The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1025: Replay of the world of male gods (end)

But this was the soldier he had just received from the team. He was still so young and so lively, yet he had to face such a big danger because of this **** world.

The captain who brought the supplies that he had prepared long ago for his recruits, his steady hands, are now trembling non-stop.

But his perseverance in every possible way turned into a silent sigh when he saw the smile of this resolute recruit.

Only blessings, accompanied by the left and right.

"Let's go!"


This is the last shot left by Lin Yi and recruit Yu Huo to this constantly changing new world.

It is also the last memory they give to their relatives and friends.

Then, even the scenes of Laughing Forgetting Books knew that this playback was about to end, slowly rewinding, rewinding, stretching, and continuing to stretch.

In the end, the panoramic view of the place of worship filled with elegiac couplets and wreaths was shown in front of the people who were watching it all.

The panorama this time made Gu Zheng finally see clearly. Behind the black-and-white photo frame juxtaposed with Lin Yi and the Strong Soldier King, there are rows of densely packed rows of young faces like them...smiling fresh and beautiful.

At this time, they were like the pioneers who had moved forward, surrounded by Lin Yi and the King of Strong Soldiers.

No wonder, the cry of these people is endless.

And there are so many wreaths here.

This is the sacrifice of a group of the loveliest people, and the stability of the life in exchange for it.

Gu Zheng, who felt that the world could end here, slowly stood up from his desk.

The cigarette that he had not smoked a few puffs had already burned out in the ashtray on the side.

Xiao Wangshu's computer screen also followed his move, and finally fell into silence, as if rebirth from the ashes, the future happy life is no longer the most important thing.

So be it, my second world urban life.

This world that has given me great joy is also a new world that makes me very lucky. Goodbye.

Maybe when I have enough patience, I will once again look back into the past.

I just hope that you at that time are still strong and full of vitality.

After pressing the shutdown button, Gu Zheng whispered to Xiao Wangshu: "You upgrade, but hurry up." After these words, he lit a cigarette again for himself, In his mouth, he slowly walked out of this little study room that had not changed.

After crashing the chain lock outside the house and making it sturdy, he picked up the car key at hand, and drove straight to Fuwai Hospital, just like what he had done most recently.

He is going to pick up Lengshuang, and eat a hearty meal with her or a small stove in the hospital cafeteria by the way.

And all this depends on the working hours of his busy girlfriend.

The woman who works in the hospital where there is life and death every day, as if she has been accustomed to seeing life and death, can always say something into his heart during the conversation with him.

And her warm embrace can always soothe his restless heart and make him faster...return to the real world of the real self, and live his own life steadily.

It seems that today you are going to find your own healing medicine.

Even today, Lengshuang has a night shift in the inpatient department.

But as long as you can snuggle together in the lounge and feel the heartbeats that seem to belong to each other, it is always good.

Gu Zheng, who left as he said, was quick.

When he arrived at the gate of Fuwai Hospital, he was greeted by the cold frost after get off work.

After the two of them just glanced at each other, they picked up the phones next to them and ordered a time-saving and labor-saving... pizza-related simple meal for themselves.

In this crowded evening peak period, take a look at the TV that you haven’t watched for a long time, talk about your own life trivial matters, and spend the rare leisure time plainly, which is the best for the two busy people of them. Entertained.

As a result, in this lounge full of meat and pizza, the huge Led screen has become exclusive to Doctor Leng and her boyfriend.

When they stuffed a piece of cake into their mouth, it suddenly occurred to them that at this point, it was actually the time for the award ceremony of their top ten outstanding youths.

Does this count as an inadvertent cut?

After looking at each other with a sharp heart, the two people turned their attention to their own shots on the screen.

The process at this time was a special coincidence, and it happened to be broadcast of Dr. Lengshuang's touching deeds.

Surrounded by scenes of wonderful hand rejuvenating pennants, this cold female doctor smiled softly enough.

All kinds of patients are doing the same action in front of the camera, that is, wiping their tears.


Either weeping and crying, or weeping with joy.

And all the crying served them, it was Dr. Leng who saved the lives of them or their loved ones.

