
Turning around and handing Dounosuke to the worried Megumin, Yang Lei turned his head and looked in another direction.

"Warbach has also been dealt with, and it's time to counterattack."

Overcoming many obstacles, Yang Lei's pupil technique can directly see the Demon King's army camp not far away.

"Do you really want to go?"

Sato Kazuma still seemed a little resistant, because he was really scared, and Yang Lei meant that as long as a few of them attacked, it was enough.

"no problem."

Aqua looked disgustedly at Dounosuke, who was held in her arms by Hui Huizhen, and at this time came to Yang Lei to support: "Since Yang Lei can even seal that little evil god easily, it means that he His strength has indeed reached the level of a god.”


Kazuma Sato interrupted Aqua's rhetoric angrily, and said frantically: "Isn't this confirmed long ago? Also, the credibility of what you say from your waste goddess will be greatly reduced. Well, so you don't need to guarantee anything."


Aqua pursed her lips in an extremely aggrieved manner, and it was rare that she didn't respond to Sato Kazuma's mockery.

No way, in the duel between her and Warback just now, she did not have the upper hand, but fought evenly with the little evil god Warback, who she called the nameless, at this time she was quite self-aware. Up, it can be regarded as admitting the title of the goddess of waste.

"Don't worry, Kazuma."

At this time, Darkness also said: "Based on the strength of our Yang Lei, you don't have to worry about anything at all, and you don't even need us to take action. He can easily defeat the Demon King alone."

"So say it."

Sato Kazuma scratched his head: "I also know that I don't need my help, so why don't you take me with you? It's not going to be a hindrance."


Yang Lei was not angry because of Kazuma Sato's resistance and negative remarks, but told him very seriously: "I remember I reminded you that my tasks are different from yours."

"The main mission for you and Aqua to come to this world is to defeat the Demon King. My mission is to help you defeat the Demon King."

"So, if you and Aqua are not with you, it would be meaningless for me to defeat the Demon King alone, do you understand?"

Yang Lei said so, even if Kazuma Sato doesn't understand, he has to understand.

"Alright alright."

Kazuma Sato can only nod helplessly and agree: "I'll just go with you, just don't expect me to perform well."

"Don't worry, we didn't expect anything from you from the beginning."

"Well, that's too sad."

"Okay, let's go, let's end this."

. . . . . .

After defeating the evil god Warbach, and after a little exchange, everyone hit the road again.

It's just that they didn't reflexively want to go back to the fortress, but walked towards the direction Warbach came from, and it looked like they were going to attack the Demon King's army's position.

Someone on the fortress had already discovered the situation outside. At this time, they looked at each other in dismay. Some of them didn't know how to deal with it. Would they like to follow up and kill the Demon King's army?Or as if you didn't see it?

Finally, the former supreme commander who voluntarily relinquished command gave instructions.

Don't forget that Yang Lei's wife Darkness's real name is Lalatina. She is the only daughter of the great aristocrat Dustinis. He doesn't dare to let her make any mistakes. At this time, it can be said that he is sending troops with tears in his eyes. support.

Immediately, not long after Yang Lei and the others left, a team of men came out from the fortress. These are already more than half of the fortress's combat power, and there can be no more.

However, when they rushed all the way and finally came to the nearby Demon King's army position, they didn't see Yang Lei's shadow at all, and there was only a huge open space in front of them.

"what is this?"

The reinforcements were all whispering, and they felt a terrible power from the traces they left behind.

"It's explosion magic, it's definitely explosion magic."

An adventurer with good eyesight guessed the truth: "There must be a great magician with explosion magic in the team of Lord Lalatina, and then used the explosion magic to raze this place to the ground."

That's right, that guy's guess is the truth.

In order to show Big Sister Warbach, that is, Maunosuke after the fit, to see her own growth, Megumin strongly requested a wave of presence.

Yang Lei couldn't resist, so he had to ask Megumin to try his best to suppress his strength to the lowest level before making a move.

Megumin was very obedient, and indeed suppressed her power to a minimum, and even deliberately did not use the magic wand as a bonus.

In fact, it was because the children woke up and chased after them, and Nuonuo, who had just woken up, was clingy and had to rely on her mother's arms to stay alive. Help, plus you have to use your right hand to flip the cape, how can you get a wand.

But even so, a single bombardment was enough to turn the Demon King's army into a flat ground. As for the Demon King's soldiers, they were all vaporized.

In other words, although most of the Demon King's army soldiers belong to Warbuck's followers, even the highly poisonous slime named Hans, that is, the Demon King's army cadre who was killed by Yang Lei and the others at Akanetia, is also a Warbac. What about Buck's followers?

However, Tsunosuke didn't seem too sad, because the Demon King's Army soldiers were basically demons, and for them, as long as their bodies were not destroyed in hell, it would not be considered death.

So, if you really want to do a detailed calculation, although Megumin has gained a lot of experience, there is no actual gain.

. . . . . .

After destroying the Demon King's army here, Yang Lei and the others did not stop, but continued to kill.

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