Having said that, the team leader didn't want to say much, as for Mr. Gana, he nodded in agreement: "Yes, skiing is a thing that pays attention to talent."

Their own athletes are all self-registered and selected internally. For the fastest and best skaters in the snow-covered country all year round?

Don't mention this job much easier.

The two people who stopped talking for a while, both picked up their own timers.

Seeing this team getting closer and closer to the finish line, the expression on their faces became more and more satisfied.

"Haha, the difficulty of this track is simpler than we thought. This time there will be a fierce competition in the backcountry skiing and the Nordic biathlon."

"And my friend, your talented athlete will also shine in this competition!"

Yes, with their Canadian athletes behind, Gu Zheng, who crossed the line again in just over a minute, is already a good enough Asian player in the eyes of the Canadian team leader.

But when the two groups of people were about to continue their greetings, the form of the court suddenly changed drastically.

Just when the two groups of people stopped their skateboards, unlocked the snow mirrors in the safe track area, and put down their canes to have a short and friendly hug, they just slid down from the wild mountain area of ​​the official track A group of men and horses rushed down in the deserted trails.

The gliding speed of this group of people is very fast, and the goal is to come straight in the direction of Gu Zheng and the other three best Canadian players.

Along with it, the rather poor acting skills of the crew who rushed down from this team.

They yelled exaggeratedly from a distance of hundreds of meters, and they danced like clowns... Gu Zheng, who was used to more exciting performances, sniffed.

That is to say, the talents of the Kimchi country would be so exaggerated in this situation, he Gu Zheng would not believe it, within such a long braking distance, you can't stop a sliding snowboard?

The Canadian player who wanted to come to the side also thought so. Soros on the opposite side took a nonchalant look at the clowns, then opened his enthusiastic arms to Gu Zheng, planning to give him a farewell hug. , So I can quickly return to the snowmobile where my coach is, and give myself a cup of hot cocoa full of sincerity.

However, Gu Zheng and Soros were wrong in their judgments.

The savages that suddenly appeared, as if they were just coming over and roaring, they had no intention to slow down.

One of the people’s ski poles were thrown into the air under his large shaking, and the position they rushed to happened to be in the safe buffer zone where Gu Zheng and Soros were about to embrace. within.

At this time, if you still don't notice that there is something wrong, then the IQs of Gu Zheng and Soros are too worrying.

But the high-speed sliding in the snow is so fast, now it is no longer the turn of the two masters to separate each other's arms, and then do the corresponding protective actions.

Now they can only look at each other in horror, and then make a human's most basic emergency response action.

Soros did this, holding his head, bending his knees, and raising his legs. This is a standard snow protection action, and one of the most appropriate actions a person can make when they can react.

It can minimize the impact of collision damage, and protect key parts of the body from being cut by the opponent's snowboard and other sharp-edged equipment.

It is a very correct emergency response.

But what about Gu Zheng?

At this time, he had made the most unwise... an action that he couldn't even make a raw melon head.

I saw that this shy looking young man turned sideways sharply, stabs the ski poles with both hands like this one to the left and one to the right, very frontally with a group of torpedo shells slid down at high speed. Together.

"It's over!" Soros murmured to himself. This young Chinese guy he has only known for a while is about to be taken to the hospital. He will be missing one in the upcoming outdoor skiing competition. Very friendly opponent.

And his career as a skier, it was said that he could not but should be stopped abruptly because of this accident.

Because under the collision of this speed, I am afraid that the ribs, leg bones and related ligaments of the young man hit by the group will be rolled and shattered.

Soros was sorely pumped, after a black shadow shrouded his head, he didn't have the mind to think about it, because his tragedy hit...and he would follow him immediately.

Friends, we can only take care of our own.

Inexplicably, he brought a faintly sad Soros in his heart, and subconsciously glanced at the dazzling sun against the snow scene, and said to his heart that he might not be able to see it tomorrow... More and more black shadows in the world... disappeared together with a miserable howling sound.


what happened?

Could it be that I stimulated supernatural powers in a crisis situation, but I am actually a superhero with space barriers?

When Soros touched his undamaged body blankly, and he had forgotten to keep his self-rescue action in a daze, he crouched up and saw a tall and stalwart figure that stood in front of him.

It was Gu Zheng, his new friend Gu Zheng, the man from the magical country called China, stood in front of him and resisted the impact that he should have endured.

And what about the hapless kid who was about to bump into him?

Soros slowly raised his head... and twisted his neck a half circle very appropriately... and then saw himself behind him.

A figure that was thrown high up in the air and quickly slid down. After a loud bang, it fell heavily to a position seven or eight meters behind Soros, and the whole person was buried in the snow. In the nest, motionless... I don't know the life or death.

This made Soros who saw this situation and situation, he couldn't help but keep up with an extremely exaggerated exclamation: "Oh!!! Oh oh oh!!!"

Then, at another moment when he turned his head to observe the hapless guy behind him, Gu Zheng, who was standing in front of him like a barrier, was standing in front of him... and there were more vigorous and heavy crashing sounds. .

Like a heavyweight boxer, using his maximum strength to hammer at the sandbags he used in practice...powerful.

And it was this kind of voice that made Soros who heard this, swish his head back to where Gu Zheng was.

The speed is fast, just like the off-site spectators are out of control while watching a table tennis match.

In the end what happened?

