The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1004: Urban Chapter: Male God Shura Field (33) (Jiangnan vs. Myth...

When Gu Zheng buried his head in the soft pillow and slept soundly, a light of merit, which was imperceptible to the naked eye, shone all over his body, nourishing his soul and the world’s shell, by the way The hand also made Xiao Wangshu, who helped a lot...

Midea laughs and forgets the book, and bubbles are popping up on the screen.

It didn't dare to wake up the sleeping master. It could only wait until the sky was bright and the real morning sun spilled on the bed where Gu Zheng was on. Then it dared to be a little excited, watching its master just like that. I slowly woke up ignorantly.

Who would have thought, it just wanted to report the good news it found last night, but Gu Zheng, who turned over from the bed, got excited for a while.

"Moved! Sure enough! I understand, the root cause, all the problems should not be on the surface, we must cut off from the root cause, that is the true meaning of the male god's advancement!"

"Yes, I like it!"

Can you not like it?

The progress bar moved forward by fifteen at once, and the remaining fifteen might be reflected in the body of the guy named Lin Yi.

But in the same way, this is definitely a very difficult 15%.

Because they are the so-called ancient martial arts family, who have never heard of it now...a group of descendants of the hermit family.

I'm afraid that besides being able to martial arts, is there anything weird and special?

In fact, if these people live in hiding in the city honestly, there is no problem.

But after some so-called studies, you have to show your superior posture. Although you want to live a normal life among ordinary people, you can't identify yourself with ordinary people either psychologically or physically. People together exist.

And these people have become a new kind of unstable factor. For ordinary people, their existence may be worse than nonexistent.

As for Lin Yi, Gu Zheng pondered that he should belong to the group of people in that category.

As for the depth of the circle, Gu Zheng needs to go and take a look for himself.

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, after earnestly doing the morning exercise, grabbed his schoolbag and headed straight to the campus where the Chu Yao school flower is.

Why is Gu Zheng going to find this stranger Chu Yao for errands?

Isn't this that the so-called mission of the expert named Lin Yi for joining the WTO is to protect this imperial university... the self-appointed school bachelor?

The ghost knows how the name of this school girl came out.

In this school of thousands of people, the number of female classmates is tens of millions, and there has not been an election ceremony held specifically to compete for posts with the election of the president of the student union, and referendum. How can she be crowned with a school flower? Where's the title?

Could it be that this classmate with the surname of Chu Mingyao is a schoolgirl?

Well, if you think about it this way, then there is nothing wrong. Gu Zheng, who feels that he has learned the truth, is navigating on the map radar with a smile and forgetting the book, while following the basic information in the basic information that Mou Xiaoliu gave him yesterday. The route goes to the area of ​​the art department.

There is nothing wrong with beauty and art. When Gu Zheng came to this area where even the teaching building was different from the rigid dogma in their physical area, he had a sense of innovation and art.

The more romantic the environment is, the more things will happen.

Sure enough, when he passed through the second teaching building, under the sway of the sun, amidst the rustling leaves of the woods, one wore a white skirt with black hair reaching his waist. , The girl walking on Pingting walked towards him, and before he had turned back, she smiled at him, "Ah, why did you come here!"

However, Gu Zheng, who was standing directly across from the girl less than one meter away, remained motionless, with no expression on his face.

Haha, as expected, it's good to wait patiently.

Just when Gu Zheng counted to three in his heart, a deep and magnetic voice rang behind him: "Hehe, it's already very early, you know, I only got up so early for you. "

What am I talking about?

Don't be affectionate anymore. Whenever there is a class flower that has little affection on this road, the school flower should take your arm and go forward. Ninety-nine percent of them... are using you as a shield.

Regardless of your wealth background and abilities, these women can cope with the anger of her suitors. Anyway, first pick yourself out ruthlessly and unjustly.

And don't you think that this kind of girl who is stalked and beaten up is just the group of spineless people who are rich and cannot be lewd.

When you don't know the specific situation, I suggest that the majority of male compatriots should treat Feilai Yanfu rationally, and after investigation and evidence collection, they can deal with and make judgments.

It is too much for the man to protect him, and he doesn't want to let others take advantage of him. In the end, when the other party's pursuit is fruitless, find a stepping stone that can withstand the anger and transfer the hatred.

Just like now, look, if you don't be affectionate, there is no harm.

