
Looking at Kazuma Sato's performance, Yang Lei touched his neck with a weird look. He also has a necklace similar to it. It belongs to the badge of the Darkness family. On the night when they officially completed the wedding , Darkness solemnly put the badge on Yang Lei's neck.

According to those inexplicable rules, it seems that this badge is equivalent to the sword of Shangfang. Seeing the badge is like seeing the family patriarch. In short, it is a very important thing.

So Yang Lei would like to ask Kazuma Sato now, when did this guy get Kureya too?

"Get ready to go."

At this time, Alice had already taken the lead in the car, and when Megumin and Yoyo also followed, and Darkness was also driven into the carriage by Yang Lei, Yang Lei took the two big men, Sato and Makoto to sit in the car. into the groom's position.

By the way, what about the children?

Don't worry about them, with their flying speed, they can't even catch up with the speed of light, let alone a carriage pulled by a lizard runner.

So they can play whatever they want.

"let's go."

In Sato Kazuma's desperate resistance, along with Yang Lei's whip, the carriage rushed out.

Huh?It seems that I forgot to mention that this carriage has no wheels. There seems to be some magic circle on the body that allows the carriage to float in the air about ten centimeters above the ground. In this way, the resistance of the carriage will be smaller, and the lizard runner will pull it. It didn't take much effort to get up, and in a blink of an eye, he shot out from the back door of the palace, and quickly rushed out of another city gate in the capital.

Fortunately, the person in charge of guarding the royal capital is Kurea. She has already said hello to this, otherwise there will definitely be some trouble.

"It's fun, it's fun."

Looking at the sky again, the three children caught up very easily, flying not far above the carriage, and couldn't stop shouting to Yang Lei, "Dad, let's race."


Yang Lei laughed. With a snap of his fingers, he added wind magic to the carriage and the two lizard runners. Suddenly, the speed of the carriage increased a lot.


Accompanied by Sato Kazuma's screams, the carriage quickly went away.

. . . . . .

Along the way, Yang Lei and the others will of course encounter some monsters and the like.

But don't worry, before Sato Kazuma can see what's in front of him, Yang Lei often just raises his hand and shoots everything in the way.

The little guys in the sky can see the appearance of those monsters clearly, but not only are they not frightened by those monsters, but they happily applaud Yang Lei every time, and praise their father for being so good.

You are the only ones who are amazing. Generally, babies who have just been born do not say why they can fly. May I ask why you are not even afraid of such terrible monsters?What a godsend.

Look at you and the real brother, he is already scared to cry.

No way, Yang Lei was racing too fast.

Forget it, even with such a fast carriage, it would take at least a few days to ten days to travel from Belzegu to the Kingdom of Elrod.

But in Yang Lei's hands, because he also used the magic of wind to increase his speed, he set off in the morning and arrived outside the city of King Elrod in the evening.

"Is this too fast?"

When Alice, who was also a little terrified, got out of the carriage, she could not help but look at the capital of Elrod, which was already in front of her, with a shocked and incredible expression on her face.

Huihui and Darkness didn't say anything, they just shook their heads with a wry smile, and went to Yang Lei's side to bring back the three little guys who were circling around their father.

After letting them go out for a day, it's time for them to rest a little and then go to sleep.

In other words, because it is getting late now, the city gate has been closed long ago, and if you want to enter the city, you can only wait until tomorrow morning.

"Looks like we'll have to spend the night outside the city."

Youyou endured the discomfort and said, although she was very tired physically and mentally because of the dustpan that day, but for some reason, everyone saw anticipation and excitement in her eyes.

"Hey Hey hey."

Megumin held Nuonuo in her left hand and Dounosuke with her right hand, tilted her head and looked at Yunyun, and asked in a weird tone, "Do you think it's a bit like 107 is on an outing with friends? Excited or something?"

"No, I'm not a child anymore, but Megumin, you are Nuonuo's mother, aren't you, so don't be so unreliable anymore."

Yunyou retorted with a blushing face, but just looking at her panicked appearance of being told the central matter, her words were not very convincing.


Megumin smiled: "Do you have any opinion on me as a mother? I'm all ears."

My dear, it's finally time to take a break. Megumin and Yoyo, their happy friends, hurry up to stage a long-lost sister drama.

As for the others.

At this time, I saw a big house inexplicably on this flat grassland.

It is stated in advance that this is not the credit of Yang Lei, but a magic item prepared by Alice.

It can only be said that the royal family is worthy of being a royal family. There are even such rare magic items that look like omnipotent capsules.

Moreover, this house is not an ordinary small house, but a small castle that is at least three stories high.

Listen clearly, it's a small castle instead of a big villa, understand the difference?

"What a luxurious tent."

Yang Lei couldn't help but complain.

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