The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1022: Replay of the world of male gods (4)

Yes, the reason why this figure made him so familiar was because it was this person who was the culprit who threw him into the dust for so long before.

The reason that made him unfamiliar was also very simple, because even if this matter had passed so long, Xiao Nai and Gu Zheng had never really met him once.

I never got to know each other face to face.

This pair of men, who are considered to be enemies of fate, felt a sense of sympathy when they met each other at the first glance today.

Yes, human fate is so wonderful, you don’t need to say a word, you don’t need to do a single action.

Two people can identify with each other and become confidants for a lifetime.

Gu Zheng and Xiao Nai are just such two people.

Therefore, when they finally stood opposite each other, there was only a smile left to vindicate their grudges.

"Hello, my name is Gu Zheng!"

"Hello, my name is Xiao Nai!"

Long admired the name.

When Gu Zheng's brows, who was sitting in front of the computer, gradually wrinkled and tightened as the event unfolded, the picture of sympathy fell into darkness in an instant.

When the lens brightened again, when he saw the picture of Gu Zheng who finally got the picture, he was shocked by the sudden appearance of the picture, shaking off the cigarette he had only smoked a few puffs. On the ground.

Because this last picture is the last image of a few non-human male gods in this world who have never appeared before the camera.

Two black and white mirror frames of the same size are placed side by side in this way.

They are as young as they were when they met many years ago.

But the people who lie under their frames and cry in sorrow are no longer young.

It seems that they are immortal existences, and they have fixed their best years in their most energetic years.

What on earth did you give birth to?

Let the two have a bright future. If others go first, they may not have trouble with the elite backbone, so they can go so easily?

If it were the most natural death, the following memorial service would not look so hasty and tragic as it is now.

But when Gu Zheng leaned over and picked up the cigarette that fell on his feet, the answer he wanted was slowly revealed before his eyes.

Only this time, it was no longer the main battlefield for Xiao Nai and Gu Zheng.

It was the two men who had returned to their own small circle because of Gu Zheng... the home of the strong soldiers king and Lin Yi, the male gods who were outside the category of ordinary people.

Since one thought returned to normal and the other was taken away forcibly, these two pseudo-male gods who had completely disappeared from Gu Zheng’s life, but continued to live in this world in another way. .

They were sent to the more dangerous...the next alien space that needed to be merged, and used their abilities to feed back the latest information about the new world to the empire.

"Lin Yi! Hurry! Run with things!"

That silly strong soldier still smiles in front of the camera.

But Gu Zheng, who had experienced many lives and deaths, knew that the other party's time was running out.

Because a kind of weird toxin is spreading rapidly outside the body of the strong soldier king, the black color that the most poisonous snake venom can't cause is about to spread all over the body of this dying man.

But even so, this man still took a sigh of relief and handed the package he had hugged tightly in his arms to Lin Yi, who was dragging him forward at this time. Hands.

"You go away, I'm afraid I won't be able to save it."

"According to your ability, you will be able to return to the empire smoothly."

"With this thing, maybe we can study it, and save our family, friends, and all ordinary people in the world from misfortune."

"As for me?"

"I can never go back like this."

"Perhaps, I will go back in the future, and wait until the virus is completely controlled, and when we find the most effective solution, you will come to me again."

"I won't leave, I'll wait for you here. You have to believe me, even if I lose my life and go home, for me, it is also the wish that I want to realize the most."

After saying this, the King of Strong Soldier smirked again. In Lin Yi's eyes, this ordinary person who was just a gunnery officer had burst out a power that even a cultivator couldn't match.

Because of the words of the Strong Soldier King, Lin Yi, who was still in a daze, was pushed out of this semi-enclosed laboratory by the opponent. When he looked up again, the building was completely lost. The Strong Soldier King once existed. Mark of.

And there was only a dirty military schoolbag in his arms, the black spots spattered by gunpowder and the dark red stains of dirty blood, indicating that their master had really existed.

"Asshole! What a hero! What age is this! Tmd! Give it back to Lao Tzu. Soldiers are trying to sacrifice for the common people!"

