The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 995: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (24)

Our most important task now is to lose weight.

Gu Zheng, who took it seriously, even made a new year's eve dinner for himself.

As for the results he has endured so much pain?

That is, after the end of the winter vacation, his weight finally fell below 200 kg.

With half a year of weight loss of 100 catties, I handed over a satisfactory answer for myself.

And after Gu Zheng's continuous exercise to lose weight, his originally thin body has become a strong, strong, and extremely smooth muscle line appearance.

Although the ratio of fat to muscle in some parts is still slightly over the standard, one hundred and ninety kilograms of body weight is slightly overweight.

But Gu Zheng, who is dangling in the fat world, is no longer in the obese and greasy state he just came here, so people who see him can't help but praise him. This is really a spirited young man!

At this time, Gu Zheng can finally slow down and implement the second step of the fitness and weight loss plan, and control the weight lost every month within a standard value.

In terms of diet, some adjustments can also be made appropriately.

Moving towards the direction of more fiber in vegetables and fruits, it is properly adjusted to the point of normal three meals a day.

As for after returning to campus?

His classmates were not astonished by the changes in his figure because there was another man in the imperial university.

Without even thinking about it, the arrival of Sakamoto Tomokazuka brought a lot of impact to the reorganization of the entire imperial university's male **** team...

But it is different from the scenario where Sakamoto himself thinks of his classmates falling down under his cool charm on a large scale.

The students of Imperial University were surprised for the appearance of Sakamoto Tomokazuoka. After only three days of discussion on the campus, they gradually fell silent.

This made Sakamoto, who had become accustomed to standing at the top of the crowd and being watched by people, was very uncomfortable.

And when he walked on the narrow wall of the campus, climbed on the balcony of the three-story teaching auditorium, and jumped on the lawn with his repeated horizontal jumps, he did not usher in his most classic movements. With more attention, Sakamoto Tomokazu knew that it was time for him... to find the man named Qin Guan.

So, one day, on the official website of the Qin Guan Support Group and the school intranet, on the day when their idol’s upcoming school schedule was announced, there was a pair of evil hands in a small corner that no one knew about. This schedule has been downloaded.

With the announcement of this schedule, Qin Guan, who had basically not stayed on campus last semester, was holding a large bag of books, wearing a mask, and wearing a hat and hurried toward the teaching building of the professional course, but he was walking close to him. The tree-lined path on the road... was blocked by a stranger.

This person is very strange in Qin Guan's eyes. His posture is very strange, and the expression on his face is even more strange, but if you look at his later behavior...then the little mobs in front are also not. What the hell.

Because the man in black at this time, actually put on a state of a big Peng spreading his wings, and shouted at him: "In Shimosakamoto, what is there to do!"

And Qin Guan, who was holding a stack of books on the opposite side, said:...

I don't even know you at all, the ghost knows what it's so expensive to do.

I haven't even said hello to you. At best, we are a relationship of strangers who passed by. You ask me what's so expensive?

Huh, wait?

Pass by?

This child with a brain problem, it’s not because the path is a little narrow, and when the opponent is order to avoid stepping on the **** in the grass on the side with his right foot and accidentally rubbing the opponent’s. Shoulder... you think you are deliberately making trouble with him, right?

I think too much!

But as a kind-hearted and promising young man, what can he care about with those who have a good mind?

Qin Guan has an extremely good personality, even if he was asked abruptly, he still replied in a good voice, "Oh. This student Sakamoto, there is nothing to do anymore, but I want to remind you. , I forgot to remind you when you jumped in a small step just now and jumped to the opposite side of mine. There was a bunch of **** where you ended up."

And just after Qin Guan finished saying this, Sakamoto, who was originally still flaring his wings, screamed, and made a horizontal swinging motion of his foot at the speed of a propeller.

All of a sudden, the **** just attached to his white sneakers was sputtered out like a pear blossom in a rainstorm, causing Qin Guan, who was extremely vigilant, to take a step back with a scream, and successfully hide. After launching this wave of indiscriminate attacks, he angrily replied: "In Xia Qin Guan, you are what you have done!"

As for Sakamoto who has successfully smashed the shit?

On the other hand, he was in a state of no guilt... put down his feet, pointed his long arm in Qin Guan's direction confidently, and said the purpose of his trip: "Qin Guan, I want to challenge you!"

What? What is the challenge?

As for Sakamoto's next words, it was to make Qin Guan, who had already become relax again in an instant.

Because Sakamoto said: "Qin Guan, I want to be more handsome than you! Imperial University, no, in this world, there can only be one most handsome person, let us decide the outcome!"

