He was finally invited out by the owner of the dice casino, and Yang Lei didn't worry about whether someone would stare at him secretly.

The next stop he chose was a roulette casino, the kind of Russian roulette.

The multiple of this thing is even bigger, plus Yang Lei can cheat, and it is not magic cheating, even if the casino has something specially designed to detect cheating, it will not work.

In this way, in a short period of time, he once again ruined a large casino with a large scale.

Of course, it would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that the casinos have been dried up, but today, these two casinos that Yang Lei have visited will definitely be in pain for a long time.

"It's still this way to get money faster."

Yang Lei and his son showed off: "Look, it's just two casinos, you and I have already won more than [-] billion Eris."

This money is like a piece of paper. You think, the bounty of a Demon King’s army officer is only a few hundred million Eris. As a result, he is equivalent to winning dozens of Demon King’s army officers in a casino. It is estimated that if If you let the dead Demon King's army officers know, they will cry to death.

It's embarrassing to co-author their lives without Yang Lei wasting so much time in the casino.

Next, Yang Lei went around the other big casinos in the capital. He didn't even bother to go to the small casinos, so he specifically looked for the big casinos to start.

Nonsense, how much money can a small casino have, I am afraid that he will have to change in two minutes after entering, and then there is not much money, so he might as well go to a big casino for a while.

After this circle, all the bosses of the big casinos were about to cry.

What, who is provoking who to provoke today, not a penny is recorded, even this month's capital has been won away, and it is a loss.

Well, in the next month, all these big casinos that Yang Lei had visited are going to close their doors.

It's also that they really didn't dare to let Yang Lei patronize him anymore, thinking that this guy must have come to travel, otherwise they couldn't have been unaware of his name.

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In this way, I believe that it will be a month at most. As long as their big casinos remain closed, Yang Lei will have to leave sooner or later.

It's not that Yang Lei didn't know the hearts of these big casino owners. He couldn't help but praise them. Indeed, he really didn't have the spare time to fight them here for a month.

But it doesn't matter, there is still one of the largest casinos that is operating normally in the name of the Kingdom of Elrod. I believe that he will definitely have another harvest there.

In fact, only the current harvest is not small.

Not counting the money Yang Lei originally had, but after turning around like this today, guess how much Eris he won?

Not much, just a few hundred megabytes.

. .........

In numerical units, trillions are billions, and trillions are trillions.

Now there are hundreds of trillions of Eris in his hands, my God, just one trillion is enough for Alice to subsidize the country, right?

Having said that, the kingdom of Elrod has such a huge wealth, which is amazing, isn't it?

It can only be said that gambling is too special to make a fortune. After all, this is another way to forcibly turn other people's money into one's own money. It is no different from a robber.

In addition, the value of Eris is equivalent to the Japanese yen, so it is not surprising to have such a large number unit. It is just like in the world of gourmet food. It is just a low-level ingredient, and it can easily reach several hundred Ten thousand or tens of millions of yen transactions are too ruthless and too exaggerated.

Of course, the money is really worth it.

Looking at Yang Lei and his son, after they came out of the last big casino with a good size, it was getting late.

"Go home first."

Yang Lei hugged Wells, who was already sleepy, in his arms, lowered his head and said to his son, "Darling, don't sleep, wait until you get home and have dinner before going back to sleep, or you'll be really annoying if you're hungry in the middle of the night. "

Wells rolled Yang Lei with his big beautiful eyes, and turned his head coldly, too lazy to argue with him.

"This kid."

Yang Lei shook his head amusingly, and then hurriedly turned his little face back, really afraid that he would fall asleep now, and then disturb him and his daughter-in-law at night.

As for what will be arguing, you know, after all, if you are healthy and capable, who doesn't want to sing every night? .

0806 Why don't we hit them

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Yang Lei did not say much about his gains in the casino, but hurry up to prepare dinner.

Since eating the food made by Yang Lei, most people can't forget it, not to mention his wife and children, Yang Lei must cook it himself.

Dinner was very simple, Yang Lei grabbed a table and invited everyone to come and eat together.

Of course, it's not easy to say it, such as soup and sashimi made with puffer whale, barbecue made with gara crocodile, fruit salad from the Sky Fruit and Vegetable series, and rainbow fruit drinks, etc.

Even though the grades are not high, they were all cooked into super delicious food in Yang Lei's hands, and even Megumin and Darkness, who had already eaten higher-grade ingredients, were full of praise.

In other words, since the two women gave birth to three children, they soon came out of another time and space.

In addition, the three children are still young, so the little ones didn't eat too many good things.

But it doesn't matter, after all, Yang Lei is their biological father, and there will be opportunities to slowly let them eat one by one in the future.

After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms to prepare to rest.

After a night of silence, when he woke up the next day, the Kingdom of Elrod finally sent an envoy to tell Alice that Prince Livy was ready to receive them.


Yang Lei yawned boredly, thinking that he had got all the military resources he needed. In fact, it didn't matter whether he saw the stupid prince or not. If they could, they could go back now.

Alice didn't know this yet, and eagerly greeted everyone out of the hotel door, and followed the messenger to the direction of the palace.

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