Wasn't the kingdom of Elrod founded on gambling?Then gamble.

In this royal capital, there are not many, but there are many casinos, and there is even the largest casino established in the name of the country.

In this way, Yang Lei said that as long as they win the money they need from the gambling table, in the end, even if the Kingdom of Elrod doesn't want to give any more financial assistance, they are not afraid, they have already accomplished the ultimate goal of this trip.

Of course, reaching an agreement is naturally the best outcome.

After hearing Yang Lei's so-called countermeasures, Darkness and Megumin couldn't help looking at each other.

"Then leave it to you."

Finally, the two women shook their heads like a rattle.

It may be that Nuonuo and An'an are having fun watching, and the two girls also shake their little heads quickly.

At the moment, I saw four beauties, big and small, shaking their heads at Yang Lei all the time. Because they thought it was fun, they kept going for a long time, making Yang Lei and Wells on the opposite side a little dizzy.

"Then we're leaving."

Yang Lei didn't insist any longer, and didn't worry that the four of them would encounter hooligans or something, so he took Wells and left alone.

"Dad, Daddy."

As a result, the two of them just turned around, and Nuonuo and An'an, who were shaking their little heads quickly, quit immediately and struggled to follow their father.

"Bring me back."

The sadness of the two being mothers, why are they so unpopular.

In the end, the two girls made it clear: "Dad, return the younger brother (brother) to us."


Megumin and Darkniston burst out laughing, and patted the little PP of the two foolish daughters with some anger.

Yang Lei froze when he was about to turn around, and then quickly ran away without looking back.

These two arrogant children, can't you be so angry when you talk, how embarrassing if he made a wrong statement just now?

"It's still a good son."

With emotion in his mouth, Yang Lei took Wells, who was holding a high place on his head, and put it in his arms. After the two said goodbye to the four mothers and daughters on the other side, they were about to start their journey.

In other words, why did Huihui and Darkness only want their two daughters back, but didn't care about Wells who Yang Lei took away?

After all, boys are not the same as girls. In some places, boys are fine, but girls try not to contact them. There is no way. After all, boys and girls are still different.

It's not that they prefer sons to daughters, but that parents want their daughters to be more ladylike, and it doesn't matter if boys are naughty.

For example, a little boy climbs a tree, digs a bird's nest, and takes a bath with his bare ass. It's all right, just be naughty.

But if it was done by a little girl, just climbing a tree and digging out a bird's nest would have been criticized, let alone the last one. .

0805 The gambling king Yang Lei goes out

After saying goodbye to his wife and daughters, Yang Lei and his son Wells quickly found their first target.

It was a large casino with the theme of shaking dice alone, and here they have almost thoroughly studied the gambling methods of dice.

For example, the guests can bet against the croupier, or the croupier can bet on the dice to buy the size, and of course, the guests can bet against the guests, and then the casino draws bonuses and so on.

In short, there are all kinds of gameplay you can think of.

For Yang Lei, it was really helpful here.

You think, Yang Lei has both pupil skills and super powers, so he shouldn't be too shy to play this thing.

There is no nonsense at all, and there is no need to deliberately open up too strong luck. Yang Lei only needs to use the cheating device, and soon the casino kills the armor.

It's not too cumbersome to play. This guy bullies people and uses the one million Eris from the previous account to directly find the position to bet with the dealer, and bet one million as soon as he comes up.

No need to think about it, he will definitely win all the time, even if the dealer secretly shakes out the biggest three or six, it will not work.

Moreover, Yang Lei puts all his bets on and up every time. The first round is [-] million, the second round is [-] million, the third round is [-] million, and the fourth round is [-] million. became sixteen million.

Forget it, with such a doubling, not to mention that this casino is only a personal one, even a national one can't hold a few rounds.

In the end, after Yang Lei was finally sent away by the casino people who begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, the casino immediately closed and a notice of transfer was posted on the door.

That's horrible....

But since they run a casino, we don't need to mourn for him. To be honest, gambling and drugs are the most harmful things, and it would be better if he died.

What did that sentence say?It is said that long-term gambling will lose, not nine, but long.

It means that as long as you are a gambler, there is no winning general, you will lose sooner or later, even the gambler will miss some time.

Only the casino guy won't lose, even if you win some money, he can turn around and win it back from others, and you have to come back after you win.

This thing has the same meaning as the principle of fishing. Generally, when fishing, you will sprinkle some food and other things one day in advance. This is called "sprinkling the nest", and then it will be very easy to go fishing.

That is to give you a taste of the sweetness first, but don't worry, you will be caught soon....

It's a bit far-fetched, but that's what he meant anyway, even if Yang Lei wasn't short of money, if he was stealing money from the casino, he wouldn't have the slightest conscience, but he was happy.

Because the author's father is a gambler, this can be regarded as revenge for the author. . .

. . . . . .

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