The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 996: Metropolitan Chapter: Male God Shura Field (25)

And this irrational fan... the entangled and devastated classmate Qin Guan, really was late in his first class after returning to school, and was caught by the old professor who had long seen him displeased... …That is a general training.

When he walked out of the classroom with more homework than the students next to him, this senior Qin Guan, who had been entangled by bad luck all day, swept away his expression of bitterness and hatred in front of the professor. , On the contrary, with a little joy... sang a song with incomplete pentatonic sound.

"I have to laugh, I have to laugh... I have a brain that never forgets..."

Just when Qin Guan thought he was safe and escaped a catastrophe, and somewhat proudly holding a book, he took a shortcut and returned from the path he had walked through today, but he was blocked by another person on the spot. .

When Qin watched a dark shadow looming over him, he just sighed softly and whispered to himself: "Here again, there is no end to this!"

But when he raised his head again, Qin Guan found out that this time, he might be thinking wrong.

Because this time, standing in front of him is a slightly fat and slightly stronger classmate, his face can only be regarded as delicate, and the person named Sakamoto who came to challenge this morning... is not a star of handsomeness.

Such a person, unless he is really narcissistic and mentally abnormal, he will definitely not have such a big face to be more handsome than Qin Guanlai.

It's a pity that Qin Guan guessed something correctly, but didn't guess the most important result.

The opposite Gu Zheng is not here to be handsome, he is here to take in the younger brother.

And Gu Zheng, who was thinking about going, secretly followed Sakamoto this morning. After seeing the duel between the two and seeing the true face of Qin Guan, he came up with such a bad idea.

Since you are not handsome, then use force to conquer.

These days, the handsome and famous people who survived the ages just left a praise. Who can compare to the true men who fight on the battlefield and open up the land?

We are true men!

So Gu Zheng, who was standing in the middle of the road and a little bit shorter than Qin Guan, roared out of his wild aspirations.

"Hey! I drive this road, and I plant this tree. If you want to fight this way, kneel down and call Grandpa!!!"

After listening to Gu Zheng’s slogan, Qin Guan, who had already opened his wallet and took out a five-dollar bill, kept it as a spare, but hurriedly stuffed it into his wallet, turning his head around. Retracement.

Just kidding, you don't need money, you have to call grandpa, you are abnormal!

But Qin Guan, who has come here and stepped into Gu Zheng's attack circle, can leave smoothly?

can not.

Gu Zheng, who had already seen Qin Guan’s plan, blocked the other side’s plan to retreat with a single crossing, and used the most imposing posture... he was on the spot, stunned by the incident. Qin Guan said: "Come on, let's fight a fight. If I lose, I would like to seduce you."

"But if you lose, you only need to admit that I am your eldest brother in front of everyone."

"I'm not taking advantage of you in vain. The endorsement of my existing brand of sanitary napkins may not be suitable for you, but in the second half of the year, my dad's factory will produce a new household paper pump named Shunxin."

"I think your image is in line with the lofty and luxurious feeling of our paper draw. I will give you this endorsement regardless of whether you win or lose."

"How about? Come or not? A showdown."


"Come, come! Of course!" After Qin Guan heard this, the steps he had originally planned to turn around and continue to run also stopped, and ran back to the original place...

The second fool just ran.

If he can get a good-sounding endorsement if he fights a fight, why doesn't he fight!

It's just that this ugly thing has to be said first.

In order not to overwhelm the self-confidence of the rich second generation in the next competition, Qin Guan reminded one more thing: "However, I fight very hard. I think at the beginning, I dealt with two or three big men alone. The hooligans have never lost."

Then, the opposite Gu Zheng stared at him with an extremely weird expression, and asked word by word: "Who did you learn from? How many years did you learn from martial arts? What is your internal strength?"


"I haven't studied martial arts systematically. I studied under Mou Xiaoliu, and my grip is equivalent to nothing." When he said this, Qin Guan was particularly proud, and by the way he showed his trademark seductive and criminal smile.

That said is called a weak chicken.

However, based on the secret observations made by Gu Zheng this morning, we can draw a conclusion that this male **** named Qin Guan is a rough man who criticized a handsome leather appearance.

The details of his behavior reveal a message all the time. He is essentially a rough guy with a carefree, soft heart.

The soul inside and the exquisite appearance are not a product of Tagar at all.

It's like a big man who pulls his feet, standing openly in front of Gu Zheng, full of joy.

Don't be fooled by the appearance of his little white face.

Therefore, after Qin Guan said these things so confidently, Gu Zheng just smiled, and yelled at the other party as a reminder: "I'm here, don't worry about it, discuss it normally. , Click to end."

After saying this, Gu Zheng also deliberately slowed down his fist and shined it on the bridge of the opponent's nose before the hammer came.

Who would have thought, in the next second, the so-called Qin Guan who was a little real kung fu on the opposite side, but after a loud cry... he squatted down with his nose.

Go straight to the goal.

Two winding, bright, red nosebleeds filled the gap between his fingers like a stream.

Coupled with Shang Qin Guan's teary milky dog ​​eyes, it really makes the eyes feel more itchy.

In the beginning, Gu Zheng only intended to use the power to suppress others and cooperate with the to smoothly determine the affiliation, and use his domineering spirit to convince Qin Guan.

Who would think that the guy who was dissatisfied and confident about his own power value turned out to be...a weak chicken.

Feelings... is really right from his original personality... a little white face.

At this level, he still wants to fight him with confidence, how Qin Guan's mouth... he still has two brushes, how did he get it.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he subconsciously looked at Qin Guan, who was squatting on the ground, so that Senior Qin, who looked up slightly embarrassed and looked back, instantly understood what was expressed in Gu Zheng's eyes.

Then Qin Guan took a little grievance... took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket, and after twisting it into two eggs and blocking his nostrils, he defended himself.

"It doesn't count this time, I'm not ready yet. If you are like this, you must have the martial arts spirit, so when you do it again this time, can you set the posture and let's do it again?"

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