The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1026: The whole world cheated me

"The morning sun once again swayed in this city. For many of us, this is already commonplace."

"But you may not know that at the moment when it has just revealed its new face, it is not just the old people who exercise in the morning, but the diligent early stall owners can see their glory for the first time."

"In this city, some special places, some special people, have just finished their work, and are staggering back to their unit. After the handover of the night work is completed, it is considered to have completed the day. Taking advantage of Chenhui's work, returning home, sleeping upside down day and night, is an incomparably sweet sleep."

"This is urban management, a profession that looks extremely prestigious to us ordinary people and can speak loudly."

"But the hardships in this industry can only be realized by those who really do this."

"Gu Zheng, is an ordinary member of this profession."

"He is very young and has a very short working life. In the eyes of a group of old city managers, he is still a raw melon head."

"But it is such a shy young man who has made an indelible contribution to the appearance of our capital city."

"Look, at this time, Gu Zheng, he is carrying three iron stoves for roasting sweet potatoes, two simple street food carts modified with dangerous gas tanks, and a temporary stall for charcoal grilled lamb skewers. We walked slowly."

"And these ordinary people can't carry many equipments with their own strength, but the young city manager is carrying a lot of wind."

"Of course, practice makes perfect chasing vendors is a necessary condition for him to be able to achieve this situation, but more importantly, this young man is himself a champion in the World Hercules competition. "

When the commentator's words said this, there was a one-second pause in the middle.

Under the entire TV screen, there is a line of characters that are similar to Lengshuang's phone number: Dangerous actions, please do not imitate.



Two pops sounded at the same time, but one was happy and the other was sprayed.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was out of anger, he pointed at himself who was walking slowly like a Frankenstein, and roared angrily: "This bunch of scammers, they said not to make this video Put it on the TV!"

"They went to collect materials that day. I just caught the illegal vendors in the night market, and I was ready to return to the team with a bumper harvest. The group of reporters arrived in a torrential interview car."

"Really! Normally I am more awe-inspiring than this!"

"Hahaha, is it two more spicy pots than this image?"

Heartbroken, girlfriend, is there such a stalker!

Just when Gu Zheng was about to protest another wave, the special annotation was finished, and then this touching video was played again.

"This young man at the world championship level has effectively used all his sports talents into his own urban management career. If you think that being super strong is already his limit?"

"Then you are wrong..."

Then, after the commentary was over, the camera turned to a perfectly connected clip of Gu Zheng participating in the World Championships marathon and 10,000-meter race.

With the rising five-star red flag and the solemn national anthem sounded, Gu Zheng climbed to the top of the podium, waving the bouquet and medals in his hands vigorously.

Then, the voice of the god-dubbed commentary rang again: "This young man who has been doing long-distance running training for a long time and working day and night has finally won the award that long-distance running enthusiasts and athletes all over the world dream of."

"The men's marathon at the World Championships and the 10,000-meter champion helped the Chinese team achieve zero breakthroughs time and time again."

"And among these, how much effort a city management has put in, is it all through the running of streets and lanes? We don't know."

"But we know that this young urban manager must have experienced a sad journey that ordinary people can't imagine."

"But when we asked this young man whether your work was hard or not, this simple urban management young man smiled contentedly."

"He said: No bitterness, I'm very satisfied."

"Because of this job, I have met many kind-hearted people who understand my job, so that I can use my work to get real benefits for the neighbors in the neighborhood."

"It can also allow all the citizens of my jurisdiction to see the changes in the area around them day by day. Looking at their affectionate greetings or satisfying smiles, I feel that there is no more suffering or tiredness."

"Look, what a touching remark. When you say this, you have to mention the neighbors of Hongmen Village who surrounds Gu Zheng."

"As a child from a village welfare institution, in Hongmen Village, every ordinary householder is quite familiar with Gu Zheng, the child they have seen since childhood."

"And Gu Zheng, who has learned a lot, fed back what he had learned to the well-wishers in Hongmen Village after he had grown up and had a successful career."

"Look, this is a panoramic view of Hongmen Village before Gu Zheng became an urban manager, and this street is Gu Zheng's new look after he became an urban manager."

"The change is so great that some old neighborhoods that have moved out of here in the past, when they come here again, can't find the traces of their original residence."

"The shabby urban village is radiating new vitality in its own way."

"And Gu Zheng, standing at the top of the commercial stage in the most central village of this city, also brought a classic charm that belongs to the quintessence of the national quintessence to the villagers here and the tourists who passed by here by chance."

"Yes, this multi-talented urban manager once studied under a mysterious neighbourhood master and inherited one of the oldest and mysterious genres of Peking Opera."

"Due to the limitations of word of mouth, this old man never said the name of this genre in the end."

"But after listening to this singing that does not belong to the four major genres, the older generation of artists praised it as the'Gu School'."

"A genre named after Gu Zheng's surname is such a big recognition, and Gu Zheng, the inheritor with this kind of memory, did not obliterate the quintessence of Quyi among the people."

"On the contrary, in the midst of his busy schedule, I accepted the invitation of Dean Tan of the Capital Academy of Traditional Chinese to spare precious rest time and teach the essence of it selflessly for the Quyi students."

"This kind of lofty behavior and selfless dedication made the entire Liyuan line a compliment."

"Some of them, to their extremely sought-after artists, call Gu Zheng the hope of tomorrow for Peking Opera."

"The following is an excerpt from our reporter in another show that Gu Zheng participated in."

"If you are interested in the heritage of the country, or Gu Zheng."

"At the end of this awards ceremony, after the ten-minute commercial has finished playing, watch the next cultural and entertainment variety show... "The Inheritor"!"

"Well, this is the ordinary daily life of a simple urban management. Next, please watch the most exciting awards moment!"

‘Dilli Da La Di Li Da...’

With a burst of cheerful music playing, Gu Zheng, who was painted with two red faces, went on stage with a smirk.

In the host's wonderful confrontation, he talked freely, and finally won the top ten awards that made him think about it.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he turned his head inexplicably and looked in the direction of Leng Shuang, only to find that his girlfriend had slipped to the ground now, and couldn't help laughing.

Okay, laugh hard!

Gu Zheng stared blankly at the list of personnel after the ceremony, why it was all the introductions of the inheritors. Suddenly, he discovered that he was scammed by the entire Capital TV station.

If I knew this was the case, the appearance fee should have been a little bit more.

As a world champion, he gave 6666 appearance fees, which is probably the lowest prehistoric standard.

Genius remembers this site address in one second:. Reading URL of the mobile version of Zero Point Reading:

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