The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1005: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (34)

So, after Lin Yi, who hadn't seen the opposite side, flipped it out with the blast of air, did he show a very helpless expression on his face?

As for the man who was about to lie on the tree and pretend to be invisible, at the moment when two groups of people were fighting to death... the island master who stepped forward to sneak attack, after seeing that his cheap companion was repelled, he didn't bother to pretend. Instead, he grabbed a sleeve arrow from his arms and threw it out in Lin Yi's direction confidently.

However, as a master who has also used darts, Gu Zheng thinks, let's evaluate it with our conscience...this one's accurate head is really not good.

No, he shot out with a dart, and only two of them collapsed in front of Gu Zheng's eyes.

When Gu Zheng, who was squatting on the side and watching a little bored, picked up a black and oily cross-sleeve arrow at will, suddenly, among the batch of darts that were shot at Lin Yi, there was a random dart. By the impact... it exploded.

'boom! ’

The fragments of the darts burst out, and Gu Zheng trembled under his hand with fright, and threw the invisible time bomb in his hand.

Then, when he looked up again in the direction of the explosion, he was amused.

The arrow in the sleeve of feeling exploded not because it hit Lin Yi, but because of its poor quality.

The black-clothed islander who used arrows in his sleeves, now, even the skin around the only ring of glasses that was exposed outside... is completely blackened by the explosion.

Not only that, the man in black who suffered a self-detonation and rejuvenation, after recovering a little sane, even his real enemy, Lin Yi, didn’t even bother to attack, but instead faced the blown companion. The direction yelled: "Bhaga, Ahao! What kind of weapon is produced in your spicy food country!"

"Don't tell me it's too expensive, you'll explode if you're even a bit too expensive!"

"I knew I couldn't listen to Nanako, buy something that looks good! It's pretty good as a shit!"

After saying this, the island country man in black seemed to have accomplished some great mission. He rolled his eyes white and fell on his back.


By this time, the situation in the field became very clear.

There was only one man in black who was suspected of being a native of the empire, standing opposite Lin Yi in a pose, but his eyes were through him, looking at the school flower behind him.

A rough and hoarse voice slowly spit out from the black-clothed man's mouth: "Hand over that woman, forgive you not to die."

So, as the hero of this incident, will Lin Yi agree?

After watching him immediately cover up Chu Yao's school flower... everyone present knew... his position.

Since it doesn't work, let's do it.



Suddenly it was shaved big, two opposing men, one black and the other white, as good-looking as an ink painting.

But if there is a sea of ​​corpses and blood under their feet, I am afraid that only boundless fear and evasive distance are left.

And the bodies of these two people now are rising from one wave to another, exuding boundless aura, as if in the next instant, they are about to move, and as if they don’t need to move, just use this aura to solve it. other side.

But what they didn't know was that just when their aura reached the highest point, Gu Zheng, who was sitting aside and plunged into contemplation, turned his body to the back of the big poplar tree and took out his own. On the phone, he secretly dialed an emergency number that the people of the empire knew.

Because, at the moment when the two men started to face each other, Gu Zheng realized that his power was infinite, and that was nothing in the category of non-human beings.

If his guess is correct, I am afraid that the level of a person like Lin Yi can no longer be divided into ordinary urban circles.

Urban fantasy, urban immortality cultivation, finally...appeared as he expected.

So, here comes the problem.

As an ordinary person, the original owner, Gu Zheng, is very safe in this world...growth to the age of 19, and in the memory of this ordinary person, he has never received any memory related to spirituality and fantasy.

But today, people like Lin Yi stood in front of him steadily.

And they can affect the surrounding environment like this before they start fighting, so how did the client spend the first nineteen years safely?

He hasn't encountered superhuman beings himself, can it be said that no one in the world has ever encountered this one?

Gu Zheng didn't believe it.

Such a clean world can only explain one thing. There must be an institution, which is based on the state machine, from top to bottom... It wipes out the traces of the real existence of this group of people... to the maximum extent.

If Gu Zheng's guess is correct, their group must be under the strictest monitoring of the country and in accordance with certain laws and regulations before they can conduct activities.

As for whether there are more magical people in state institutions, or if they have very strict procedures when they leave the circle, this is not something that Gu Zheng can know.

But Gu Zheng, who wants to understand this, can make a tentative call. If Lin Yi makes such a big and nobody cares about it, he can assume that he is wrong. .

The extra phone calls are just a reminder to the imperial government.

Gu Zheng, who did what he said, first asked Xiao Wangshu to follow the direction he had guessed, looking for clues in the world network.

When he found that many weird calls were all directed to one call, a very strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Could it be said that there is providence in the dark?

12319, the urban construction phone calls to your home, and all complaints about demolition and construction are looking for it.

Gu Zheng, who had a black line, tried to connect to the phone, and after the phone beeped three times, the other end of the phone was connected.

"Hello?" Gu Zheng hesitated, but he clarified the general situation: "I am in the 431 Yangshulin area of ​​the East Campus of the Imperial University. There are two people dressed in black and white facing each other. I don’t know how to do it. With a wave of your hand, all the leaves in the forest can be scraped off."

"Seriously affected... the citizens' normal road travel!"

Although these remarks were a bit shameful, Gu Zheng, who had practiced thousands of times, spoke them out smoothly.

He thought that in this kind of dusty and noisy environment, a secret call would not be known to anyone.

However, he once again underestimated the power of an annoying school girl, her cheating father.

Just when Lin Yi and the man in black were in a state of white-hot confrontation, Chu Yao, who was pushed to the sidelines at the beginning, was bored and saw a fat classmate at a glance, secretly pouting his ass. , Circling around the poplar tree, sneakily dialed a call that you knew you were not at ease without looking.

So, as a white and beautiful flat-breasted big silly girl with a righteous heart, what should he do now?

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