"If you have the ability, try it! The curse that will befall you is when you are on the toilet and encounter someone waiting outside, but the toilet is clogged and cannot be flushed!"

Aqua also turned on the curse mode.

"The goddess won't go to the toilet, there is nothing to be afraid of this kind of scourge!"

"I'm on vacation almost every day, and I'm not afraid of your divine condemnation!"

. . . . . .

"What should I do? Seeing how fierce they are arguing, are you going to persuade them?"

In the back, Yunyou asked the surrounding companions in a fidgety manner.


Yang Lei sneered: "Let's just let the dog bite the dog's hair. It actually ruined the plan I finally wanted to try. Let's just kill one or the other."

Yang Lei said in his heart that he was really stupid. He clearly had great strength, and he knew Aqua's character, so he shouldn't have any expectations.

Just like now, he had prepared so carefully before, but at the last step of success, he collapsed with Aqua's sudden attack.

Wouldn't it be nice not to have any plans in the first place?Why bother so much?


Just when Yang Lei persuaded Yoyo, who wanted to pull the frame, and stood on the edge of the woods with Sato Kazuma to watch the play.


Darkness at the back gently tugged at the corner of Yang Lei's clothes.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei's depression was relieved a little. When facing his wife, he would not have any emotions, but only positive emotions, such as happy, happy and so on.

"What happened to Megumin?"

Darkness told him to watch Megumin.

Yang Lei turned his head to look, and saw that Hui Hui had been in a daze because he saw Warbach's face.


Yang Lei waved his hand. Like Der Spiegel, he knew that Hui Hui and Warbach had met for a while, and at this time, they were struggling with the relationship that turned into hostile identities. 067

"It doesn't matter."

Yang Lei comforted Darkness: "I have already seen that the evil god named Warback should be related to Dounosuke in some way, as if the two were originally one, but later because they each mastered a kind of The power of the law is divided into two bodies or something."

"At that time, as long as you find a way to seal Warbach back into the body of Beansuke, even if this matter is solved perfectly, it will also make Beansuke back to the complete body."

Yang Lei's plan is very simple, since Warbach had helped Huihui when Huihui was a child, although the premise was that Huihui first helped Warbach to get rid of the seal....

It has been said many times before that Yang Lei has never been the kind of person who repays favor and revenge. Although they are enemies, it doesn't matter. Isn't there a hub called Dounosuke?

As he himself said, as long as Warbach is sealed back into Munosuke's body, the two sides will no longer have to fight.


Hui Hui's eyes lit up, she looked at Yang Lei seriously with a sparkling red glow, and asked, "Dear, is what you said true?"

"of course."

Yang Lei nodded. He was clearly trying to comfort Darkness who was worried about Huihui. In fact, he said it to Huihui on purpose. At this time, he quickly replied in a positive tone: "I will help you, don't worry!"

(PS: For the addition of the old iron of "Xiao Yu", after all, we can't let people's full [-] urging votes cast in vain, I have to express it!!! In the second chapter of the update, I will try to write as much as possible, but not I can guarantee it...).

0813 Really entered the Demon King City (plus three)

After soothing Huihui's unease, Yang Lei and the others walked out of the woods where they were hiding.

I can't watch the show here all the time, and the fight between the two goddesses is not godlike at all, just like the fight between two ordinary women, it will definitely be more ugly if they continue to fight.

With Yang Lei and the others appearing, the two goddesses somewhat restrained.

And then... not then.

Yang Lei shot directly. First, he used the means of diversion to fetch the Douzhisuke that Megumin had deposited with Wiz. Then, without waiting for Warback to react when he saw his half body, he instantly killed him as soon as he shot.

Originally, he also wanted Megumin to talk to Warbach with Explosion Magic. After all, the fundamental reason why Megumin was so obsessed with Explosion Magic was for the reunion at this moment.

It's a pity that Megumin is too strong, and she only cultivates explosion magic, she really let her take action, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed.


I saw Yang Lei raise his hand casually, and Warbach disappeared instantly.

Look at Maunosuke who was caught in his hand.


Maunosuke was originally very smart, and he could understand ordinary simple conversations.

But now, it raised its head and looked at the crowd with puzzled eyes, with a rich expression as if it were a person.

It seems that with the reunion of Warbach and Tsunosuke, its sanity has also been improved again, at least not worse than humans.

Or maybe it's Warbucks now.

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