The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1024: Replay of the world of male gods (6)

Just when the people on this side of the barrier are at a loss for the situation and can't think of a clue.

It was still Lin Yi who stood up and saved the life of the little soldier and spoke again.

"It should have been made by the monster just now."

"He should have seen the process of operating the receiver just now."


The soldiers standing beside Lin Yi were the first people to come into contact with this dangerous world.

They knew that before Lin Yi and the King of Strong Soldiers combined, their army had already sent several well-trained investigative teams.

But the only one who really returned successfully was Lin Yi, who was alone.

When I think of everyone here, my face becomes ugly.

If their technicians are correct in their estimation, it will take a few years for the world to be fully integrated.

But today, if things of that world are allowed to appear in the real world so suddenly...they who are unprepared, will usher in an endless **** of Shura.

And these people will become sinners in this world.

Even if they have exhausted their lives now, they have to close this barrier to success again.

But who will be sent to perform this task?

The leader in charge of the reception subconsciously looked in Lin Yi's direction.

No, this man with indifference all over his body, if it weren't for the trade between the military and their circle, he was afraid that he would easily not take care of the nosy of others.

What's more, since he returned smoothly with what everyone needed, even if Lin Yi's contract with the military was officially completed, he wanted such a person to continue to serve their tasks?


But when the general was going to mobilize all the leading soldiers on hand to rush into the inside of the barrier together, even if he knew it was death, he had to turn off the signal before the massive outpouring of the zombies on the opposite side. After the self-saving rescue, the guy next to him squatted beside the uncontrollable little soldier who was crying with his nose and sobbing. He said nothing, as if looking at other people through the soldier, but Lin Yi said something. Words: "Let me go!"

"You are not its opponents."

"What's more, after closing from the inside, you have to wait for the next opening before it can come out again."

"Even if you people can complete the closed mission, you won't be able to survive in it for another month. What's the difference between you and death."

"Moreover, I have to confirm some things. You should be thankful that you learned about the existence of purple zombies at this point in time."

"Rather than being at a loss when we are stupidly preparing for the fusion of the new world."

"Besides, I still have a bold guess. Is the zombie we are encountering the strongest among them?"

"In that world, what kind of existence is there? This is the information we must know and master."

"So, this person who returns again must be me, and it can only be me."

"Let's make that decision."

After Lin Yi said these words, he couldn't help the general behind him retort. Instead, he gently tidied up the already dirty and colorless jersey, and asked again with a little carelessness. : "Anything to eat?"

"Give me some. One month, I can't starve to death in it."

"If everything goes smoothly, at this point, you will get more detailed monster information."

"When the time comes, don't thank me much, just prepare something delicious and drink for me."

"If it doesn't go well..." Lin Yi chuckled when he said this, and shouted with a nonchalant smile as if to cheer for his decision: "Then what I got will also be placed on that signal. Around."

"Call me that stingy master at the time."

"His internal strength is enough to cope with this distance of fetching objects."

"It also saves others' sacrifices in vain."

After saying these words, Lin Yi stopped saying more, he quietly blocked the opening of the growing hole, slap and slap the disgusting things that tried to lean out of this weak barrier. I took it back again.

After that, the soldiers moved quickly.

In just a while, a huge sack appeared at Lin Yi's feet.

"There are no good things, it's all high-calorie, full-bodied wartime food and supplies."

And Lin Yi, who was free to shoot, didn't dislike it. He just smiled and said a word that was not clear to anyone except him.

"It's okay, I have eaten the best meal in my life, and everything else is just for the stomach!"

After saying these words, Lin Yi hung the sack on his belt, as if hung an ordinary waist bag, and walked toward the ruined world he just came out again. However, when his feet were halfway out, the young soldier squatting on the ground jumped up from the ground with a swish, and yelled at himself. .

"Hero, benefactor! I, Yu Huohui, want to go with you!"

"My squad leader is still opposite, he was dragged away to save me!"

"And I will definitely not hold you back, this year's recruits competition, I am the first, and I am a well-deserved recruit king!"

"I can also make a fire and cook. My home is in the mountains. No one is stronger than me for survival in the wild!"

"In addition to cooking, I can also warm the bed and conduct investigations. I can do everything except not having children!"

This line of roar was hissing, so that the scene that was still noisy was quiet in an instant.

When everyone thought that this reckless recruit would be sprayed by Lin Yi, Lin Yi, who was about to leave alone, had a meal, turned his head, and responded to this whimsical smile with a smile that everyone didn't understand. The unreasonable demands of the recruits.

"Okay, if you can get your captain's permission, just follow along!"

"But the ugly words are at the forefront. I won't care about your life and death when you are in danger!"

I thought Lin Yi would hesitate for a while when he said that Yu Huohui, who would have thought, but this raw melon egg did not hesitate to follow in Lin Yi's footsteps, nodded without hesitation: " Don't worry about me, life or death is a fate, this fate was originally earned by me!"

"Now go!?"

"Go! Captain I've gone! No, Captain, the food you gave me!"

The completely ignored captain: ...dead boy, only think of me when he wants to eat!

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