The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 989: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (18)

The birth of high-priced products is for a style and a value consistent with this price.

But what if you buy a plastic bag at a price of tens of thousands of yuan?

I am afraid that the rich will be treated as fools!

So, when this post was spread at an extremely fast speed?

This is a big deal.

The stores belonging to the Ximen's family, that are all the time...There are calls for complaints about returning the goods.

There were even some angry customers, carrying the items they had bought before, and they went straight into the store, patted the counter board...requiring the goods to be returned.

The environment that originally required style, as well as elegant tea drinking and viewing, is now as noisy as a vegetable market.

After entering the store, the guests who had never been online and did not know the news quickly quit again.

They were a little surprised in the turbulent crowd... they got the truth, and once again merged into the deceived guests, and became the new force of protest.

This kind of momentum is no different from a bank that is about to close due to a run, and customers who want to withdraw their money quickly.

As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

However, in a week's work, the one who was always arrogant, calm, and incompatible with mortals, Simon Soujiro, became decadent, thin, always frowning, and a big layman.

Because they also mentioned in the deep peeling post that the man who defeated the family's Ximen in the field of art was just an ordinary college student who had no reputation before.

Someone who had a good deed made a post anonymously, exposing all the grievances and grievances between Gu Zheng and these people.

Suddenly, the reputation of Ximen's family got worse.

Those who use force to suppress others, whoever thinks, the momentum he relies on, is as unreal as the moon in the mirror, and his so-called momentum is not as strong as a fat guy who is bullied by him at will... vigorous.

The melon-eating people who saw it here vigorously condemned the bullying behavior of these students, and at the same time they cheered for Gu Zheng's Jedi counterattack this time.

‘Did you say that they made the little fat man anxious, so they just fought back just for sex? ’

‘I think so, otherwise, why didn’t this little fat guy use painting to make a name for himself? ’

‘As far as the level of his painting is, he can already be at the level of an exhibition. I’m afraid it’s just a hobby. People don’t want to show off. ’

‘That’s right, people who live low-key and hard-working are unpleasant to some people who are consciously superior. ’

'what's the result? If you don't believe me, look up, who has been spared by the heavens! ’

‘A group of third-rate masters besieged the villagers who passed by, but the hidden master of martial arts slapped their faces. No matter how I think about this scene, I find it very interesting! Ha ha ha ha! ’

And while hahaha was constantly on the network, Gu Zheng discovered to his horror that his male god's progress had moved forward by 6%!

Many netizens who are not astonishing or ordinary have praised Gu Zheng's brave spirit and applauded his never begging for mercy and self-improvement.

Many people who have been isolated and excluded, and who have had the same experience of being bullied, spontaneously surround the Gu Zheng support group, and they are cheering for their newly promoted idol, the spiritual pillar ~ Gu Zheng.

And this six percent of the progress is contributed by this group of people.

"But it's a little weird. I killed half of the people in F4, and the remaining two are honest. Why are there no rewards for this?"

"Could it be that the 5% of the destructive group at the beginning is all?"

"Let me go! What kind of difficult world is this! Could it be that there are any hidden levels that I don't know?"

Just as Gu Zheng was standing on the weight scale at home, looking at the fruit of victory, which had lost 7 and a half pounds and finally reduced his weight to 220, before he had time to be happy, he was depressed by the progress sound... NS.

Gu Zheng, who thought he could reach 20% of the progress bar, was at a loss.

But at the moment he was at a loss, the progress bar, which had been stagnant at 16%, suddenly moved forward rapidly by 6%, breaking the 20 mark inexplicably. Reached the 22% standard.

Huh? what happened?

Gu Zheng, who was sober, just wanted to turn on the computer to see what unexpected situation happened?

The phone he placed on the shelf beside him jingled.

The face of the mother among them kept flashing and flashing, reminding him to answer the phone as soon as possible.

It's really weird, things have arrived one day?

This cheap parent who hasn't taken the initiative to call once since Gu Zheng appeared for two months, except for regularly making money from his card, why did he suddenly call him today?

What serious happened?

In my heart, Gu Zheng, who could not say that the call was related to his progress he answered the call.

