The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 999: Metropolis Chapter: Male God Shura Field (28)

Therefore, after Gu Zheng understood another important standard of a male god, he slowly released Mou Xiaoliu's hand and tried to let the female classmate off the hook, regardless of the other party's sneak attack on him. Wrong.

But who came to think, he wanted to turn the film here, and the opposite Qin Guan put his arms around his shoulders. When he took a bite of a big brother, this Mou Xiaoliu who was let off by him actually jumped out again. : "Classmate Gu Zheng, right?"

"As the saying goes, Wu has no first and Wen has no second. Don't look at you defeating me, but my strength is really not ranked in our academy."

"You know, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this imperial university, and there are a few masters you can't even think of!"

After saying this, the girl named Mou Xiaoliu patted her sportswear, saluted in the most standard posture of saying goodbye among martial artists, and then issued a formal invitation to Gu Zheng.

"As the saying goes, meeting is fate, I see the tricks you use, it is a combination of north and south fist, quite a bit of military flavor."

"In our Imperial University, there is a club prepared for students from a family of martial arts to learn from each other."

"Said it is necessary to effectively control the destructive power of people like us. If there are things that can be digested internally, it will be over."

"So, classmate Gu Zheng? It's not enough to defeat me. If you can defeat the recognized martial arts genius in this society, the first person in the masters, let alone let the senior Qin Guan recognize you as the boss. ."

"From now on, the imperial university, the martial arts forces hidden in the dark will all look forward to you, take your orders as the standard, don't dare not to follow!"

"How? To go or not? Enter or not?"

Go, this must go.

If Gu Zheng was right, the remaining 50% of the opportunity for progress might be within this mysterious group.

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, was unambiguous. He hugged Qin Guan's shoulders and gave the other a compelling word: "If you are like this, remember me a number, 13888888888, and let your agent contact you directly. This call, soon, the spokesperson of Shunxin Paper will be yours."

"Now, your eldest brother, I have to go to business, wait for you to clean up your nose in a while, let's go back first!"

And after Qin Guan got the exact answer, it was very straightforward. He nodded happily in response: "Hey! Come on!" After that, he just clicked on his side, and he would not bleed anymore. The sanitary ball in his nostrils sprayed out, and he happily moved towards where Gu Zheng and Mou Xiaoliu were. After waving his hand, he rushed towards where he should go without nostalgia.

Feelings, this one who was able to accompany these two people for so long delay turned out to be all for money.

Gu Zheng, who shrugged his shoulders, suddenly felt that the new boy he was looking for seemed to be a good fit with him?

But what he didn't know was that when he followed Mou Xiaoliu and left this forest path and headed straight for the secret club, Qin Guan, who was walking in the opposite direction with them, was a hindsight. Afterwards, I just reacted: "I'm going! I'm going! What does Mou Xiaoliu's primary school girl mean? I just have a face, don't I? Isn't it?"

"No, I have to go and talk about it, but I never forget, I get the first-class scholarship!"

"My professor loves me not for this face!"

"Is it Cong Nianwei? Isn't that! Wife? You said, didn't you just follow my face when you were in love with me?"

On the opposite phone, Cong Nianwei, who was immersed in drawing design drawings, was noisy by Qin Guan's phone ringing. It was an unbearable disturbance.

When she entered the studio, she had already reported to Qin Guan, her boyfriend, and asked him not to disturb him if he had nothing to do.

Therefore, after Cong Nianwei received the call inexplicably, her nameless fire was arched.

On the other end of the phone, the roaring sound utterly destroyed the heart.

"Yes! If it wasn't for your face that looks too delicious, believe it or not, I'll use compasses to tie you into a pig's head now!"

"Just your EQ, don't have this face? Qing waits to be beaten by me every day!"

"It's done, what's the excitement? When I feel excitement, I go bungee jumping, jump into the river, I'm busy here, I'm hanging up!"


As Cong Nianwei's ice-like voice fell, Qin Guan, whose brain was hot, was like swallowing a popsicle...

With a grievance of crying without tears, he staggered away.

For the time of this meeting, it was just a phone call from Qin Guan's side.

But at the feet of both Gu Zheng and Mou Xiaoliu, who were both traveling with kung fu, they had already traveled half a campus and arrived at a campus warehouse close to the east campus gate, where students rarely come by. Where.

This simple and even old work area does not have the people coming and going in other areas of the campus, but it has a quiet and quiet feeling.

Gu Zheng, who had never been to this area before, was amazed as he walked.

When the two arrived at the destination of the trip, the doorway of a mottled red-painted house full of wood with a sense of historical age, Gu Zheng's admiration could not help but aloud.

"There is such a building on the campus of Imperial University!"

"Looking at its appearance, it is at least two to three hundred years old!"

"Isn't there an old school here? The background of this university is too mysterious."

The more he understands, the more shocked by the size of this imperial university, Gu feels that the sub-world in this second world can be imagined as much as the modern world he lives in. , But in its essence, it is also completely different.

A feeling of danger is now pervading Gu Zheng's side. The greater the mystery, the more you can't take it lightly.

At the moment Gu Zheng was thinking deeply, Mou Xiaoliu on the side "creaked" and pushed the mottled door open. As the sun gradually filled the ground, Gu Zheng's tall reflection , Also dignifiedly reflected in the empty space where no one seemed to exist.

Behind Gu Zheng, Mou Xiaoliu's voice faintly sounded: "Gu Zheng, please!"

After the voice fell, Gu Zheng waved his hand and said softly, "No hurry!"

Afterwards, under Mou Xiaoliu's gaze, he calmly picked up the pebbles outside the gate.

But when Gu Zheng picked up a full bag, he raised his head again, strode across the half-meter-high threshold, and started to walk with an infinite momentum... Stones were thrown into it on one side.

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