The ability to activate the voice easily forbids Kazuma Sato's ability to speak, and Yang Lei's old god instructed: "Tomorrow we will go to the front line, and after defeating that 040 evil god, I will continue to go to the devil with you. Fight against the Demon King in the city."

"And after the demon king is defeated by us, once there is a tendency for a war to break out between human kingdoms, I hope you can come out and become the new demon king in this world."

"In this way, humans don't have to kill each other, and you can be a king, isn't it great?"

According to Yang Lei's concept, as long as humans have a common enemy, they will not be in the nest again. Isn't this a good way?

And the Demon King is also a human being, so even if the Demon King's army wins in the end, it can still be regarded as a human victory.

After all, this fight should not have been fought from the very beginning. How good it is to live peacefully, it has to be fought and killed.

It can only be said that power and ambition are at fault.

Kazuma Sato wanted to refuse, but Yang Lei really didn't give him a chance.

And as long as he doesn't agree, Yang Lei won't let him speak, this...

What a robber's way.

But it can't be done like this. With Sato Kazuma's character, he is not the kind of person who can take responsibility. He can only force him to bear these heavy burdens.

No way, and finally Sato Kazuma compromised.

He was still in obscurity with two tears at this time, and he couldn't help regretting it. He said to himself how he was so obsessed with his mind, why did he recognize Yang Lei as his master?Good way! .

0811 Arrived at the frontline fortress (plus one)

In the early morning of the vertical day, Yang Lei and the others set off early in the morning.

This time, even Aqua had to travel with him, because Yang Lei had said that he would definitely not come back easily when he went to the front line this time.

For Aqua, only after defeating the Demon King can she return to the heaven to continue her work as a goddess, so she is very happy to participate in this event, even the 'Dragon Egg' that she values ​​very much has been temporarily stored by her. Wiz is there.

Even Aqua is like this, not to mention others.

Especially Megumin and Darkness, their strengths are far from what they used to be, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have reached the realm of gods, and they will not have any timidity in the crusade against the Demon King.

Only Sato Kazuma and Yunyun were a little unsure of themselves.

Not only is he not confident, Sato Kazuma is simply scared to death.

It's a pity that "[-]" Yang Lei didn't give him a chance to refuse at all.

. . . . . .


With a flash of white light, a large group of people appeared in front of the city gate of the capital, and it was Yang Lei and the others.

"You don't have to go and say hello to Alice, do you?"

Yang Lei asked Kazuma Sato, but although the tone was a question, the warning color in his eyes made Kazuma Sato nod his head while holding back tears.

"Then keep going."

Nodding with satisfaction, Yang Lei took the lead, turned his head and walked out of the city.

The situation on the front line should be really bad. Along the way, Yang Lei and the others encountered many adventurers and army knights who also rushed to the front line. On the way, they also met a group of good-hearted people who were invited by the other party to sit in the convoy. Makes the rush speed greatly increased.

In fact, Yang Lei could have brought everyone to the battlefield at the fastest speed, and he could even reach a speed far exceeding the speed of light, and he arrived in a hurry.

It's just that now that he is about to leave, he is a little reluctant, so he wants to see more of the world and spend more time with his wife and children.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has absolute confidence, even if the fort in front is attacked, it doesn't matter, he can easily grab it back.

In this way, not long after walking on foot, Yang Lei and the others boarded a convoy and continued to the front line.

The front line is really not far from the capital, and if you take a carriage, you can get there in just over a day.

That night, Yang Lei and the others took a short rest at a post on the way, and after a rare dip in the hot spring, they arrived at the fortress that was being attacked the next morning.

By the way, I forgot to mention one thing. Last night, because only Sato and Ma were in a mixed bath, he met a strange big sister.

According to what Kazuma Sato said, he didn't know why, but he always felt that the big sister was very familiar, like an old friend.

Kazuma Sato guarantees with his personality that he definitely didn't say this because the big sister's figure is great, absolutely not.

As soon as Yang Lei heard Sato Kazuma's words, he understood that the eldest sister must be the half-body of Munosuke, which is the Wolbach that Megumin has been looking for.

Because of the changes in their plot in Acanretia, Kazuma Sato missed their first encounter with Warbach. Last night was their first encounter, which made Kazuma Sato very tangled. , but never guessed that Warbach's identity was a member of the Demon King's Army.

Yang Lei didn't point it out, anyway, we'll meet soon, so I'll let Megumin explain it later.

. . . . . .

"Welcome Miss Lalatina and Lord Yang Lei's assistance."

When Yang Lei and the others arrived at this crumbling fortress, Darkness had to ask Yang Lei to take out her clan emblem because she wanted to know what was going on.

After recognizing Darkness's identity, the top commander of the fort immediately greeted him with the highest standards of etiquette, and gave up his position immediately.

"Since Miss Lalatina is here, I can only ask you to take up the position of commander anyway. I hope you can lead us out of the current predicament."

In this way, the first time Yang Lei and the others came to this fortress, inexplicably, Darkness seized power.

Hey, hey, she didn't think so, so how did things get to this point?


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