The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1000: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (29)

'Humph! Demo, play with me sneak attack? This is what I left over from playing so many years ago! ’

The proud Gu Zheng listened to the sound of "swish, swish, swish, swish" in the darkness, and felt relieved in his heart.

Just now, before Mou Xiaoliu opened the door of the big house, Gu Zheng, who faced the front door, had already discovered that there was someone inside the house secretly looking out at the crack of the door.

Hearing the voice of Xi Xi Suo Suo inside, I am afraid that the number of peeping is really quite a lot.

This made Gu Zheng, who was accustomed to vigilance, not planning for himself.

But when his trick was launched, his heart was filled with joy. The people in this room are too weak, maybe even half of the skill of the female classmate surnamed Mou behind him Can't reach.

Was hit so easily?

Listen to those wailing screams, tusk tusk, it's really weak.

But when Gu Zheng’s white sneakers lightly stepped on the ground, he assumed a posture of looking back from the head, and then looked at the recruits behind him, he realized that he was afraid that he was thinking wrong. NS.

Because at this time, those students who are either covering their eye circles or covering their cheeks, they actually hold a handful of brightly colored small flags in their hands, looking at this look, as if they might be welcoming him?

Seeing this scene, Gu Zheng looked at Mou Xiaoliu, who was stunned by the gate because he was lying there, and asked with a mouth that the other party could understand: "What's the matter? ’

Mou Xiaoliu, who reacted to Gu Zheng's winking eyebrows, covered his face, facing the classmates who had been lying on the floor in the door, and said something like a meal!

"How many times have I said it, ah! How many times have you!"

"Can this problem of teasing newcomers be corrected, and can the surprise party be missed?"

"Successful times in the past, it made you addicted, right? It's fun to watch people tremble with your yelling, right?"

"What's going on now? Isn't it cleaned up by someone who is really good? Ha ha! That's it!"

"Gu Zheng, leave them alone, they are all free for them in the club."

"Also! Can you put away your contemptuous little eyes, these people are not the level of masters in our club! Really!"

"If you really want to fight, go find that, hey! Biaozi, where did Brother Lin Yi go?"

A man with black eyes lying on the ground who was most severely hit by Gu Zheng's stones, gave the answer Mou Xiaoliu wanted in a timely manner.

"Oh, you ask Lin Yi, routine work, be a bodyguard next to the school flower."

Oh, this one is not here, it's okay, we still have masters here.

Mou Xiaoliu continued to ask: "Then, where's the soldier king?"

Right next to Biaozi, a guy who squatted on the ground in tears raised his head and returned with a little eagerness: "Yes, yes, the soldier king is in the backyard, feeling the impermanence of life and the loneliness of the master. Why Sister Mou, want to take this newcomer over?"

This is such a big enmity, as soon as it comes up, it will be sent to the King of Soldiers for training.

However, the children who were squatting on the ground preparing to watch the excitement were wrong. When Mou Xiaoliu knew where the king was, he just looked back at the questioning eyes and waited for Gu Zheng's decision.

To go or not to go is also a question.

Since Gu Zheng heard the names of these two masters, he knew that the node of the campus male **** finally appeared again.

And this time, his progress, I'm afraid it will be on these two.

So it's necessary to go to the soldier king for a while, and go to the depths.

After thinking about it for a moment, Gu Zheng nodded firmly towards Mou Xiaoliu, indicating that she was fully psychologically prepared and that she could lead the way.

And this eldest girl was really not covered. After Gu Zheng made a decision, she didn't even persuade her. The wind blowing at her feet led Gu Zheng into the backcourt of the big house.

It's just that, along the way, I don't know whether it is for Gu Zheng to put psychological pressure on him or whether it is really for him, and I have not given him a little bit of popularizing the information of the king of soldiers.

"The King of Soldiers, his full name is the King of Strong Soldiers. His true identity is the strongest king of soldiers in our secret army. Later, he came to our university because he suffered some indelible trauma during the mission. In the department for treatment, the external identity is the commissioned student sent by the imperial army to our university."

"Now I am following the most famous professor in the Department of Psychology, Professor Hei, in my daily study and life."

"But even so, the study and life of Qiangbingwang are very low-key."

"Gu Zheng, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. You want to ask how such a secret identity is easily known by a little girl?"

"Because, in our secret society, everyone has an unknown secret identity."

"It's just that some people's identities like me can be exposed to others, because even if you say that, you may not believe that there are real martial arts today."

"And like the King of Strong Soldiers, his identity also stops in this small group, ordinary students, just like ordinary people like you, have you ever heard of the King of Strong Soldiers on campus? "

"No, no!" Gu Zheng sniffed his nose and asked the speculation that was constantly popping up in his heart: "Is he that kind, dressed very plain, dressed like a farmer, liberating Shoes, canvas trousers, plus a gray polyester jacket. Occasionally, I will put a certain fake Naike hat on my head as a cover?"

"Not tall or short, neither fat nor thin."

"I don’t look But when his eyes look like a falcon, you thought it was a wolf king with a rebellious temperament looking at you. That look is that It is so mysterious, profound, full of stories, and boundless loneliness."

"Let the women, especially the female president's one, couldn't help but not close their legs, couldn't move their feet, and had to hold the eyes of the strong soldier to return to the room."

"Whether the company where the female president works are all beautiful employees, the sweeping aunts from the front desk to the back court are all outstanding, Chunlan Qiuju, and the one that comes out is comparable to the first beauty in the empire."

"And when the King of Strong Soldiers is compelled to be invited, he has to be approved by these women from top to bottom. Even if he goes to the toilet, he will faint two... The half-aged **** who is cleaning the toilet helplessly, waiting for his rescue?"

"And these beauties are always full of rich second-generation generations like me, domineering presidents, and underworld elder brothers, who can't wait for them to ask for it, and in the end love and hate, confront the strong soldier?"

"Yes or no?"

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