The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 994: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (23)

It's like the halo of Apollo, the sun god.

According to the gossip, after all, Gu Zheng did not see the mysterious and handsome Qin Guan senior on campus. He could only get the news from the gossip of a few words, when Qin Guan was the first time. When he came to prominence, when he shot a set of inner seals in a domestic fashion magazine, the magazine that was on the verge of bankruptcy, because of this set of photos, instantly rejuvenated.

The sales volume of the magazine in that issue jumped to the top three in the country. Not to mention, those crazy Yan fans, in order to fear that only buying one will add to the magazine, they are stunned to make this kind of nationally issued magazine... …I bought it as a limited edition.

Why is there a limit?

Because magazines that should have been available in newsstands and bookstores, because of the looting, in the end, you need to bid on the Internet to get them.

The price of impurities in that issue was even more than 500 yuan per copy, and there was nowhere to buy if there was money.

In this case, just ask you if it's scary, just ask you how handsome he looks like.

When Gu Zheng heard the rumors about Senior Qin Guan after enrolling in school, he sneered.

I always feel that the brains of people and crazy star chasers are not very good.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who claims to be a promising young man with a normal IQ, did not pay attention to this senior Qin, who is always flying around the world because of model catwalks, and rarely appears on campus, naturally... ...Ignore its true content...Ignore it.

But today, the arrival of Sakamoto Yuga Guigan, but Gu Zheng's heart was overwhelmed. A man who can work Sakamoto Yuga Guigan to come and ask him personally, I am afraid that it is not what he originally imagined. It's simple.

Therefore, after a brief period of thought, Gu Zheng connected to the system of Xiao Wangshu and asked him to call out all the photos and materials related to Qin Guan.

After Gu Zheng took a closer look, he knew that this was going to happen.

Does this **** look like a person? This is simply the appearance of the god-given man in the Western mythology of the Greek and Roman Apollo.

This appearance is the kind of existence that can seduce the goddess at the top and the banshee at the bottom.

He is just lying down on the ground, all the opposite **** plus a small amount of the same sex... the kind of person who can dedicate all his heart, liver, stomach and kidney to him.

Gu Zheng, who was dumbfounded, took out the computer from his luggage, then turned it on, and pushed the news with Qin Guan news in the direction of Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan, and then continued to ask: "This is Qin Guan, right? Yes, it is the senior of our school."

"It's also the senior after you entered school, how? Do you know him?"

Looking at Sakamoto's attitude, this person Qin Guan must have brought you a great threat to Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan.

And after hearing Gu Zheng's question, the opposite Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan no longer looked like just now. Instead, he returned to the sitting posture of an ordinary person with great earnestness. Gu Zheng had never seen it before. The expression of a normal person who had passed by replied: "I have seen this person."

"How should I put it, it's weird. He once came to my school, and then, it was like, what should I say..."

Gu Zheng on the side saw some clues from Sakamoto’s expression at this time, and he answered with some knowingly: "It's like those classmates and friends who have been addicted to your charm, are instantly sober. I came over, and when I looked at you again, I just felt, ha ha, your Sakamoto is nothing more than that."

"On the contrary, the obsessive love of this group of people quickly transferred to this person named Qin Guan, completely breaking the curse you imposed on others to be handsome."

"am I right."

When Gu Zheng talked about Sakamoto in his heart, he slapped his palm with a slap, and replied in agreement: "Yes, that's what you said, so Gu Zheng, I will ask you about Qin Guan."

It just seemed that Gu Zheng didn't know much about this mysterious Qin Guan.

That's it, the school will start after the New Year, when he will contact Qin Guan again by Tomokazu Sakamoto to see if his aura in the new school can still work.

Now that you know what you want, there is no need to stay any longer.

Sakamoto Tomogawa Katsura naturally also got up and waved his hand happily, and he planned to leave.

Under Gu's mother's reluctant little eyes, this black figure was finally gone.

Let Gu Zheng sitting on the sofa breathe a sigh of relief. He doesn't have to be forced to leave his hometown before the New Year.

Thinking about it this way, he kind of thanked the unsung hero named Qin Guan.

As for this handsome male god, how should he go beyond Gu Zheng?

Compare face value with the other party?

That is really unwise. Even if Gu Zheng successfully lost weight and returned to his original sunny and cheerful appearance, his appearance level would still be quite different.

Go to Kimchi Country for plastic surgery?

Don't be funny, a plastic flower coming down the assembly line can have a touch of the soul, it is simply self-destructive.

But Gu Zheng's brows only wrinkled for a moment, and after he figured out some level, he slowly stretched out.

Why is he so confused, as a male god, his appearance is just one of the bonus points.

If you have been entangled with the opponent's strengths and tried to defeat the opponent with it, that would be foolish.

There is only one way to deal with such a super-advanced handsome guy...

Laughing and forgetting the book in his mind answered excitedly: Pouring sulfuric acid!

Then, under the blow of a brick condensed by Gu Zheng's stream of consciousness, he drew back into the corner with a scream, shivering, and didn't dare to interrupt anymore.

The world finally calmed down, and Gu Zheng continued to ponder the follow-up plan.

Throwing sulfuric acid is a trick once and for But my own way of being a male god...I'm afraid this will end.

But if you can bring a handsome and tragic person under his own banner, let him willingly admit that he is inferior to him?

Or simply and rudely, use your talents to crush him mercilessly, and finally let his heart surrender, and finally bow down and become his own little brother. There is still much room for manipulation in this matter.

As for the follow-up plan?

The premise is that after we can meet this Qin Guan who rarely appears on campus, let's talk about it.

As for Sakamoto Tomokazuoka?

What does he care about this kid?

The most handsome male **** in this world has already changed hands with Qin Guan's appearance.

There is only one meaning for Sakamoto's existence. Let this man who is like the wind, go ahead and explore the way for him, Gu Zheng.

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