Then, a seemingly hearty voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Son! We know everything you encountered in school!"

"Why don't you tell your mom and dad! I knew that you overeated and became a fat man because of these things. Your mother, I will definitely not let go of those little bunnies!"

"I can't trouble the juniors, I can't trouble their parents yet!"

"Your mother, I thought you relaxed after going to university, thinking about being free and unrestrained, plus your father's strange theory that... adults have their own ideas..."

"We didn't care much about you, son."

"My boy, you don't blame me, mom, do you?"

Just when Gu Zheng's old lady said this, a voice suddenly appeared in the noisy environment on the other side...

"Chairman, since we released the news that Gu Zheng is the young director of Shubei sanitary napkins, the click-through rate of our sanitary napkins website is doubling!"

"Online sales have also risen tremendously!"

"Chairman, your decision is so wise, as you expected, bad things can turn into good things!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ha ha.

Gu Zheng on the other end of the phone heard it clearly, and his floating voice also sounded on the other end of the phone: "I said mom? What do you mean, explain to me?"

And a louder laughter came from the other end of the phone, and then a quick explanation like the name of a dish was handed over.

"Son, isn't you on the hot search? Mom wants to be seen at any rate. You are not a fat man who can be bullied by anyone. Then, by the way, let the company at home rub your popularity, hehehe ..."

"Let's not talk about it, son, you are doing a good job, and you are indeed the best baby of your parents. Have you been short of money recently? I heard that you are busy losing weight!"

"Come here to Cary to transfer some of the shaping fund for you, don't be polite to mom, whoever is with us."

Afterwards, there was a buzzing vibration, and the prompt text message of Gu Zheng's bank card followed in.

XXX account at 15:33……transferred amount 50000.00……

Following Gu Zheng's subconscious glance at this prompt, the unreliable old lady on the opposite side ended the call.

"Hey, my son, let's take this opportunity to make persistent efforts."

"In a moment, your father's An'an adult diapers and baby diapers will also make a statement!"

"Son, this is going to be a big fire! Don't tell me, you are ready, I am dead!"


After the cheap mom on the opposite side finished such a bunch of baldness, she hung up contentedly, and it took a long time for Gu Zheng, who was holding the phone, to recover.

He turned his head and pointed at the computer with some headaches, and told Xiao Wangshu to say: "Help me see, the online feedback after my unreliable parents issued a statement."

When Xiao Wangshu opened the hottest posts to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng immediately understood how his six percent progress bar came from.

When Hu Shubei, a well-known brand by the majority of women compatriots, announced that the heir is Gu Zheng, one of the most popular protagonists on the Internet, a voice of "unexpected" exclaimed from all directions. .

Both classmates and friends of Imperial University who knew Gu Zheng, or passers-by who learned of Gu Zheng's deeds through different channels, expressed great amazement at his identity.

Many people who are good deeds even took out Gu Zheng's recent photos to analyze why everyone would react like this after knowing that Hu Shubei's heir is Gu Zheng.

In this photo, there is a master of drawing, dressing up Gu Zheng's clothes as indicated by arrows.

All the things on his body that can be marked with prices have been found very accurately.

For example, a pair of light running shoes at the feet of Gu Zheng is a special item of Adi this year. After the discount, the price is 309 yuan.

The sports pants and sports-style T-shirts he wears are all discounted items from the brand, with a total price of 299 yuan.

There are no extra accessories on the whole Except that the glasses on the bridge of the nose are slightly more expensive, and I am afraid that they are only a thousand pieces.

His outfit is exactly like a passerby, any child in an ordinary family looks like this.

There is nothing special about a heir to an enterprise worth more than 100 million yuan.

It was this analysis post that attracted a large number of fans for Gu Zheng.

These days, there are more people showing off their wealth and luxuries.

However, he was obviously a super rich second generation, but he lived so low-key and ordinary, but it was immediately pricked... the cuteness of everyone in the hearts of ordinary people is the same.

Inexplicably, I prefer this fat man named Gu Zheng.

Look, how about the rich second generation, people also find such a comfortable life.

Ever since, after bringing the second-generation filter, everyone took a closer look at this photo. Hey, this fat man who was originally obese seems to have lost weight recently.

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