The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 991: Metropolis Chapter: Male God Shura Field (20)

It's a pity that his **** hasn't been hot yet. The friend beside him is planning to gossip with him just now, and a limping figure rushes into the classroom.

"Gu Zheng!!"

With this hysterical roar, the one who rushed to Gu Zheng was Wang Zihan, whose angry hair was going to stand upside down.

Her face with heavy makeup was distorted by excessive anger.

And she didn't even need to speak, Gu Zheng knew why she rushed over in such an anguish.

Before the other party’s finger was pointing to the tip of his nose, Gu Zheng slapped it... and opened it, cut off the other party’s words, and raised his head with a smile. Respond to the other party: "Do you want to ask me, why don't you confess that I am the heir of Shubei's family?"

"Do you still want to say, if you knew this a long time ago, how could you break up afterwards and cheat?"

"But this big sister! Have you asked me?"

"Have you ever come to understand me in a down-to-earth manner?"

"If you really like me and want to talk about a real relationship with me, how can you not notice, how can I not notice my careless attitude towards money, and how can you still not find out that you are showing off those things? When it comes to luxury goods, can I point out their shortcomings and deficiencies sharply?"

"This is not a detail that the children of an ordinary family can understand, right?"

"You haven't thought about these? Then not only do you look ugly, but you are also not very good at your brain, right?"

"I heard that you are an art student? The kind of low-scoring special recruit?"

"Then our imperial university has made a big loss. I don't know what you were like before, but now you are afraid that even the students from the secondary technical school next to you are incomparable."

The words are contemptuous, disdainful, and indifferent like a stranger.

And when he came to quarrel this time, Wang Zihan had a little bit of thought in his heart.

Maybe the decisive Gu Zheng that I saw last time was the product of love engenders hatred?

Maybe I just hurt his heart. After I really make a noise and let the other party know that both sides are at fault, is there any hope of recombination?

But when Wang Zihan really faced Gu Zheng at this time, she suddenly realized that the person opposite was so strange, and his temperament was so different.

The past youthfulness, innocence, and kindness seem to have faded away.

Instead, it is firm, decisive, and vigorous.

He was sitting there, even if it was a slightly fat man, it was impossible to ignore, and people's eyes were always involuntarily turned in the direction where he was.

Gu Zheng, it really changed.

Become more outstanding.

And look at yourself again, no longer the purity, beauty, and yearning for a better campus life when I first enrolled.

How can I be worthy of the current Gu Zheng?

The two people looked at each other like this for a long time, and they interrupted their gaze only after the doorsteps of the incoming class professor rang out.

Wang Zihan, whose eyes were drooping, was a little bit sour in his heart. I don't know if it was because of the overwhelming regret or because of his lack of eyesight.

There are so many choices in life. I have already chosen the most unwise path. Maybe it’s time to think carefully about whether I will follow this path to the dark... …

After holding back the inexplicable soreness from the tip of her nose, she didn't say a word. When the teacher at the podium was about to open her mouth to drive people, she was living on a cane and limped away at the speed of the wind. .

Take care, I hope you can meet a good girl in the future, and I wish you happiness.

It’s a pity that Wang Zihan’s singing and playing, Gu Zheng didn’t get GET at all. He just scratched his head in a weird way, and wondered why this girl was so depressed, she turned her head and turned her head. This episode was forgotten.

However, the fermentation period of the series of things that Gu Zheng has brought forth has just begun.

Because with the development of the situation, more and more people's attention has shifted to the bullying incident related to Gu Zheng itself.

They discovered that in Imperial University, one of the country’s top colleges, there would still be such terrible bullying incidents, and the perpetrators of this bullying incident turned out to rely on the family's superiority, money rights to crush, and so on, the most disgusting society. Inequality controls the lives and future of students who should be the closest alumni in the same school.

This discovery plunged them into the anger of leaving.

As an adult who already has autonomous thinking, he can take for granted behaviors equivalent to crimes.

Then these so-called privileged F4s, who have been used to acting unscrupulously, will bring greater harm after they leave the campus and step into the society?

After thinking about it, everyone thought it would.

So, how should we deal with such a person?

Of course, he must be punished accordingly, so that he will understand from now on that even if you have a deep background, excellent conditions, and countless wealth, you can't touch the edge of ethics.

Acts that violate moral standards will be condemned by the whole society and punished by rules.

Then when you feel the same pain, when you still want to act in the same way, you will hesitate and be more vigilant, and eventually learn to think and treat people on an equal footing.

Therefore,, whether it is public opinion or public anger, is putting pressure on the imperial university.

For many reasons, the leaders of the school's academic affairs office and the higher education department, who turned a blind eye to the behavior of F4, finally took action under the pressure of layers.

With sufficient evidence in many respects and subsequent protests from the drop-out students, Imperial University made the following penalty decision.

The four principal offenders of Daoming Temple, Hanazawa Lei, Ximen Soujiro and Mei Zuoring will be dealt with with a serious offense.

Since the four of them have never done it themselves, and have never had money rights transactions with the direct implementers, they have never touched the corresponding laws and regulations, so the four of them have escaped.

But those doglegs who have experienced extreme behaviors under them and indirectly caused some of their classmates to suffer very serious physical and mental trauma, they don't have the good luck of these four.

Among them, the most serious ones were punished for more than one year in prison and suspended for one year.

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