The kingdom of Elrod is really rich, which can be seen from the scale and decoration of the palace. It is indeed much bigger and more brilliant than Alice's palace.

Of course, Elrod is only rich, but in terms of force and combat power, they are not good enough.

Yang Lei just glanced at it casually and knew that compared with the guards of the palace of Belzegu Kingdom, the guards of Elrod Kingdom were not too bad.

Let's put it this way, Belzegu's warriors can fight three to five warriors from the Kingdom of Elod.

After all, one is in the battle for many years, and the other is the Taiping Kingdom. There will definitely be a big difference in combat effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Yang Lei couldn't help but maliciously and deliberately said: "In other words, if the kingdom of Elrod does not intend to continue to form an alliance with our kingdom, Your Highness Alice, you might as well send troops to kill Elrod first ¨〃."

The messenger who led the way was startled, and the cold sweat broke down at that time.

They are a country founded on gambling, and they have always been in peace, and they have been supporting money just because they are not able to fight, how could they be the opponents of Belzegu Kingdom, which has been fighting head-on with the Demon King's army.

"You're really joking, hahaha, haha."

The messenger laughed dryly, but found that Yang Lei's face seemed to be very serious, and his face suddenly became even more ugly, and he was about to cry.

Of course Alice knew that Yang Lei's words must be intentional, she was trying to frighten Elrod's people and wanted to beat them a little, but it was a bit too much to say that, and she couldn't help but scolded a little angrily: "Mr. Yang Lei, please pay attention to your Words, we and the Kingdom of Elrod are the strongest allies, don't cause any misunderstandings because of inappropriate words."

Alice was only twelve years old, and her voice was very immature. In addition, she didn't mean to blame Yang Lei too much. Instead, it sounded like she was complimenting Yang Lei for doing a good job with irony. This made the messenger face. more cold sweats.

Alice didn't know that she had added additional damage to her knife, and seeing that the messenger didn't speak, she thought it was her comforting effect.

Yang Lei naturally knew what was going on, so he couldn't help but secretly gave Alice a thumbs up from behind and gave her a thumbs up.

The three little guys didn't understand what this meant. They weren't black-bellied yet. They just thought it was interesting, and they waved their thumbs up at Alice like their father.


Megumin, Darkness, Yoyo and Kazuma Sato, who were walking behind, all burst into laughter, and then quickly covered their mouths, daring not to be too rude.

"Stop it."

Darkness resisted laughing and rolled her eyes at her husband, and Megumin hurriedly stopped the four of them, so that the episode didn't continue to ferment.

. . . . . .

Under the leadership of the messenger, Yang Lei and the others finally came to a palace in the Elrod Palace, which seemed to be specially used to entertain VIPs.

At this time, many people in the hall were already waiting for Alice and the others to arrive.

After all, she is the first princess of an ally country, and she also has a marriage contract with the first prince of her own family. The Elrod Kingdom still attaches great importance to the arrival of Alice.

It's just that although they put on a posture of attaching great importance to Alice, they were very insincere in some respects.

I saw that there were still tables in the center of the main hall, and banquets had already been prepared on the tables of each table, but for some unknown reason, the banquets used by such a wealthy Kingdom of Elrod to entertain distinguished guests were actually very low-level. It's all low-grade ingredients.

Yang Lei said in his heart what else could it be for, if he guessed correctly, the Kingdom of Elrod is crying poor.

But the funny thing is that he just won hundreds of trillions of Eris from those big casinos just yesterday. What's the explanation?

".ˇIt seems that this is the legendary feast without a good feast."

Yang Lei couldn't help but deliberately muttered in a voice that the messenger could also hear.


The messenger fought a cold war, quickly retreated with Alice, and then trotted to Prince Livy's side.

Prince Livy is not big, and he looks about the same age as Alice, that is, around thirteen years old.

At this moment, the little prince was listening to the envoy's report with a frown. When he heard that Yang Lei actually wanted to incite Alice to attack Elrod, he couldn't help being a little scared.

Hey, hey, do you want to be so violent?They just wanted to cry poor and find an excuse not to support Belzegu Kingdom, but they actually wanted to turn around and beat them (good enough), can they still have a good time?

To be honest, not only Prince Livy, but also the surrounding ministers were frightened.

Although they heard that the Belzegu Kingdom has been fighting against the Demon King's army all the year round, so the folk customs are very martial, but do you want to be so sturdy?Start a fight without saying a word?What about friendship among allies?

Maybe people in the Kingdom of Elrod have never heard of that sentence, the boat called friendship must be overturned. . .

Alice's face was flushed, and she pretended that she didn't know anything. Anyway, she had clearly rebuked Yang Lei before. If Prince Livy asked, she would have something to explain.

As for Yang Lei, they really don't care about that, because they can see that the Kingdom of Elrod is trying to make things difficult.

Just like what Yang Lei said, such a reception banquet that was deliberately pulled to the lowest level must have no good banquet.

Next, just look at how the stupid prince of Elrod is going to play his acting skills. .

0807 I just 'scare' them

"That..., that what..."

Maybe he was really frightened, and Prince Liwei was speechless.

"I also ask all the distinguished guests to sit first."

Fortunately, among the ministers who accompanied him, there are still people with good minds. At this time, he took the initiative to stop the right to speak, and greeted Yang Lei and the others.

After Yang Lei and the others sat behind Alice, Prince Livy had regained his composure.

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows. From this point of view, this kid deserves to be a member of the royal family, so he shouldn't really be an idiot.

Facts have proved that it is easy to think of a country's royal family as an idiot, and the person who really has such an idea is an idiot.

At the following reception banquet, Prince Livy behaved decently, although some places were really rude, such as comparing Belzegu Kingdom to the countryside, saying that Alice was a princess from the country or something.

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