Standing behind the hero Gu Zheng, Soros hadn't seen anything, but the body of the person who was thrown out all over the sky, like a firework, brought on the beauty of incompleteness.

Some of the snowboards on their feet flew, some did not.

Their leg postures with strange shapes from multiple angles indicated the location and direction of their respective fractures.

Whether their chests are sunken, it shows the safety of each other's ribs.

The lack of firmness of the snow equipment on their faces is a perfect excuse for them to undergo several cosmetic surgeries in the future.

But Gu Zheng, the culprit responsible for all this, just used a quiet posture like that...Standing steadily among the two groups of people like Mount Tai.

Cut off the contact between what he wants to protect and the people he wants to deal with.

And his cold and stiff face hidden behind the snow mirror ski cap well expressed his dissatisfaction and outrageous anger at this time.

Through the collision with this group of gangsters just now, Gu Zheng can draw a conclusion.

These accidental makers of fangs and claws are all natives of the country of kimchi.

And the appearance of these people had to make Gu Zheng think about a lot of possibilities.

How can such a large number of so-called tourists appear in a ski resort that is obviously closed and not open to the outside world?

And the underworld that these tourists appear is also the wild road opened up by skiers in general snow resorts, and the degree of difficulty is not generally high.

Can successfully pass through this barren field track, but an accident occurred in the last section of the safest and smoothest road?

If it wasn't intentional, even a three-year-old would not believe it, right?

Thinking of this Gu Zheng, his face is getting greener and blue, and no one dares to provoke him like he is today.

If he was facing tough, Gu Zheng would still be able to praise a true man, like this kind of clumsy method of treating people all over the world as fools, he would really meet him for the first time.

It's disgusting.

Gu Zheng was so angry that he didn't plan to endure it.

In the small horrified eyes of the two team leaders who hurriedly rushed to check the situation, he began to kill the Quartet.

"Comrade, are you all right!"

"Oh! Ahhhhhhh!"

Following Gu Zheng's subsequent actions, the perpetrators who had been knocked off by him were treated inhumanely for the second time.

They were either pulled up from the snow by Gu Zheng with their heads like pulling a carrot, or their feet were found ruthlessly and picked up by him, and then they were unscrupulous in the snow by Gu Zheng. Drag out a long trace of a corpse at the crime scene.

Let the injured people who had fainted a long time to wake up again and feel the taste of being involuntarily slaughtered by others.

But Gu Zheng, who made this devilish act, had a smile on his face, gentle and decent.

Like a born nobleman, doing all cruel moves like this...with a sense of beauty.

This made the large group of team leaders, assistants, or officials belonging to the Kimchi country official, shocked by Gu Zheng at this time, but he didn't even dare to move forward.

However, the so-called "tourists" who were messing up quietly moved to one place, ignoring the screams in the mouths of these people, and the swearing Gu Zheng, however, did his next job on his own. .

He is using a very strange way to place these immovable perpetrators who are already somewhat hung on the stippling.

Put their bodies into a pile of people with a sense of order.

What should I say about the look after this is finished?

The leader of the Chinese team, who stood directly opposite, with a wider field of vision, subconsciously touched his chin, and said a word that even listened to horror: "How can this look like a living version of the corpse view?" "

There are many people on the base and few people on the upper level, and the order of the skulls shows a steady rise in the shape of a mound.

If these people who opened their mouths and screamed and screamed automatically replaced them with a state of being unable to scream...

The leader of the Chinese team shuddered straight away, and then started to run madly in the direction where Gu Zheng was.

While running, the team leader yelled loudly in his native dialect: "What a fuck, brother Gu Zheng, you have to calm down!"

"Now there is no more genocide!"

The human head view is a very fashionable issue left over from history, but it is impossible for simple international friends to see it.

It's a pity that the Chinese team leader really thinks too much. After Gu Zheng just gave a demonstration in a nasty way, he took back his Raksha devil smile, and looked at him with a smile. Just now, the people who tried to smash him into the circle ~www.readwn.com~ said the following words in a volume that everyone in the room could hear.

"According to the regulations of the International Ski Resort, after a collision occurs between the two skiing parties, the skier at the back will be fully responsible."

"According to the corresponding compensation regulations, in addition to the part of the insurance, it also involves personal and spiritual compensation."

"I think you must have taken this part of the factor into consideration when you go skiing on the backcountry."

"Then let's take the official compensation path, and I will notify the corresponding department to get a fair deal for myself."


When Gu Zheng made such a sudden turn, the Canadian team member who was reminded replied very well: "Yes!"

"Do you appeal yourself or follow me?"

Suddenly felt that he still had something useful, Soros slapped his teeth, and patted his chest with excitement, and assured Gu Zheng: "I'll do it myself!"

"We can be regarded as the same disaster in two countries. I have to let this group of people accompany me to ruin the family."

"You know, the taxes I have to pay in the second half of my life can be paid by their compensation."

Whoops, this is cruel enough, this Soros seems stupid, but in fact he is also a master who doesn't suffer.

Gu Zheng was very satisfied with the performance of the other party and gave a thumbs up, and this decision to advance and retreat together allowed the leaders of the two parties to achieve the same goal in an instant.

Fuck him a grandson!

This group of people from the Kimchi country is so unreliable.

Always do things in such a place that is not on the stage.

It simply puts the fair and just sportsmanship under the feet and rubs it repeatedly. The so-called is just a medal full of vanity and ugliness.

This is the most shameless country in sports competitions, not one of them.

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