The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1018: Metropolis Chapter: Male God Shura Field (End)

And when the commentator said these words, that Gu Zheng, who knew everything but didn't know the way forward, had already domineeringly sat on the throne that belonged to him.

From today on, be the leader.

From today onwards, I am the Lord.

Even if the real world is caught in an inexplicable noisy because of this commentary, pedestrians and vehicles on the road slowly stopped because of this news, people who have never paid attention to this game. All the minds were attracted by the dense LED screens around... Gu Zheng in the rivers and lakes, but his surroundings were still as quiet as a chicken.

Alone, standing on a high platform, the surrounding wind is cold and merciless...

Let Gu Zheng finally understand that the end of the summit is the opening of a lonely road.

It also made this Gu Zheng, who has finally completed the much-anticipated, male god's progress bar, smiled with a long-lost satisfied smile.

Because at the moment when his **** just got on the throne, the progress bar that was still a little worse was finally full of 100% progress.

And at this moment, the soul that belonged to the host, who had been sleeping in his sea of ​​consciousness for a long time, finally turned around again.

Let this little soul ball, which had to be wiped out of its spiritual energy, once again regained its vitality, and was able to have a little spirit to talk face-to-face with Gu Zheng.

It's just that Gu Zheng, who is quite a few laps older than the opponent, looks a bit inexplicably domineering.

He just asked the client's wishes as before: "The task has been completed, and your wish has been perfectly fulfilled by me."

"Now hand over the body to you, should you deal with it?"

However, the slightly weaker sphere being compared responded with a little melancholy: "Are you leaving now?"

"On this occasion? At this location?"

"Yes!" Gu Zheng nodded without hesitation, and replied in his most assured tone: "Don't be afraid, take courage."

"Use the responsibility of a man to carry the future affairs."

"Learn to be strong, learn to be lonely, if you can't hold on, please turn around and take a look at the parents who love you most."

"For them, for your friends who are sincere to you, as well as relatives and friends who are sincere to you, you must also learn to grow to be strong enough to shelter them from the wind and rain."

"Because this road of male gods is the most true choice in your heart."

"You who have chosen this path are suffering or tired, happy or sweet, you should go on willingly without complaint or regret."

"Don't be afraid, think about the ups and downs of the three hundred and sixty-five days that you and I have walked together, and you will feel that you are not alone."

"Maybe, when so many planes are merged together, you and me, there will be the day when we meet."

"Friend, treasure... and goodbye!"

After speaking these words like a life mentor, Gu Zheng’s soul, Gu Zheng’s soul seemed to be detached...the client’s body emerged, carrying the pocket-sized Laughing Book case, and the other person The tears filled the eyes and the affectionate stare, and it became lighter and lighter, until it dissipated in the world on this side.

The original owner Gu Zheng, who was left alone, took over and returned to his body after a shock.

But at this time, he was half too happy to be able to control his life again. On the contrary, he shed sad tears uncontrollably.

In this world that Gu Zheng hadn't heard for a long time, above the towering purple bamboo throne, a cry of blood weeping like a lone wolf uttered.

"Big brother, can you listen to me?"

"You at least wait until this enthronement ceremony is over before leaving."

"No matter how bad, when you step down from this throne, and you leave, I won't have such a reaction!"

"These days, at such a glorious moment, how can you be so desperate and wantless...have you let others go?"

"Ah! It's not this time to carry forward the spirit!"

The key is……

"I'm afraid of heights!"

Yes, I'm afraid that I just gave the full male **** the progress bar, and I was roared by this roar, and it was 50% off.

Of course, Gu Zheng, who has never looked back, naturally doesn't care about the flood behind him.

The new world is becoming more and more dangerous, and I need to return to reality to meditate.

When Gu Zheng kept that weird smile and stood in the study room that he was so familiar with, for the first time, he had a breath of aftermath.

The world called the ‘Male God’s City’ has actually set off uncontrollably into the Asura Hell.

As for the future, will he move in a more bizarre direction and have a yarn ball relationship with him.

Gu Zheng, who was particularly down-to-earth, lightly tapped the floor tiles under his feet, and a feeling of completeness and comfort came to life.

And when he raised his head again to look at the wall clock on the wall, the ticking pointer also moved step by step.

Very It's perfect, and I don't have to worry about traversing things like the previous world.

No matter how old the current case of Xiao Wangshu is, it is more secure than paper books.

Gu Zheng, who expressed high recognition for this, stood silently beside the chassis of Xiao Wangshu, and asked in an extremely disgusting tone: "Hey, why is it still the original old model? Not that if I successfully complete one Will it be upgraded once after the world’s mission?"

After saying this, Gu Zheng also subconsciously rubbed the cover of the other party's case with his finger, frowned and checked to see if the Laughing Forgetting machine would be dusty.

After hearing Gu Zheng's accusation, Xiao Wangshu was aggrieved and defended himself: "Master, you will definitely get promoted if you upgrade."

"But you still have to give me a gasp."

"What's more, you are definitely going to watch the playback of this world now. If I just absorb the energy to upgrade, wouldn't you look down on it?"

Well, there are a few more reasons to say, and Gu Zheng is quite satisfied with this explanation.

But then he immediately discovered what was awkward after the return of the world?

correct! It is the feedback of the world!

Why is his two hands empty after returning to the real world this time?

Gu Zheng looked up and down, and after touching all his underwear, he finally confirmed that it really was...he had never brought it back.

Then, this huge gap made Gu Zheng accept his incompetence.

"I said laughing and forgetting the book, although the previous world has been a bit frustrated, but at any rate there are some condolences feedback that can soothe my mood of going violently."

"But what is going on in this second world, without giving material feedback?"

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