The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1019: Replay of the world of male gods (1)

But after hearing Gu Zheng's question, Xiao Wangshu, who was squatting on the desk, said in his heart: It really came!

But the answer to this question has already been recited thousands of times in my heart. Naturally, when answering Gu Zheng, it also slipped to an incredible point.

Xiao Wangshu said: "That's because, in the second world where the host is, there will be things that endanger the real world."

"It's different from the sky-shaking arrow that has lost its aura, and it has the same origin as the world in which Master Gu lives."

"Those items that are more powerful and difficult to control, once they appear, will bring a devastating blow to the world where the host is located."

"For example?" Gu Zheng's mind flashed, and he asked this sentence subconsciously.

"For example, an evolutionary gene solution that can destroy the entire world and transform humans into beasts..."

"And the advanced black technology that will make this world more crazy for arms expansion, these things in the outer world and even in outer space, Gu, if you bring them back, can you guarantee that they are stored safely and properly? ?"

If it's just a valuable dead thing, there is nothing to fear.

What if the living thing can be brought back together?

Gu Zheng thought for a while, only to feel inexplicably horrified.

He suddenly felt that it didn't seem to make a difference whether to bring back that kind of thing.

But this originally existing welfare cannot be cancelled inexplicably for this reason.

He always has to make up for himself in other ways.

Therefore, after he wanted to understand, Gu Zheng rightly asked Xiao Wangshu: "After canceling this particularly useful condition, you must always give me some compensation in other ways!"

As for this, Xiao Wangshu is already prepared.

An additional note appeared on the computer where the display was turned on.

After Gu Zheng carefully understood the contents, he could only accept it reluctantly.

Because this additional explanation opened Gu Zheng's future crossing with a small finger.

As mentioned above, the more fantasy skills learned in the previous worlds, when Gu Zheng arrived in the new world, if he feels that this world is extremely difficult and the living environment is still extremely bad. , He can independently choose a superhuman skill he mastered in the previous world and copy it to the new world for use.

If the world in which you live is extremely dangerous, this item... may be transformed into multiple items.

So what does this additional condition mean?

Take Gu Zheng, for example, in the world he travels into, he can only use the conditions allowed by the world to give full play to his strengths.

For example, in the urban world, the Yasha he once served as a priest with the ability to summon divine beasts is absolutely impossible to activate.

But after the system has compensated for it, he can borrow copies like the previous world when his basic abilities are about to fail.

He seconded an ability that he thought would enable him to tide over the difficulties, so that he would not be so strenuous in the clearance.

For Gu Zheng, this is simply a great thing.

However, he subconsciously ignored the last line in this manual, a line with small fonts that needs a magnifying glass to see.

This sentence says so.

Whether the task person is in danger will be judged by the ideology of his own world.

The meaning is deep.

In the worst case, it depends on the sense of good and evil in the world that Gu Zheng is going to, the world consciousness towards him, a foreign soul.

If it is indifferent or kind, then Gu Zheng's situation is fairly easy to tell.

But if the behavior is harsh or jealous and repulsive, it would be better for Gu Zheng not to use this ability. If once used and discovered by the new world, I am afraid that it will not make things difficult, and it will be considered good.

Of course, this matter also has two sides.

If it were in a world where ordinary people couldn't survive at all, Gu Zheng's compensation would have a big effect.

For example, an ordinary person without spiritual roots and bones suddenly encountered an opportunity to cultivate immortality?

For another example, a giant spirit **** suddenly appeared in the sky where aliens invaded and filled the sky with mecha...

Okay, I'm thinking a little bit too much about this, let's watch the replay of the new world.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Gu Zheng calmly dragged out a chair that was placed in front of the desk, and after doing it steadily, he said to the computer screen that hurt his eyes: "Let's start the playback!"

After hearing this order, Liao Wangshu finally settled down, happily he played a video player, and after turning it into full-screen mode, he gave Gu Zheng a full set of sound, light and color. It's playing.

With the sound of melodious music, a scene like a big movie was played on this computer.

At first glance, it is still a busy city with a lot of traffic, still a little smog, and still the kind of mellow and frustrating taste.

