This time, they didn't want to give up halfway, but really went into the Demon King City to defeat the Demon King.

On the way, the group will definitely encounter patrol soldiers of the Demon King's Army. After all, this is already the territory of the Demon King's Army. It's normal.

Even they accidentally broke into a barracks of the Demon King's army.

Yang Lei is Yang Lei after all. When he got serious, even a military camp was finally slapped to the ground by his hand.

In this way, they passed all the way, and finally they finally came to the final level, that is, outside the city of Demon King.

Here, a large number of soldiers and several officers of the Demon King's army were already waiting at the gate of the city.

It seems that they waited here on purpose after receiving the news that the intruder was heading straight for the Demon King's Castle.

In fact, it would be safer if they hid in the Demon King City, because the Demon King City has a defensive magic barrier, and it is all the cadres who maintain the barrier. As long as the officers are not defeated, this barrier will always exist. Hard to break.

Of course, it is difficult to break it, but in fact there is still a way to break it. For example, it is not a problem in front of Yang Lei.

It's just that since everyone came out to line up to 'welcome', he has to walk away when he says anything, right?

At the moment, Yang Lei was not ambiguous at all. He didn't even say hello, and just casually slapped the enemy and wiped out all the enemies. Don't be too cruel.

Then, the enchantment of Demon King City really couldn't stop Yang Lei, and he didn't even bother to take a look, just walked in and shattered the enchantment.

No way, his power is too overwhelming.

After that, in the Demon King City, Yang Lei and the others were also invincible. No matter what enemies they encountered along the way, they could easily kill them, and finally came to the palace that was waiting for them.

Continuing to brush the seemingly endless small soldiers, the group broke into the palace and found the devil and the devil's daughter in the most glorious hall.

Just when Yang Lei was about to kill the Demon King to complete his main mission.

"...that, I admit defeat, you win."

Suddenly, the Demon King surrendered one step ahead.


Everyone was stunned, what happened?Why did the last big boss disarm and surrender?This setting is toxic.


Yang Lei was also stunned, because he found that there was already a white glow on his body, that is to say.

"This is also considered to be the completion of the (promised money) mission? What's the matter, do you want to deal with it so casually?"

In Yang Lei's crazy complaints, in the reluctance of Huihui and Darkness, in the exclamations of Yang Nuonuo, Wessel, and Yang An'an, Yang Lei disappeared in a white light.


The Demon King was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but complained: "Did I defeat him with just one sentence? In other words, since your most powerful powerhouse has been defeated by me, then I don't have to surrender, haha, look. Come, God will not kill me."

"call out."

Before waiting for the Demon King's voice to fall, and before the fearful expression on Sato Kazuma's face was fully revealed, Yang Lei, who had just disappeared, suddenly appeared next to Megumin and Darkness.

"What did you say? What? Do you really want to die?"

Volume seven is over. . .

(PS: In fact, the foreshadowing was laid at the beginning, that is, 'defeat the devil' and so on, it's a defeat... Because the information I found said that the devil in the WED version was originally an adventurer, and was from The brave man who came from Japan, like Kazuma Sato, later became a demon king for some reason, and then it seems that his nature is not bad, at least I dare not write too much for now, just leave a plastic tail. ...)

(PS: For the "Xiao Yu" veteran's update, after all, you can't let people's entire [-] urging votes cast in vain, you have to express it!!! The third chapter of the update is [-] words, and it is in the I finished writing the seventh volume today, so be careful... Well, it's really the only way to get here after adding more...).

0814 First Appearance of Sword Art Online (1)


In an alley in a city full of medieval style, a handsome man suddenly appeared.

With a long exhalation, the man muttered, "Which world did this come to again?"

Seeing this, I believe everyone should have guessed that, yes, he is our protagonist Yang Lei.

After the end of the beautiful world, he spent [-] reward points on vacation for ten days, and then went to the next mission dungeon, which is the current world.

In order to find out which world he was in now, Yang Lei thought and exhaled the infinite system that had not appeared for a long time, and opened the task panel.

"Main quest [-]: Defeat the [-]th floor BOSS of Aincrad in the game SAO. When the quest is completed, [-] reward points will be awarded. If the quest fails, all reward points will be deducted and the quest world will be kicked out forever. Note: the completion time of the quest No more than five hundred days."

"Main quest [-]: Raider the top level of the world tree in the game ALO. When the quest is completed, [-] reward points will be awarded. If the quest fails, all reward points will be deducted and the quest world will be kicked out forever. Note: The completion time of the quest should not exceed [-] days. "

"Mainline mission three: In the game GGO, participate in the Bullet.of.Bullets (BBO) contest and win the championship. The mission is completed, and the reward points are [-]. If the mission fails, all the reward points will be deducted and the mission world will be kicked out forever. "

"Main quest 060: Re-strike the [-]th floor of Aincrad [-] in the new ALO of the game. The quest is completed, and the reward points are [-]. If the quest fails, all the reward points will be deducted and the quest world will be kicked out forever. Note: The quest is completed. The time shall not exceed three hundred days."


Yang Lei raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be four main quests this time. It's amazing.

In the quest worlds I experienced before, each has only two main quests, and only four quests have appeared in this world, and they are still the kind that link the previous and the next.

Why are these four tasks linked together?

Because Yang Lei already knew which world he was in now, it was Sword Art Online.

As such.

"The ALO game of Main Quest [-] can only appear after completing Main Quest [-], and then GGO will be developed, and after ALO has been conquered, with the merger of ALO and SAO, the so-called new ALO will appear. I I must remember correctly."

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