The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1006: Metropolis: Male God Shura Field (35)

Of course, he jumped in front of Gu Zheng and used his stupidity to influence his opponent!

So Chu Yao, a taller man, went in front of Gu Zheng, pointed at the tip of Gu Zheng's nose with the tip of his finger, and shouted loudly: "Ah! What are you doing! I tell you, call the paparazzi It's not good for you!"

"Or, you are a spy sent by the enemy!"

"Ah! I saw it! I..." After saying this, Chu Yao subconsciously looked around, seeing a foot that had been shaved off by the energy of her bodyguard Lin. After the thick branches of the bowl, it seemed to have found the backbone of the main body, and ran to the side of the poplar branch, clenched both hands, intending to use it as a weapon to take advantage of Gu Zheng's head. NS.

Not only that, she also reminded her opponent with great momentum: "Look, look at the trick, see if I won't draw you into a real pig!"

Hey! Granddaughter, grandpa, I hate others saying I'm fat!

Rolling his eyes, Gu Zheng didn't even bother to lift his head. He just raised his left arm perfunctorily and moved it to the top of his head, and finished the last call.

When it came to the microphone: "Okay, we will dispatch troops immediately, please hold on." After the words.

Gu Zheng gently pressed the hang-up button.

It's over, now we have to wait and see.

Take a look at the time when 12319 was in this world.

As for the branch that didn't have any strength on his arm, but because his arm bounced back and flew out?

Who cares!

But what if there is a school flower hanging on this branch?

Then someone will take care of it.


The delicate soprano cut across the sky, and what followed was a snow-white figure, standing steady in the direction where the same snow-white woman fell...and then at the place where the scream stopped abruptly. In an instant, the flying away person was hugged in his arms.

It was different from what Gu Zheng had imagined... Lin Yi was going to stare at him as the culprit next, and then he was about to come up to trouble him in a different scene.

Nowadays, Lin Yi, who embraced the beauty in his arms, remained unmoved, which made Gu Zheng a little surprised. After raising his eyes and taking a look like this, he just ‘poofed’... and said with joy.

That's because, even if it was falling, Colonel Chu did not forget to tighten the branch in her hand.

Those stubble stubbles...crushed like this, and Lin Yi’s original jelly and unruly face was mixed with a hint of freshness, and it was shaved into cement without smoothing putty. Walls are like... Barbara pulled all the trenches.

It's bloody.

So if you want to defeat this kind of enemy, you only need to disintegrate from the inside. The result of spending a lifetime with this kind of woman, you don't need your enemy to look for trouble, it can also achieve the effect of killing people.

Lin Yi, who has no hope for the school flower’s IQ, has a look of hopelessness. He also asked hopefully: "You were too nervous just now that you forgot to throw away the branches in your hands, right? "

"No!" Chu Yao in Lin Yi's arms shook her head vigorously: "I just think that the great master Lin Yi might be able to clamp the branch with **** and rescue me in a cool manner?"

Lin Yi:...

Gu Zheng: Puff!

Just because of Gu Zheng’s voice, Lin Yi, who was already on the verge of rage, turned his head and turned his murderous eyes to where Gu Zheng was. After the two eyes collided, Gu Zheng, who felt the danger, followed one of his eyes. Squinting, when he pressed his hand on the picked solid dart in his pocket, the man in black who had been ignored by both parties for a long time opened his mouth a little bit angrily: "Jiejiejiejiejiejie... …Are you too leisurely!"

"Since this is the case, let's all pay for it!"

When it was said that it was too late, it was fast, and at the moment when Gu Zheng and Lin Yi's eyes collided, the offensive of the man in black who was diagonally opposite also followed.

Unfortunately, at this time, Lin Yi's hands are still holding the school flower. Gu Zheng is still hesitating about whom to give the dart in his hand. When the man in black is about to get it, he will start from the other side of the forest road. At one end, a blue-and-white patrol car drove towards this side at a super high speed.

When everyone's sights were attracted by this unbelievable patrol car, this urban management car that Gu Zheng had been very familiar with, squeaked and stopped in front of everyone.

As the door was opened, a few very unusual humans walked out of this ordinary-looking car.

They may be dressed up like a fairy style, holding a flag in their hands, and it says: Propaganda of feudal superstition is forbidden!

Or with a gourd on his head, a sheriff's hat crooked, and a flag in his hand that says: After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is not allowed to be refined...

That kind of weird breath can't be concealed no matter how it is concealed.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he gasped again.

I understand, I understand, if Lin Yi still belongs to the category of human beings, I am afraid that these people do not even belong to the sub-race.

Only those who are above it... the legendary ancestors, quirky characters, can control the special group of lawless and do whatever they want.

What if the special race management committee of the imperial government is such a person?

Subconsciously Gu Zheng muttered: "Could it be that all the law enforcement officers in Citigroup are Green Lantern, Iron Man and Mickey Minnie?"

Whoever thinks of his self-talking words, there are really some people who take the trouble, everyone in the field is thinking, who am I? When I was there, the captain who had a monkey face, covered a turban, painted a Peking opera monkey face, and had a stick behind him... Then he said, "You said the foreign security team." , They can't!"

"You have to destroy half of the city to do something. How many do you like? He is mobile and agile, quietly strangling the buds of crime while brewing."

"Well, we have basically mastered the situation at the scene."

"You're the one calling the police? Mr. Gu Zheng, the social crime record is 0, and the citizen rating is excellent."

"It seems that this scene has caused a lot of trouble for your daily life!"

"Don't worry, the urban management is very fast! Brother Calabash, I will ask you this time!"

After saying this, the Peking Opera Mask Monkey copied his hand, leaned against the car door, and watched... the performance under the big man holding the gourd.

If the gourd on his head was not too obvious, Gu Zheng would really dare not think of this man with a certain image in his impression.

But after the big brother started, Gu Zheng confirmed that it was still the same taste, that is the person.

Because the first sentence of this big brother was: "Let go of that girl!"

Then, without warning, the two sides were confronting each other, and a flash of lightning squirted over.

As the smell of burnt black spread out, Gu Zheng, who was squatting under the poplar tree, slowly withdrew his hand on the dart back.


Sure enough, the fantasy city is fearless.

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