The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 992: Urban Chapter: Male God Shura Field (21) (Matcha is the Great Demon...

And this sentence is also the first case... a punishment that was directly sentenced for school bullying.

For the first time, these assailants under the banner of young people learned that arrogance has a price.

And this time the punishment also caused those who had been poisoned by F4 to finally breathe out a sigh of foul breath.

The reincarnation of heaven, retribution is unhappy, kind people will always defeat evil, honest people have to swallow life for whatever reason.

When this punishment was announced on the official website of the Imperial University, and when the national court's judgment was issued, the depressive atmosphere that had once been shrouded in the entire school was wiped out.

On this day, the students on campus even rushed to tell each other, rushing to celebrate.

But on this day, Gu Zheng, who had never done anything before, was remembered forever.

He appeared as a defender, started because of his magical experience, and ended up because of his strong background.

And when this incident withdrew from the turbulent heat and finally calmed down, it was already time for Gu Zheng to welcome him to the first final exam in the world with all his heart.

This general examination before the end of the year attracted the attention of the teachers and students of the school. Everyone has no time to pay attention to the three survivors of the F4 small group that have not appeared for a long time.

When Gu Zhengzi carefully handed in the final examination papers to the invigilator, he got news about F4 from his friends.

It is said that the domestic atmosphere is really not suitable for these three people to continue to stay. Only going abroad is their best choice at this stage.

The malignant tumor was wiped out, and the air in the school was a little fresher.

Gu Zheng overturned his 200 jins of fat world weight, and looked at the 30% progress bar that had been reached because of the complete demise of F4. He was really satisfied.

Let's pack up and go home! !

Gu Zheng's home, and the seat of Imperial University, are in a position opposite from the north to the south.

One is the political and cultural center of the country, and the other is the financial and economic center of the country.

Gu Zheng's impression of that strange city rested only on the delicious taste of the Shanghai city braised pork.

Because it is different from the strength of northern cuisine, Gu Zheng's hometown has the tenderness and passion of a city with many waters, and the cuisine it has, like this city, is delicate and sweet.

This made Gu Zheng received a crit from his parents on the first day he arrived in his hometown.

In this large dining room, Mrs. Gu cooked a good dish, not only reddish, mellow, braised pork, but also rich in salty and rich layers.

This used to be the favorite of the thin Gu Zheng, but now it is the fat Gu Zheng...the enemy of heaven.

Because these dishes with the sweetest and richest juices are all made of fat meat and more calorie internal organs.

Take, for example, what they liked the most during the years when Gu's mother and father Gu struggled together before the Gu family had a fortune.

This is the best choice when you are not willing to buy a whole piece of meat to improve your life... but you want to relieve your hunger.

Because she often eats it, Mother Gu is more attentive when she cooks this dish.

Even if this couple, who started in Weimo, now has a net worth of more than 100 million yuan, for this dish, they still maintain the same life as in the most ordinary family... cooking by themselves.

Because only Gu's mother can make the taste of home.

Let these two exhausted couples who are struggling outside, find their own peace in this environment at home.

So, you can imagine that Gu Zheng, who was in the process of losing weight, felt in the face of such a mess.

On a not-so-large dining table, Gu's parents ate the most common but extremely delicious home-cooked dishes, chatting and laughing like their closest lovers, and from time to time the rich and whitish soup from the bowl was taken from the pot. In the juice, a bowl full of dry ingredients, pig intestines, liver, pork belly, pig heart, plus a few small and exquisite pig toes, together with the plump and oily tofu, is fully flavored The plump shiitake mushrooms.

The rich taste and the various materials of the dishes are an unbearable pain in the life of Gu Zheng who only eats salad and boiled chicken.

He stared at the slightly blessed daddy on the opposite side with a wrong eye, poured a large bite of pig offal on a spoonful of gravy, and dug a spoonful of green garlic seedlings to cover it, and finally As if deliberately, this spoonful of good material was stuffed into his deliberately opened...extremely exaggerated mouth, and then he had never been so happy since he got married. Not paying attention to etiquette, chewing and swallowing.

At the same time, he didn't forget to slap his mouth twice to show his approval of the deliciousness of this bowl.

Gu Zheng, who was on the opposite side, had his eyes widened, and he was screaming for luck.

But as his food and clothing parent, what can he do? He is also desperate!

