The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1021: Replay of the world of male gods (3)

This kind of Qin Guan made the people of the empire who liked him more like him.

And from that moment on, this handsome male **** has conquered the world with his appearance... has been going on.

Qin Guan was among the ordinary male gods who had fought with Gu Zheng, and he was considered better in the new world.

And the group of people who were not as good as they were, were naturally run to foreign F4 by Gu Zheng.

Because I lost the opportunity to start, because foreigners are unfamiliar with the empire arena and history, and because of the delay in the release of this game.

Let the combination of the remaining three people who should have taken the lead in the empire, on the contrary, become the last group of people who reacted.

When they received the notice from the family and hurriedly returned to the country, the three original patriarchs suddenly realized that many ordinary people had already walked in front of them in this new world. Found their own excitement.

The gradual integration of multiple worlds has reduced the weight of large consortia and heirs of large enterprises in a country.

Because in this vast world with almost no boundaries, as long as you have a dream of becoming stronger, you can always find your goal for it.

In a more fair and just environment, more and more people do not need to rely on people like F4 to realize their ideals or achieve their goals in life.

As long as these people work hard and dare to fight, even if they join the wilderness exploration team organized by the country or the forward battalion deep-digging, they can spell a future for themselves.

Not to mention those who have some special skills, they have become the object of respect and competition.

The current empire is like a truly beautiful world described by everyone, and it truly achieves relative fairness and justice.

What is most precious in the 21st century?

It's talent.

Therefore, the F4s who are standing on the same starting line with everyone, while coping with their family's resource struggle, must also work hard to keep up with the footsteps of their predecessors.

And the few people who stepped in the wrong step finally walked on the road of obliteration and everyone.

At the end of the movie, Xiao Wangshu, who was in charge of editing, didn't even bother to give these four people the extra shots... the same frame.

It's just a very perfunctory use of the pictures that I don't know where it came from, and they are barely sticking together, even if I turn over this article.

Don't blame Gu Zheng who was on the sidelines for seeing the difference at a glance.

Because the photos belonging to Qin Guan in the area of ​​ordinary male gods are the cover of the fashion blockbuster filmed for VG.

The area reserved for F4 is a collection of funny photos of three unshaven middle-aged uncles with shaved big green skins and sea blue prison uniforms.

This bias in preference is quite severe.

Sure enough, this is still a face-seeking world.

Gu Zheng, who took the cigarette from his lips, smiled as if he had seen all this. When the smoke was about to completely cover this small screen, the male gods belonged to the non-human category. The ending was officially staged.

The first among them was Xiao Nai, who was the closest to ordinary people.

Because he was **** with the empire early, he was given a lot of extraordinary treatment.

And when Gu Zheng took a different but correct path, he was a little embarrassed when he originally got the status of the star of hope.

But this senior Xiao Nai, who puts his own mindset, is not a professional who lives by playing games.

He was first a high-achieving student in the computer science department at the academic level, and then a traditional game master.

Although the direction they tried at the beginning was wrong, after they discovered the deviation in time, they immediately put aside their original game mentality and steadily tried to analyze the new world according to one person's gameplay. NS.

After the fusion of the two worlds, and because of his high-level ability to run more maps, it inexplicably became a data link after the fusion of the two worlds.

When many unknown places were just emerging, Xiao Nai always organized the newest land reclamation team to find the way for the large troops.

With keen intuition and rich experience in the world, he can always lead a team of his girlfriend and friends to complete tasks that are difficult for others to break through.

In the end, relying on this, he became an explorer in the new world that everyone recognized again.

With the courage and ability of super and ordinary people, I wrote an article for all people, a successful case of rising again from adversity.

Also let everyone know about certain characteristics of successful people.

That is, keep your heart in good times, and never forget your original intention in times of adversity.

Don't be surprised by honor or disgrace, and be indifferent to the world.

Let everyone admire it.

In the last picture, Xiao Nai, who is wearing a uniform, is mashing up with a group of teammates in front of The latest landscape...that he has never touched before. There was a lively discussion on the edge.

They looked at this ghostly and gloomy new area in front of them, and their blood seemed to be boiling, not to mention how excited they were.

This is the life they yearn for, full of infinite possibilities, excitement, unknowns and mysteries.

And when this group of people obeyed Xiao Nai’s command and was about to scream in the direction of one of the safest-looking bushes, suddenly, this dark and mysterious place, that looked the most In the thorny forest that is not easy to pass, it is a masterpiece of noise.

A group of people dressed more strangely than them filed out of this, with a little excitement, the little stranger raised his eyes and looked at the world outside the forest.

And when one of these people was very clever at first sight, after seeing Xiao Nai and the others, he was excited and said something that they didn't understand, and then stuck back again. To the depths of the Black Mountain Forest.

"What do you mean? See how many of us are calling for the rescuers?"

When Xiao Nai's whispered "Alert" order was issued, the young man who ran away went back again.

Only this time, a large and dense group of people followed him.

The entrance to the dense forest was so crowded that the water could not escape.

And when Xiao Nai, a small team of only more than twenty people, was talking about countermeasures in private, all the voices were trembling, but this dense group of people was separated by a regular channel.

Along with the roar of a young guy: "Master! We are coming out!" appeared...a figure that made Xiao Nai both familiar and unfamiliar.

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