The early risers are rushing towards hope, and those who stop...but can enjoy the peaceful birdsong in the park.

However, if you really calm down and look at this world, you will find that, at some point, it is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

At this time, in Ditanzi Park, where Gu Zheng was most familiar, the old people doing morning exercises gathered under the big banyan tree in the center of the park as they did before, and they had to come in a circle every day... …The practice of Baguazhang.

But Gu Zheng, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, couldn't help but sit up straight.

Because at the forefront of this big venue, there is actually an old man dressed in Taoist uniforms, holding a seven-star sword, with a relaxed eyebrow, and a master style. As a boxer leader, in front of a group of old women Rehearsing.

If this is not surprising, behind this old Taoist priest, there is a huge flagpole, embroidered with gossip, and the huge..."Wendang" is written on the flagpole.

Behind the flagpole, if there weren’t another team with swords hehehaha...If the young people who formed a sword formation and practiced on their own also participated in it, I am afraid that even Gu Zheng would be able to ignore this slightly strange combination. past.

Because these two groups of people who should have been out of place are now harmoniously blended together.

After finishing this veteran swordsmanship, the aunts and grandpas who followed him were also very cooperative to put away their sword momentum, and they surrounded the old man in the crowd with great enthusiasm.

"Master, did you learn here today?"

"Should we pay the tuition for the next quarter."

"Yes, Master, it is said that a new health-preserving sword will be taught next season? It is said to be powerful enough to fight ligers?"

"Hmm... Don't worry, don't grab the beard of your teacher!" The old Taoist did not seem to be too comfortable with this enthusiastic scene. He used his scabbard to beat these uncles who were ten years older than himself. After the aunts stopped by half their arms, they took a breath and pointed their fingers in the direction of the flagpole behind him.

"If you want to pay for bundle repairs, you need to ask Mr. Mou's nephew."

"Don't move your hands anymore, don't blame me for being a teacher... I'm fighting back!"

Hearing what the master said, the most enthusiastic grandfathers and aunts quickly patted the master's...the robe crumpled by them, with a little embarrassing smile, ran away without a trace.

A joke, if you don’t run faster, they might lose their arms and legs if the opponent takes a sword.

I think at the beginning, this veteran came down to cheat money under the name of Wendangpai. Oh, no, when he was a disciple of the wide collection, he was ridiculed by this group of grandpas and aunts.

And after this rather calm and peaceful Daoist was rushed by them, he didn't say much. He only waved his sword at the crooked-neck tree they used to hang bird cages, and the one that was slashed by lightning never fell. The stubborn old tree collapsed under the gaze of everyone.

Later, don't worry about how the old Taoist priest was chased by the park administrator and fled in embarrassment, but the big guy has a clear understanding of his abilities and where he went out.

And this seemingly downright sect survived in this group of people who recognized them.

It is said that the place of their martial art is just two miles away, on the hillside that popped up suddenly.

Because of the special location of the land, the local government has begun to discuss cooperative development projects of surrounding land with them.

But within a short period of time, the cash cannot be credited to the account, and all the people of the martial art have to eat and live.

Going down the mountain to inquire about the Wendang school who was going to ask for life, they looked at the tin shell outside and hesitated. They only felt that the scent of birds and flowers in the garden of the earth jar were in line with their Wendang school's doctrine and philosophy...that was quite consistent.

Simply do near and not far, and do not do raw but familiar.

After the hillside under their sect is developed, the big-ticketed grandparents will be the main contributors to their hilltop ticket I think of the old master here, that is, Wendang. The head of the faction, that is beautiful.

He thought that the road to world integration was very difficult, but he was the first to walk out of a broad road.

Not only that, but he also received a female apprentice who was gifted by Tian Zong, allowing him to see the dawn of the world in this world of martial arts.

And this apprentice is Mou Xiaoliu who is in charge of dealing with this group of uncles and aunts.

This girl, who was originally the inheritor of the Baguazhang family in modern society, hurried over after hearing that an ancient martial arts sect with a gossip banner had appeared in Ditanzi Park.

After a formal battle with the master here, he became a member of the Wendang faction with all his heart.

In Mou Xiaoliu's words, learning is endless, and martial arts can only progress through continuous exploration.


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