The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1047: Science fiction: 5 years of the last days (2)

Corresponding to the business depression in the shop... is the sharp decline in household income.

It is so small that it can barely be enough for the daily life of this family of three. When the head of this family wants to save some spare money, he actually needs the grandmother of their old mother and son to make up for it by cleaning up those acres of fields. .

The day was originally like this without embarrassment or embarrassment.

If Gu Feifei could settle down, study hard like a capable young man in the village, and be admitted to a decent school, it would not add so much financial pressure to the current family.

Or maybe he is like the young guys in the village who have already given up their minds about studying, and go out to work early.

I'm afraid that their Gu family's Sanjin Hongwa small villa in the village can also be built like other families.

It's like nowadays, with a tuition fee of nearly 10,000 yuan per semester, the family whose total savings are not more than 20,000 yuan... is a problem.

As for the mother of Gu Feifan who has lost all news since the divorce and broke all contact, Gu Zheng doesn't need to count on it.

So now he has only one choice for his son to go to school.

It is to leave the elderly mother behind and leave her alone in this small village, looking at their fields, and he, an old man who has been stable for ten years in middle age, is carrying with his son. Go to the big city with luggage and find a more profitable business to earn this high tuition and living expenses.

It's a pity that life in a big city is as simple as imagined.

In a city where everything looks forward, it's hard to move without money.

When Gu Zheng paid a year’s tuition and accommodation for his son, who was so happy and dreaming of a good life under the colorful neon lights, he realized that he had only a pitiful little money left in his savings. NS.

As for his own life, accommodation and subsequent tuition fees, he still has no idea.

While he was standing at a loss in this busy metropolis, he saw the crooked recruitment note in the community next to the university campus.

We are looking for water movers with high salaries.

Basic salary 2000 + commission + meal allowance (including accommodation)

And it was this small advertisement that made Gu Zheng's dimmed eyes light up.

This is where the hope lies. This job can not only earn the tuition for the next year for his son, but also allow him to take care of the baby's pimple nearby.

Gu Zheng, who didn't even think about it, uncovered the recruitment information.

Following the route guidance above, I found the employer: Fisherman Mountain Spring University Town Station in a small door-faced room on the innermost side of the cottage area of ​​the University Town.

There are only two employees inside.

The owner and the lady proprietress responsible for cashiers and business calls.

And his new employee has solved the problem of difficult employment caused by the relatively desolate location of the university town.

This semi-private and semi-mineral water station is a pilot water station, and the salary provided is also very good.

As long as you are willing to work hard to deliver, we will pay you according to the number of barrels.

A bucket of water is drawn for two yuan.

If you give more and give less, you will get all your income.

As for the food subsidy marked above?

The standard of 15 yuan a day is equivalent to a meal in this city.

But even so, this job is still very important to Gu Zheng.

Even when the boss and the proprietress placed a simple camp bed in the small room filled with mineral water at the water station that day, even when they provided free accommodation, Gu Zheng never raised any objections.

Because when he came to apply for the job, he had already seen all the small advertisements posted next to the recruitment information.

In this university town, if you want to rent a separate room, even a semi-basement partition room, you need a high price of 1,600 a month.

This is an unimaginably high price for a person whose monthly income in the village may not be able to reach one thousand six hundred yuan.

As for Gu Zheng, who has ushered in a new job, it is because of this excitement that he works harder.




This is a heartening and annoying thing.

This small city craftsman who dreamed of a big tailor shop in the provincial capital more than ten years ago discovered that in this metropolis even more prosperous than the provincial capital, a water mover made a profit in just one month. The sum of his income for a year.

In the first month, he received more than 7,300 yuan in salary.

The rake bonus is close to 5,000 yuan.

And this 2500 degree bucket of water was achieved by his exercise amount of nearly 80 buckets of water a day.

This kind of playful spirit is naturally recognized by the boss and his wife.

Because of the appearance of Gu Zheng, they even wanted to include the northern part of the university city campus within their water supply range.

And just when the owner of the small shop had a dream for his expansion ~ Gu Zheng was happy that he was able to save money.

Gu Feifan, who was copying his pocket like an uncle, appeared.

"Dad! I want living expenses! My classmate's 2000 living expenses per month are the most ordinary."

"Dad! I want to buy a new mobile phone, the whole class is just one student who uses a mobile phone under 1,000 yuan!"

"Dad! I want to buy clothes! I want to eat small stir-fry, I want...I want..."

The giant infant who stretched out his hands said high prices that Gu Zheng sounded like a fantasy.

The man who had once **** trembles his lips and asked the following words: "Didn't Dad make several new clothes for you?"

"Then you just bought the phone to celebrate your schooling?"

"Didn’t the meal card charge five hundred yuan? I have been to the cafeteria... the dishes are cooked very well..."

However, Gu Feifan who heard these words showed contempt at the daddy who was about to scum.

"What, don't you know the clothes you made? That style is out of date."

"Also, which student eats the cafeteria every day? I don't need to interact with my classmates?"

"You intend to let your son be looked down upon at school!"

However, Gu Zheng's lips opened and closed, but they finally turned into a sigh.

Work-study, even in his spare time, he can make a lot of money by sending water together as a part-time water delivery worker.

Gu Zheng didn't say this sentence, and Gu Feihua would not take the initiative to mention it in his entire life.

As a result, the man whose monthly income has just reached 7,000 yuan, most of the salary in his hands has been handed over to the bottomless son.

This child, who was completely fascinated by the hustle and bustle of the big city, has been indulged in the prosperity of this mirror, and can't get out of it anymore.

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