As for how to compare?

Sakamoto, who was already prepared, moved towards a chic show behind him, and then a large number of people emerged on this inaccessible tree-lined path.

They hid behind the small tree trunks, they nested under the holly bushes, they crawled in the grass that was no more than half a foot tall, and they hung on the tree stalks no more than one meter long.

In short, they came out like this, under the command of Sakamoto, quickly lined up in front of Sakamoto and Qin Guan, with rare enthusiasm, waving the roses with special meaning in their hands, with a little excitement. Stopped at a distance of two meters between the two of them, waiting for Sakamoto's next instructions.

"Very well, Qin Guan, now that everyone is here, do you have any last words to tell? Ahaha!"

Now Sakamoto smiles like a big villain, who is overwhelmed, without the calmness of the past.

But Qin Guan on the side helped his head helplessly, and returned with some headaches: "Do you really think that Qin Guan is silly to talk?"

"The reason these people can be found by you is that they were originally your fans, right?"

"Are you looking for a group of your own iron fans to serve as the referees of the game? You might as well let me admit directly that I am not as handsome as you."

"As for me, there is one advantage, and that is modesty."

"Your Excellency named Sakamoto, I surrender, you are more handsome than me. The most handsome person in Imperial University is you, right?"

"It's so hard for me to be late for a professional class. You don't know how annoying the old man who taught me finance is."

"In his eyes, I was not doing business properly. If this is the first time I come back to school, I will be late for the first time, then I will really be dead."

After saying these words, Qin Guan, who thought he had solved the trouble in front of him, rushed forward with the information in his hand.

How much time he wasted for a person with a brain problem, for a while, he was afraid that he would accept the thunderous anger of the old man Cai.

It's a pity that Sakamoto didn't get the result he wanted...Can he let him go so easily?

The answer is no need to think about it, it must be no!

Seeing that Qin Guan actually planned to leave it alone, Sakamoto, who was a little anxious, grabbed the back of the opponent at once, but the place where he used his hand was staggered with the strength of Qin Guan’s forward thrust. Successfully prevented the opponent from moving forward, on the contrary, he immediately pulled the opponent's hood on his head... and pulled it off.

And Sakamoto's cool hand posture, which will always be upturned, also hooked the mask that was hanging loosely on Qin Guan's ears. In an instant, Qin Guan's true face was clearly revealed. Under the universe.

And it was this one that made Sakamoto, who had become an old man many years later, still regretted it.

Because of this, it completely laid the foundation stone for who the most handsome person in the country and even the world is.

With this, Qin Guan's face that could break Sakamoto's curse...was exposed in front of everyone after turning sideways.

Let those who see his face have only one feeling: all the beautiful women in the world are also out of the empire, and all the glamours of the empire are out of the coast, and the beauty of the coast is nothing like the son of Yanshan Mountain.

The son of Yanshan is too white with powder, and Shizhu is too red, with a sweet smile, dumping all beings.

As for the crowd of onlookers who had finished their emotions, when Qin Guan was about to cover his face quickly, they began to scream in shock.

"Ah! So handsome! How can you be so handsome!"

"Qin Guan is called Qin Guan! From now on I will fan you! Qin Guan is the most handsome!"

"Here you are, all the roses are for you! Uuuuu, so handsome!"

Then the roses that originally represented Sakamoto’s vote were thrown over Qin Guan’s head like flowers in the sky, making this Qin Guan who hadn’t recovered from the sudden attack. Suddenly, he was stunned on the spot, and was almost washed to the ground by the enthusiastic crowd...and buried on the spot.

This time, the result of the so-called confrontation between the two commanders is self-evident.

If this kind of scene still doesn't explain anything, then Sakamoto's ability to hide his ears and steal the bell has also been cultivated home.

Fortunately, Sakamoto pushed too far, but in essence he was still a person willing to bet. After seeing this result, he decisively admitted.

Even so, he did not forget to throw a very admirable sentence with a chic posture: "It seems that my skill is not enough. After I practice for a few more years and become handsome, let's fight a fair fight. !"

"The name of the best man in the empire is temporarily kept with you!"

After saying these words, he kept under his feet, but in an instant, he flew away.

Only one mess was left... for Qin Guan to deal with.


ps: Friendship Tweet: "The Ruler of Tomorrow"

Fang Ziyu got a magical future

Through this computer, Fang Ziyu can not only see the fragments of the future, but can also purchase items that exist in the future.

Since then, Fang Ziyu has been one step closer on the road to the future.

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