The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 993: Urban Chapter: Male God Shura Field (22)

Standing at the top of the stairs, Gu Zheng dragged the box and was stunned. After recovering, he was motionless.

He was standing there, watching the boy classmate who had not me when he was a child, and the only king in the school who dared to stand by his side, was walking in his direction step by step.

And even if I have become fat like this, even if the two of them have not seen each other for three years, this handsome, well-dressed man, who is named Sakamoto, has sharp eyes, and is smart in words and deeds, is still in the same room. Among them, I recognized myself.

When Gu Zheng was disappointed by how he ran so slowly, the laughing and forgetting book on the side raised the alarm sound very vigilantly.

This person must be related to the male **** progress bar!

Because it has never been seen before, the aura on a person can affect Gu Zheng's judgment and decision-making.

Because just the conclusion that Gu Zheng came to is really a bit silly.

The reason why Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan went straight to Gu Zheng's direction was because in a family of three, both parents are complete, and the remaining fat man must be Gu Zheng.

Sure enough, when Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan walked in front of Gu Zheng and adapted to the sunshine, he narrowed his narrow and beautiful Danfeng eyes, and asked with a calm tone and an incredible tone: "Gu Zheng? Long time no see."

"Your changes are so big!"

After finishing speaking, he used his slender and beautiful **** to slightly pinch the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and continued to ask in a casual tone: "Where are you going? Who is going to pick me up?"

"Gu Zheng don't have to be so polite, I'm already here!"

God's TM is here, can you go back?

Gu Zheng, who flicked his eyebrows three times, pointed to the foot of the version, and reminded him with a very kind reminder: "Okay, I know you are here, but brother, can you get off the handrail of our house."

"Your existence is already noticeable enough, and you don't need to make more noticeable behaviors to attract the attention of others."

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Guigan Sakamoto seemed to realize that he was standing on the stairs of a friend's house, and the aunt of the Gu family behind him looked at him in surprise with her hands folded.

Therefore, I decided to follow the version of Gu Zheng’s words and stretched out my arms. At a moment when my chest was raised and my silky hair was slightly blown by the wind, I just stood on tiptoes. Gu Zheng's stair railing jumped down.

Then he let his body lean against the pure white wall, and smiled coolly and stylishly at Gu Zheng again: "Then say hello again, in Shimosakamoto, how are you Gu Zheng!"

I'm very sick, I got sick as soon as I saw you.

But this is the end of the matter, and people have rushed into his home, what else can he do?

Gu Zheng, who was covering his forehead, put the luggage in his hand, and the appointed sighed, pointing to the sofa in the front hall and said: "Okay, I know you are the version. Since it's all here, just sit down." "

Then he didn't care about the hair boy who was still posing, and without looking back, he found an independent sofa and sat on it.

As for why not sit on the long couch in the center?

That position must be left for the king to pose.

Otherwise, if he sits over there, lying on his side with Sakamoto next to him, it will make him choke.

Gu Zheng’s judgment did not show any deviation this time. The version is looking down at Feng Yuyue on the side, looking up at the sad and emotional sitting posture, looking at Gu Zheng with a smile, just waiting for him, the master of the Gu family, to pick up The reception is coming down.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who has gained a lot of routines, took the lead to speak: "After all, Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan, what do you want to do with me?"

And this conversation, which was like a mute riddle, was really picked up by Sakamoto. He picked up the corner of his mouth and praised Gu Zheng approvingly: "It really is Gu Zheng, and he has a good heart."

Uncle's, owe a beating!

But Gu Zheng still resisted the urge to itchy his hands and waited for Sakamoto to speak out his intentions for this trip.

And Gu Zheng's patience really got the answer he wanted to hear, and when Sakamoto finished his posture, he started talking to Gu Zheng.

"Gu Zheng, I want to inquire about someone with you."

Oops, Gu Zheng immediately became energetic. It's rare and too rare, something is a bit wrong.

The star has always been holding the moon, and the focus of his classmates, Tomokazu Sakamoto, will take the initiative to ask another person's movements.

There must be something in this.

It can't be related to the progress of his male god.

Just when Gu Zheng was pondering to himself, Sakamoto who was opposite gave the final answer.

"I want to ask about the current situation of Qin Guan, who is studying in the Finance Department of your Imperial University."

With this sentence, after Gu Zheng blinked his eyes, he understood why.

Because a while ago, since Gu Zheng came to this world, he has been immersed in the crisis.

His life is basically filled with fitness studies and F4.

However, among the colleges of the huge imperial university, there are still several well-known figures who can compete with F4's popularity...

It’s just that the most direct contradiction with Gu Zheng is the F4 gang. Now that Gu Zheng is about to ignore those who are also well-known... by classmates from different circles... NS.

Take, for example, this senior Qin Guan in the mouth of Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan.

His reputation in the imperial university, oh, no, and his reputation in the entire empire’s model circle, that’s in the sky, not only does not lose to the popularity of F4, if you only talk about the pursuit of female fans, this name is Qin Guan Seniors, I'm afraid it is a bit bigger than the four people in F4 combined.

So, how did this Qin Guan, who is also from an ordinary family, achieve this level?

The reason is just one word.


So handsome and So handsome with no friends!

With a big head of 1.87 meters, all legs are below the neck. Hey, that's wrong, it's all legs below the waist.

What do you say about the length of the body?

It is grown according to the golden ratio of the standard model in the textbook.

A one-point increase is too long, and a one-point decrease is too short.

The earth must have been saved in the previous life, and only after being blessed by the gods can it grow into that look.

There is nothing to say about this figure, so let's talk about that face again.

I'm going, that face, it's just plain.

If it is said that Sakamoto Tomokazu is still a cool king, then when a stranger first glances over Qin Guan’s face, there is only one feeling, that is, the dog’s eyes are instantaneously caught. Shining flower.

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