The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1041: Officially kicked off!

This also made the leaders of the two countries who had to play in this country...they felt as sick as eating live flies.

Is there any way, I can’t stop playing with it.

If the International Olympic Committee can also come to a referendum to reject a country's permanent participation, I am afraid that the first country to be voted out is the kimchi country.

This is just that I have just arrived in Pyeongchang, leaving everyone with this kind of impression, I am afraid that the next 20 days will not be better.

Sure enough, since the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games ended and the official events started, Gu Zheng and all the Chinese team members have felt the inconvenience of holding large-scale events in small countries.

First of all, the city's capacity for snow places in Pingyuan County is too small. Even if all the residents of this small city are transferred out, the living environment of this city is not enough to accommodate all the tourists from outside.

Coupled with the catastrophic ground transportation facilities and the public transportation that takes at least two hours to reach Seoul, the spectators who are traveling between the two places are complaining.

With the information obtained from the gradually unfolding games and the somewhat empty viewing platform, Gu Zheng analyzed the reasons why the Kimchi country is particularly unfriendly to our country’s tourists and the national team during the Winter Olympics.

Although the original relationship between the two countries is not friendly, but in this competition, it has become a state of tearing the skin.

So what is it for the Kimchi people to be so crazy?

In the final analysis, it is because Chinese tourists did not actively give them money for the Winter Olympics.

First of all, the price of tickets offered by Kimchi Country to Chinese tourists turned out to be as high as RMB 8,800, which is simply taking the Chinese tourists as a fool.

And their internal sales quotas in their home countries have been consistently low. In the days before the opening ceremony, only 10% of the three million viewing tickets were sold in advance, reaching the previous Winter Olympic Games. The lowest number of tickets sold put the Kimchi government into a panic of not being able to pay for it.

So in order to alleviate the government's image of spending money indiscriminately among the people for the sake of face, the official media began to trumpet the Chinese tourist group's yearning for traveling to Kimchi country.

It is claimed that during the Winter Olympics, nearly 600,000 Chinese tourists will go to Pyeongchang to cheer for the great Kimchi National Winter Olympics.

However, as a data statistician at the Chinese Embassy in Kimchi Country, who is rigorous and highly efficient, it is necessary to clarify such matters with the people of Everbright.

Therefore, the person in charge of this department is particularly responsible... contacted all domestic and foreign travel agencies that have opened up a travel hotline to Korea, and compiled a list of the other party's travel during the Winter Olympics.

In this detailed list, the total number of Chinese tourists who came to Kimchi Country during this period was only 8,521.

This also includes: visiting relatives, visiting friends, tourism in other cities, and the number of business trips between companies.

And this data, like a huge slap, slammed **** the face of the Kimchi National Winter Olympics Preparatory Committee.

The people of the organizing committee were immediately turned into anger and retaliated.

No, in the short track speed skating event, they stretched out their sinful hand. In order to win a medal, they directly fouled the first Canadian and second Chinese in the event, and the results were invalid. The American team, which successfully gave way to third place, won a championship in vain.

Let the surprised blond girl blink her eyes at an extremely high frequency, and look at the members of Kimchi Country, who had been promoted from fourth to second, and then look at two inexplicably lost brands. One or two of the players, I don’t know for a moment whether it should be happy or sad.

She just thinks it, she thinks she is very lucky from the bottom of her heart, but it seems immoral to laugh when others are unlucky.

And just as the entire Chinese speed skating team was in a state of depression, when everyone was stunned at the dinner plate in the athletes’ restaurant, Gu Zheng, who was on his turn this afternoon, was passing by this group of people. At the time, inexplicably facing their desktop... tapped twice with the tip of your finger.

Then, facing the group of young people who have become familiar with each other because of eating and living together, he left a word that made people feel comfortable and warm but slightly funny.

Gu Zheng said this: "Don't worry, I will repay your hatred in another way for you."

"Doesn't this rotten country want us to get good results?"

"Then we must continue to strengthen ourselves and use the most powerful strength to crush them, so that they can be punished without punishment, and we can only stare at us to achieve success."

