

0802 Arrive in the Kingdom of Elrod...outside the city

Now that the children have proved that they will not be a drag, regardless of their small size, each one has a terrifyingly powerful strength and potential, and Alice is finally no longer tangled.

At the moment, the group continued to walk towards the backyard of the palace, and finally came to a place like a stable.

In the stable, there was already a carriage ready that, although it looked ordinary on the outside, the interior was quite luxurious.

It seems that this is Yang Lei's next transportation tool.

What made everyone curious was that it was not an ordinary horse, but two lizard runners that were used to pull the cart.

Hey, hey, this is a fairly advanced monster, right?Can you believe it?

"Because of the special situation and the urgent need for extra time, I can only use lizard runners to hurry. I hope you can get used to it."

Alice explained to the crowd.

On the way, she actually said that this time the mission to the Elrod Kingdom was a private action, and it was not recognized in name, so it is best not to make too much fanfare.

It is precisely because of this that Alice thought of entrusting Yang Lei and the others.

"Mr. Kazuma Sato, please don't forget our promise."

Before leaving, Kurea did not forget to explain to Sato Kazuma.

"of course."

Kazuma Sato pulled out a necklace from his collar, and he didn't know how the Cureya family badge got into his hands, so he heard him say, "Just leave it to me."

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