The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 990: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (19)

The contours on this face can be seen clearly. With a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of 220, we can also move closer to the fat world.

No matter how you look at it, it is quite connotative, thinking, plus a cute fat man.

The delicate eyebrows of the original high school days can now be seen somewhat.

No, that six percent of the progress was so easily obtained by Gu Zheng.

Knowing that the self-destructed identity can achieve the goal, what effort does he have to do, hey, layman, this world is really a world of money.

After getting the bargain, Gu Zheng, who had lost his face in an instant, was just like a okay person... and went to class again with his bag on his back.

Today, my eyes are getting colder and colder, and the exams for the first half of the semester are about to arrive as scheduled.

The quota of his special scholarship is absolutely unavailable.

No matter how famous a person's reputation is, most of them are fictitious, and only those subjects that can't pass the exam are real when they have learned knowledge!

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, still went straight to the second row of the classroom as before, but when he entered the door, he was surrounded by the old position where he always sat...Wuyang The crowd of Yang was taken aback.

I go! The group of campus bullies were unwilling to fail, and frustrated into anger to fight back?

This is all caught up in the classroom where the class is about to take place, so courageous enough.

Just when Gu Zheng was about to inspect the surroundings to find a weapon in hand, some of the group of people discovered Gu Zheng's existence.

"Ah, Gu Zheng is here! Get out of the way!"

Wow, with this reminder, his seat was vacated, but the buried friend was slanted, looking at Gu Zheng with tears like a tortured little daughter-in-law.

You can be regarded as coming, if you don't come, I will be smothered to death.

But Gu Zheng was very vigilant. He didn't move half of his feet and asked, "What are you doing? What are you all doing around here?"

As soon as I saw Gu Zheng's reaction, the group of people around knew that their behavior made people think more.

Therefore, some of this group of people spoke for their intentions: "Gu Zheng, we are all your admirers. After seeing your uncompromising momentum against evil forces on the Internet, I felt heartbroken. Admire, people who want to come over and say cheer to you specifically."

"Oh..." I see, fan, but is it that simple?

After thinking about it a little more, Gu Zheng didn’t move, but put his hands in his pockets, and after showing the most kind smile, he said, “Thank you for your support and love. Now I have received your cheers. And for your love, I also respond with a word of thanks."

"But class is about to start now, can you leave first?"

After all, your behavior has affected the normal study and life of me and my classmates.

It is a pity that this group of people came to him for the purpose of not merely acting as a fan.

It was still the leader who spoke first, and then stated the true purpose of their trip.

"Gu Zheng, this is how things are, those of us, either ourselves or our best friends, have all been bullied by F4."

"After seeing your deeds, we thought about recommending you to become the president of our F4 Victims Association and leading us to seek justice for ourselves!"

"To drive the campus cancer, F4 is completely driven out of Imperial University. No matter how strong his background is, he can't hide in the face of justice. In the end, he can only accept the trial he deserves, and finally retreat!"

What this student said was impassioned, even if it was a few meters away from Gu Zheng, the passionate spit stars were all sprayed over.

But Gu Zheng, who heard what the other party said, was profiled. After successfully avoiding the other's attack, he grinned with a mocking smile.

"Why should I be your president? Because you suddenly discovered my invisible rich second-generation identity, or my fearlessness can be used by you as the sharpest gun?"

"Since you have been treated unfairly, why don't you face it positively and bravely resist, even if you fail in the end, I can be called a true man anyway."

"But what about you people?" Gu Zheng's smile widened when he said here. His sharp eyes slowly swept toward the opposite group. The sharp meaning in it made these already cherished. The carefully thinking classmates slowly lowered their heads.

Seeing these people with some shame, Gu Zheng said something he thought was completely nonsense: "When your friends were run by F4, what were you doing at the time?"

"Because you are afraid of causing trouble to the upper body and thus draw the line, or are you afraid of the power of the other party and let your friends swallow?"

"Why did you become impassioned when you got to me?"

"Is it because I realized that my counterattack was effective enough?"

"Classmates, certain things in the world cannot be solved by the principle of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages."

"Sometimes, the most important thing is to have a bottom line and a responsibility."

"If the person who appeared in front of me today was the girl named Shancai, I might take her to open my eyes without saying a word."

"Because her resistance is clumsy, but at least, she has resisted."

"As for you, you don't even have the courage to save yourself, but you are waiting for the rescue of others?"

"I'm really not the Holy Father. For such a great cause, I still wait for more noble people with higher morals to deal with it."

After saying this, Gu Zheng pointed his hand to the outside of the classroom, and signaled everyone, where he came from, hurry back wherever he came from. Let's get together and relax while he hasn't torn his face.

After all, among the imperial universities, there are still most people who want a face.

After Gu Zheng talked about the call, a disgraced person with ulterior motives could only leave sparsely.

But just what Gu Zheng said just now was heard by the classmates in the entire lecture hall.

The Three Views are so correct. They don't rush to the top, don't mess around, and they are especially concerned about their classmates.

Why didn’t you think that Gu Zheng could be so handsome before!

If they have been treated like that by others, they must take advantage of the bad luck of the other party to beat the dog!

This ideological consciousness is too high!

It was this sudden declaration. When Gu Zheng sat in his seat, the progress bar he had just moved forward moved again.

Ding Dong is 23%.

This is an applause for Gu Dawuweizheng's chic character.

Gu Zheng readily accepted it.

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