"Furthermore, people always say that the mulberry is lost to the East and the mulberry is harvested. We have lost points in the strength of speed skating. Maybe we can find it in other projects?"

"Look at me, isn't I going to take part in the competition soon!"

"You have to cheer for me if you have any problems!"

"Well, leader Li Yan, right? You have to cheer for me too. Really, the encouragement of beautiful women is a plus for me!"

After saying this, no matter what the reaction of the speed skaters at this table, but with a big chest, arrogant and majestic, followed the assistant Mulanzi towards the direction of the car that had been prepared for a long time. past.

Jiang Yue and the leader of the cross-country skiing team are not to mention embarrassed.

In the surprised little eyes of Li Yan, the ski leader had to click on his temple, and after the opponent nodded in seconds, he fled away in a hurry.

This big-hearted lord, how can you ever see an athlete speaking harshly before a game?

Have you forgotten the world-class players from Norway, Switzerland and Russia?

In order to make up for his abnormal behavior, they could only explain to others with a bad mind.

But Gu Zheng, who was already sitting in the bus, didn't even know that the news that he was a little bit stupid had spread among the members of the Winter Olympics.

Now he is only immersed in the arena of the upcoming men's 15-kilometer cross-country classic race.

This ski competition, which has strict standards for the sliding posture, fully embodies the original form of the ski competition.

But this is also good, the fight is personal endurance, explosive power and persistence.

If it were better than these, Gu Zheng had never lost before, even on the snow.

When the starting whistle sounded in the field, Gu Zheng, who was standing in the Wuyangyang crowd, got his starting position.

In the twelfth place among all the contestants, this is a very advantageous position to stay behind.

It also gave Gu Zheng the confidence to pursue it.

As a one-person chase that starts every other time, this large-scale competition involving nearly a hundred athletes is full of fierce competition.

Even if you are the first to start, you can't fully maintain the lead.

Because in the subsequent starting players, there will be players who will row faster and better than you.

What's more, the starting distance between people is really not long, and that little lead will be clearly recorded by the segmented timer when it reaches the finish line.

It doesn't matter which one takes advantage of the starting order.

What's more, the first one to start is the one that suffers the most, because there is no object to chase in front, and you can't control your sliding speed and physical strength. Except for a few extremely high-level athletes, most of the other people They have all become stepping stones for those who are behind them.

As for the surrounding players' perception of Gu Zheng, who got the perfect starting position, it was completely non-threatening.

Asian players, they all contribute to the huge participation base.

But when the whistle that belonged to Gu Zheng started to sound, these people knew that they were really wrong.

Because just in the process of the first small downhill slope, he successfully surpassed the island player who started before him, with the downhill speed that top skiers rarely dare to use~www.readwn. com~ began to catch up without hesitation.

Of course, for cross-country skiing, the downhill process is actually one of the least important tracks. Instead, climbing and obstacle crossing on flat ground are the main ones.

If you analyze cross-country skiing from a technical point of view, it is race walking + skiing.

A person needs to have strong endurance and waist and leg strength to be able to support him to walk the hard journey for half an hour without stopping in the snow field that is no more than knee deep, so that such athletes can adapt. The basic requirements of cross-country skiing also have certain qualifications to participate in the shortest distance among them.

Therefore, this project seems to be tailor-made for Gu Zheng, because he only glided for just two minutes, and he encountered the first difficulty point in this event, which was even three kilometers long. More snow **** climbing.

At this time, those vigorous athletes seemed to no longer exist, and there was only a group of awkward, panting, rough masters who were climbing faster than anyone was left on the snow.

Behind them is like a pack of hungry wolves, crawling with their hands and feet together, which is called a hard work.

As long as there is more than one person, one more person can use the power of the wild.

And this classic cross-country skiing also has a tricky link. It also has clear regulations on the technical movements of the forward. It is forbidden to use a single-leg skateboard to kick the snow, which cuts off your thinking in the snow from the root. The possibility to slide up.

No wonder it is called the perfect fusion of race walking and skiing. There is only one end of the field with one foot off the ground, and that is the penalty for fouls, and ultimately the qualification to go to the competition.

But this kind of regulation is tailored to people like Gu Zheng.

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