There is no fluctuation in his heart and even some want to laugh, Gu Zheng, just like this, with a stubborn face, planning to pass by the two men and women who have been showing affection since early in the morning, but they are hearing the back. After the boy's next sentence, he slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

Because the people behind him said this: "Chu Yao, look, I can't open my eyes because of your sleepiness, come over and blow me up."

This tone is called... that's a turn in a song, Chu Yao, Chu Yao, why don't you be a fairy for you!

Hearing this sentence clearly, Gu Zheng swished and turned his head behind him.

Then, he met the target person Lin Yi.



Like a Christmas tree in the crowd,


Like the overlord flower among the green grass.

He just stood there, with a cynical smirk at the corner of his mouth, the plain eyes looking down on sentient beings, and the leaning three-way posture without standing, all showed that he was so different.

It seemed that he had never put anything in his heart, and he seemed to have put all of you in his heart just by looking at you... that kind of contradiction.

After seeing Lin Yi like this, the girl in the white skirt with the big flat chest on the other side couldn't help but... plunged into the arms of the ruthless prodigal.

After the other party approached the schoolgirl's ear and uttered a joke of unknown content, the girl named Chu Yao blushed instantly, giggled and opened her arms. He put Lin Yi's head in his arms.

Then the two of them were not ashamed and embarrassed in the woods of the big opening, which is not considered to be hidden, and kissed their mouths with a sense of water stains.

Let Gu Zheng standing one meter away from them:...

Can only be silent.

Out of the basic politeness of a bystander, Gu Zheng originally planned that after the two were tired and crooked, let's talk about business again.

It doesn't matter who thinks about it. In addition to the 33 correct kissing styles broadcast live, he also watched a war between extraordinary people for free.

Just when this pair of hateful dog men and women, who are the most self-conscious, will soon be staged a limited version of the mosaic mosaic, the top of their heads is also in the area where Gu Zheng is, but it is a storm. Suddenly, from the sparse poplar forest in the distance, a few young men dressed in black and all with strange aura flew out.

And the weapons in their hands are scythes, boomerangs, smoke bombs, etc.... At first glance, they are not products produced by the imperial local weapon system factory.

Not only that, they also boldly shouted out their identity.

"Baga, Hao! Go dead, go dead!"

"Yes, Smecta will die soon!"

Yo! Dare to feel that this is still a multinational joint force!

What should Gu Zheng do at this time?

Resolutely hid behind the woods, disguised as a passerby who was hit by a pond fish, shivering and watching the excitement!

Don't blame Gu Zheng for being unrighteous, didn't he and Lin Yi have not met yet.

Don't blame Gu Zheng for not being patriotic, the empire of this world, the ghost knows which one it is.

He just feels that under the premise of ensuring the safety of personal property, it is more suitable for him to play secretly behind the scenes.

As for the protagonist in life, Lin Yi, the protagonist who faced the enemy alone this time, isn't there a school girl beside him!

You know, the role of the school flower is not strong, only the protagonist knows.

As long as the vitals are not injured, shoot a gun and juggle and throw green onions.

Intestinal puncture is not terrible, but tears come to catalyze it.

One drop, two drops, three or four drops, and the protagonist stands up after dropping.

Full of strength and beauty, he can fight the three big gangs again.

It can be seen that the school flowers are really easy to use, you can go to bed, and go to the room, the invincible King of Pili Nanny!

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who was at ease, squatted under the big poplar tree, playing with rocks in his hands, watching the scene after these people in black confronted Lin Yi who had guarded the school flowers behind ~ Hey, it doesn't matter if you look at it. Gu Zheng discovered that the skill of this kid named Lin Yi is really not covered.

His martial arts moves are somewhat similar to the ancient martial arts, but the moves are more open and closed in the process of operation, and between the transitions and shifts, the surrounding aura is flowing like a substance.

When a move was used, Lin Yi's fist or palm still had a lot of energy.

And the group of people on the opposite side almost felt like watching it.

Hey, let's not talk about taking that piece of cloth and covering it with the big poplar tree next to Gu Zheng.

Let’s just talk about the black-clothed man with a hat on his head and a long braid hanging from the hat. By turning his head vigorously, shaking the braid to attack the enemy’s black man in the spicy food country, in addition to turning his head a few times. It won't be dizzy, there is no sense of threat at all.

To Shang Lin Yi, Gu Zheng felt that his victory or defeat was really hard to say, but to such a situation, he could hit eight with one finger.

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