Now he can only ask for comfort from his mother.

So, Gu Zheng, who was ready to sue, turned his head and shouted in the direction of Gu's mother: "Mom! Look at my dad! How can he be like this!"

But Mother Gu, who casually filled her mouth with chopsticks and a vegetarian duck, sighed, glared at her husband, and after indicating that he had a little restrained, she turned her head and said to Gu Zheng, "My dear son, not an old man. Mom said you, now your state is slightly over."

"Think about the current situation of our family, do you want to be so desperate."

"I'm not saying that weight loss is wrong, but you said that your current weight loss intensity, even if I look at it, feels a bit too hard."

"You can extend the timeline a bit and take your time."

"What's more, my son is so cute, even if he is a cute fat man, there is no need to worry about not finding a wife."

Well, Gu Zheng said that even the parents who were sitting across from him couldn't understand his own pain.

As a fat man who is motivated to lose weight, if he does not push himself into desperation, but has always been lucky in the process of losing weight, and feels that he still has a way out, I am afraid that he will not be able to complete the great cause of losing weight in the end.

Because for a child who has become accustomed to obesity, it is as difficult to hold on and control his mouth.

And just when Gu Zheng was so depressed about this, he planned to take the salad in front of him to the living room to eat to avoid the poison.

Maybe Gu's father, who felt that his behavior was a little bit too much just now, comforted Gu Zheng and brought him good news that he thought Gu Zheng would like.

"My dear son, you are the best. Dad believes that you will lose weight successfully."

"Furthermore, I heard about your recent situation. Your childhood friend and best friend who used to play with you, Tomokazu Sakamoto, specially flew back from the island country to see your current situation. I guess it will be today. He is here."

"Son, are you surprised? Are you happy?"

"Because the Sakamoto family will settle in our empire, and if you are a young student, you will also transfer your student status to your imperial university."

"These are your dad's help, don't you think your dad is really handsome?"

"Don't thank me, who made me your father?"

As for Gu Zheng, who was sitting on the sofa, after hearing his father's words, he was directly choked by the chicken nuggets in shock.

"Hiccup...what? Dad? Who did you say is coming!! Sakamoto Tomokazuka!"

Don't blame Gu Zheng for being so shocked. Anyone who is calm will be upset for this man named Sakamoto Yuhe Guigan.

Just say that Gu Zheng, a foreign memory recipient, can react to the performance immediately after hearing the name. It can be seen how deep the original host was left by this Sakamoto Yugawa Guigan. .

Although this impression is all negative, it is profound.

Originally thought that the version family would return to the island country with his parents’ work, and the two would never see each other again.

That kind of unilateral evil fate can also end here.

Whoever thinks, Sakamoto Tomokazuka is coming back again.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he got up from the sofa without looking back, and went straight to the bedroom on the second floor without looking back.

The Gu family’s parents who were sitting at the dining table were very surprised. They all asked the same question: "Gu Zheng, what are you doing in a hurry?"

At this time, Gu Zheng, who had already rushed to the second floor, dropped one sentence: "When you go back to school, don't look for me. I will spend the Chinese New Year in the apartment outside the school this year and enjoy the loneliness of a stranger."

"Don't miss my parents too much. If you are not busy, come to the capital together. Let's have a travel festival that just walks away."

When this was finished, before all the words fell, Ding Ling Dangling was packing up his luggage in the room belonging to Gu Zheng.

The Gu family's parents who were sitting downstairs were very surprised to think of their son's behavior.

When Mom Gu put down the chopsticks in her hand and planned to go upstairs to see what happened to her son, the doorbell at the front door rang.

"Ding Dong..."

Who, come here when you have dinner.

After Mama Gu gave Daddy Gu a wink, she turned around and went to the front hall to open the door first.

As Gu Zheng dragged a box with a lot of bits and pieces and walked downstairs, Mrs. Gu in the front hall also opened the door.


The afternoon sun was so good that Gu Zheng thought he had hallucinations.

Because in the bright sunshine like gold letters, people like a divine residence are bathing in it.

It was the unchanging black tunic suit, still as in the memory, with long straight legs, and the man with a mole on the corner of his eyes and a black frame on the bridge of his nose.

Only a few years have passed, and the original dazzling man has become more dazzling as if the rough stone has been polished again.


Oh my goodness!

Sakamoto Tomokazu is here!

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