Yang Lei nodded with satisfaction, first put the Darkness family crest back into the clothes, and then said to Darkness: "Don't worry about it, let's think about how to solve the dilemma of the fortress."

In the battle with the Demon King's Army, human beings have always been at a disadvantage, just because humans belong to the defending side, so there are fortresses and city walls to rely on, which blocked the massive invasion of the Demon King's Army, otherwise they would have been defeated long ago.

But now, even this long-standing fortress is about to be breached, which makes the knights and adventurers in the city feel desperate. Will it survive...  

So Yang Lei explained to Darkness that he must think of a way to revive morale as soon as possible.

Darkness thought about it, and felt that it was not difficult to revive morale, as long as the damaged city walls were repaired, right?

Hearing Darkness's words, Aqua's eyes lit up. When she first came to this world, in order to get the necessary supplies, she worked with Kazuma Sato at the construction site of Axel Town, and it happened that It's to repair the city wall.

At the moment, I just heard Aqua's unceremonious recommendation: "Darkness, Darkness, I have experience in this matter, so let me be responsible for the maintenance of the city wall."

Darkness couldn't help but feel happy when she heard this. She was worried that she didn't understand civil engineering. Since Aqua was so loyal, she simply used the privilege of being the supreme commander and sealed Aqua a mystery. The position of repair captain.

It can only be said that Aqua really did not brag, she does have a very high talent in repairing the city wall.

And because she is the goddess of water herself, she can make the water dry quickly. In this way, it only took half a day, and the crumbling fortress that was destroyed by the evil god's explosion magic was perfectly resurrected.

Not only was it resurrected perfectly, but Aqua was unwilling, and expanded the city wall again, becoming more majestic and majestic than before.

4.7 The next morning, when the evil god Warbach came to the outside of the fort as usual, he couldn't help being in a daze.

"Huh? How did you do it? Why did it only take one day to repair the city wall that was broken by me before?"

"And, if I'm not mistaken, the city walls seem to be thicker?"

Worbach muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

And right now.

"You don't know your name or surname, but you dare to call yourself a goddess if you have a godhead, I will punish you in the name of Aqua, the goddess of water!"

(PS: For the addition of the old iron of "Xiao Yu", after all, I can't let people's full [-] urging votes cast in vain, I have to express it!!! In the first chapter of the addition, I try to write as much as possible, but not I can guarantee it...).

0812 The battle between the goddesses (plus two)


In a forest not far from the fortress, Yang Lei and the others stood here, looking at Aqua and Warback who were arguing fiercely not far away, and they all had a headache.

Yesterday, after Aqua finally repaired and slightly expanded the city wall after a busy day, Yang Lei and the others had a meeting to discuss.

In the end, according to Kazuma Sato's idea, since Warbach will come and release a burst of magic every day, and then use teleportation to fly back before the soldiers in the fortress can react, then it is better to ambush outside the city in advance and wait for the war. Kill her when Buck comes back.

In this way, in the early morning of this morning, except for the three children who were still sleeping, everyone else came out to ambush.

The children don't have to worry, in terms of their strength, even if the gods come, they can't beat them.

And when they wake up, they will follow their parents' breath to find them.

Back to the topic.

In other words, everything was fine before Warbach appeared, everyone was very hidden, and there was magic that could be invisible. I believe that even if someone approached the woods, they would not be able to find them.

Unexpectedly, when Warback appeared, Aqua didn't know what happened, but she jumped out and quarreled with Warback.

Listening to the quarrel between the two, it can be inferred that Aqua must not admit that Warbach is also a goddess, so she found fault.


Naturally, Warback was not to be outdone, and retorted: "Don't get me wrong, although I have a bad impression of laziness and tyranny in charge, I am also a real goddess."

"As for the title of the evil god, it is because after I joined the Demon King's Army, a group of eccentric people called the Axis Cult arbitrarily identified me as the evil god. Later, out of frustration, I occasionally claimed to be the evil god."

"Again, even if that's the case, the priest who saw me for the first time is not qualified to say such things to me!"

"As a mortal, you dare to look down on God, don't think I will let you go! If you are still a priest, even gods of other sects should be treated with courtesy!"

Warbuck's counterattack was so sharp and swift that Aqua was caught off guard.

But don't worry about Aqua, this girl can quarrel with that guy Sato Kazuma, there's no reason to lose.

Especially when Vorbach began to accuse the Axis Order, and when he heard that he was a mortal.

"You said just now that our children are weirdos, right! How dare you look down on the Axis sect that everyone knows and knows about in this world, are you really a god like this?"

"The most fundamental question is, do you really have believers? Pfft, where the hell did Warbuck come from, I've never even heard of this name!"

"Also, you actually said that Miss Ben is a mortal? It is because you are so blind that you are called a self-proclaimed goddess!"

"Open your dog's eyes to see clearly, I'm Aqua. That's right, it's the main god worshipped by the Axis sect, the goddess of water, Aqua! A kid like you who I haven't even heard of. The gods dare to protest against me, it is too out of proportion!"


Warbach suddenly froze, as if he was frightened by Aqua's words.


But before Aqua could be complacent, Warbach suddenly reminded kindly: "I told you, you will be punished by the goddess if you fake the name of the goddess."

"Apologize to me! You dare to say that I am an impostor, and apologize to me!"

After being completely rejected by Warbach as a goddess, Aqua suddenly became furious, and rushed directly to it, grabbing Warbach and tearing and biting.

"Wait, stop it! You rude person, be careful I'll let the scourge fall on you! It's like taking occasional vacations, but when you wake up, you don't want to do anything, and you end up rolling in the bed all day, wasting your hard work. A holiday or something!"

Not to be outdone, Vorback cursed Aqua while fighting back.

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