This kind of heartfelt emotion is very touching.

Especially those patients who were originally pushed into the operating table, after recovery, went to various positions in the society, after showing a smile like a healthy person, the kind of hope and warmth that came out spontaneously, especially inspiring .

Let the audience who saw this situation and scene show a knowing smile.

And this young and somewhat excessive attending physician was completely remembered by the audience in front of the TV.

When Dr. Leng's interview was over, a line of rolling subtitles played continuously under her winning photos.

This is the consultation phone number of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of her hospital.

This also caused Dr. Leng, who slurped a sip of Coke because of thirsty, and was immediately caught in the backflow of sparkling water...coughing coughing coughing...coughing ceaselessly.

"Damn it! I think it may be that my attitude on the day of the interview was not cooperating enough, which made the reporters of this column group hate me."

And Gu Zheng didn't connect with his girlfriend's signal at all. He patted Leng Shuang's back and asked strangely: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course it's not right!" Leng Shuang wiped the corners of his mouth, spreading to Gu Zheng in a slightly angry tone: "Did you see it?"

"That very detailed contact information?"

"This is a free advertisement for us in Fuwai from the people all over the country."

"This will allow us to usher in a new wave of morbidity with the extremely stressful Fuwai Hospital."

"And after this awards ceremony, our hospital's expert account will also usher in the most difficult peak time to hang up."

"To be honest, our country has made great progress in the popularization of medical conditions and the internal adjustment of doctor resources."

"It's not difficult to see from our Fuwai Hospital always accepting advanced doctors from major hospitals in other cities, the state attaches great importance to the overall improvement of medical resources."

"Nowadays, the famous professors and chief surgeons of our Fuwai Hospital will not only bring those fresh interns from medical colleges and universities, but also receive and teach doctors from various departments of almost the same age from different towns."

"You can imagine how busy the doctors in our hospital will be, and how stressful they will be."

"This TV station doesn't understand the difficulties of each industry at all."

"They cut and cut the show to make it wonderful, but no matter how small a small detail will cause us medical practitioners, how much trouble."

"Furthermore, the current patients are too costly. You can see the cured disease in the local hospital, but you have to travel a long distance to come here for treatment."

"Every month, our department will receive hundreds of cases of abnormally transferred patients. Some people know it is only a small disease that cannot be too small, and it also takes up other people’s resources, far and wide. Come here to heal!"

Speaking of Leng Shuang here, he slapped the table, but after Gu Zheng smoothed her back, she suddenly sat down on her extremely comfortable recliner.

"Forget it, let's not say it, disappointing, anyway, it is impossible for me to be a busy person to answer the phone."

"At most, I have to recruit more scolding behind my I think it’s true. As long as I am ahead of others, I can’t get better, so I should just make them more troublesome. Show how important I am."

Hmm, this is a good enlightenment, it really deserves to be my Gu Zheng's girlfriend.

Gu Zheng, who wanted to laugh inexplicably, quickly shifted the topic to himself: "Moqi, oops, look, your boyfriend, who is invincible and handsome, is about to appear."

"Come, come, wait for the glory moment again, let's not think about the unhappy things, and focus on my heroic appearance."

"This is the finale of urban management, and I am the first among the top ten."

Well, seeing your interest so high, I will be undefeated.

Cold Frost was noncommittal, struggling to dangle a chicken wing in his mouth, and rattled it, as if these were the bones of the column director and editor, to vent his anger.

But when the scene belonging to Gu Zheng appeared, the cold frost, which was already unable to hold back his strength, was overly surprised and bit the chicken bone in two with a click.

Then came the belly laughter hahaha, the slightest feminine demeanor was gone.

Don't blame Leng Shuang for being so gaffe.

As a very normal and serious awards ceremony in the first half, why did it become inexplicably funny when Gu Zheng appeared?

Leng Shuang said... She didn't know either.

Because at this time, among the collections of Gu Zheng's achievements, it was like a Hollywood blockbuster, and it turned into a small movie with special treatment of sound, light, and shadow.

With the strong voice of the narrator, it's like a documentary telling a group of jokes.

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