"Strong Soldier King, you bastard! Wait, wait until I get the antidote and find your ugly body, even if you are rotten into a lump of carrion, I will make you live. "

"Let you see, what a ghost look you are now! Let you die, and die like a normal person!"

Tears shed tears on his cheeks after a touch of ignorance. Lin Yi, who was so sorrowful and unable to control himself, walked more firmly than ever.

Hurry up, hurry up!

The corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood in front of you, what is the dry bones and carrion!

Even if Lin Yi, who was so particular about it in the past, when he rushed into the crowd of zombies that were no longer human, he no longer had the pretense of the past.

The air waves that flew out of his hand, as if they didn't need money, swayed toward the bodies of these ignorant walking corpses.

It was as if these malignant tumors were shocked into powder to vent his nowhere to vent anger and overwhelming sadness.

"It's all because of you! Bastards! Ah!!!"

When a move to ascend to the sky and blast the tide-like corpses in front of him into a huge gap, Lin Yi, who had a dirty package in his arms and no clean place on his body, started from there. In the moment the corpse group separated for this, they saw the node where they had entered this world.

The small receiver, which is like a miniature tripod in a photographic equipment, is now in a quiet corner with a gleam of blue light.

And beside it, the zombies who swarmed towards Lin Yi from all directions had never seen the existence of this little thing.

Even if one or two of them accidentally hooked onto this instrument because of crowding, these monsters who had already lost their ability to think about themselves... but still seem ignorant... and head straight towards the same goal.

It was the taste of living blood, the most wonderful taste of life that they hadn't felt for a long time.

"His hiss..."

An inexplicable roar was yelled from the mouths of these zombies.

In this empty world, there was an echo.

At the periphery, more zombies, who were alarmed by the huge fight and blood, are running in the direction of Lin Yi at an extremely fast speed.

Yes, the speed is very fast. The zombies in this world are no longer the kind of slow action in the zombie world we know. As long as there is a bit of courage, they can be eliminated with a handy weapon. Zombies.

The zombies in this zombie world where no survivor has been seen are already in the mottled city buildings. I don’t know how long they wandered, and they were washed and penetrated by this filthy virus. Looks like.

Those zombies that have undergone the baptism of decay are constantly being transformed by this constantly splitting and evolving virus, and finally become their current combat effectiveness is absolutely not weak.

Otherwise, with the prudent behavior of the King of All Soldiers, the high level of military literacy, and the pre-prepared special forces king, how could it easily fall into the hands of these zombies?

In addition, in this world that has not been maintained for a long time, all the effective facilities have been decayed, and the useful information about the world that has been exposed to the public has been broken and incomplete.

They don’t get any useful support in this world. Even the most basic food supplements are not available in this world. Because he violated the rules in their circle, he was sentenced to perform this task.

But what about the strong soldier?

How innocent he is.

For the happiness of the common people whose name no one knows at all, for the safety of the vain and vague country that he always talks about?

A joke, since Lin Yi has been sensible, his master and his family have made him clear about one thing.

That is, this world is a society where the weak eat the strong, and the resources compete.

Only the strongest can survive, live better, and be more moisturized.

Strong Soldier King, you fool, the idea that you have accepted since childhood is grossly wrong!

Tmd, the wind is so big today, my eyes are fascinated again.

Lin Yi wiped the corners of his eyes and ran again, getting closer and closer!

He only needs to press his finger on the button of the signal receiver, and his mission on this trip is complete.

And the strong soldier king who stayed here forever, he can be regarded as dead well.

It's a pity that the number of zombies around him blocking the last leg of the journey is increasing.

Even if his aura overturned the opponent seven or eight at a time, it couldn't stop them from going forward.

"Asshole, why are there so many!"

"What's the use of such a world, such a world! It should be destroyed, the most thorough way is not self-salvation and prevention."

"It is to completely kill this world at this node where everything has never started."

Even though Lin Yi was yelling like this at this time, the package in his left arm was getting tighter and tighter.

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