The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1048: Science fiction: 5 years of the last days (3)

And his father, who has long been accustomed to doing everything for his son, has used his hard-earned money to fill the gaps of desire that are difficult to smooth out month after month.

If such days continue like this, I am afraid that after three years, a waste person who has learned nothing will become one of the ineffective migrant workers in this city.

Gu Feifei would sigh at the difficulty of society. Using the self-examination results that he couldn't get, mixed with a university degree issued by a private school that is useless and not recognized by any institution, and wasted in the process of applying again and again. .

Among the countless leather bag companies and small private enterprises, they lamented their lack of talent, sighed at the high housing prices, and cursed the **** society on the Internet for the unfair treatment of people who work hard.

Complaining about the uselessness of their parents, resenting their origins, fantasizing that they are also the children of a rich family...

Finally, in the frustration of the years, under the arrangement of the old father, he found a hard-working wife in the small village.

Or still gritted his teeth in this city that made him fascinated, or with a little dissatisfaction, once again returned to the incontestable small village, and the late bloomers learned the handicrafts of the family. In a life that is neither salty nor indifferent, I cherish the memory of my past...carefree youth.

As for the elderly Gu Zheng, it was his son who had placed so much hope in him, and he was squandering and giving away day after day.

It wasn't until his body could no longer withstand this kind of high-intensity physical work, and until the day when his surplus value was drained, he would not discover the true face of this so-called anti-aging son.

At that time, he might stagger back to his hometown, in the second half of his lonely life, accompanied by misery and regret, until the moment of death.

And only at that time would he remember what it meant that the thin money order from his hometown that was sent to him every month when he accompanied his son out of the country.

This is an old mother's contribution to a useless son.

Just like him, he has raised a son who has spent his whole life...without responsibility.

It's just that this kind of ordinary story, just like the emotional article written by the editor himself in the "Zhiyin" magazine, was forced to end because of the arrival of a certain event.

And this is also the most fundamental reason that directly caused Gu Zheng to be dragged over.

The end of the world is here.

As for the rest of the matter, except for the overwhelming regret, helplessness, loss and depression of not being able to see, Gu Zheng had no impression.

It's like, in this second world, all the advantages of the reborn are eliminated, and all memories are sealed.

When the corresponding trigger point must be encountered, the sealed memories will be released accordingly.

It's like the memory of Wang Zihan, who caused Gu Xiaopang's decadence in the previous world, and all the information related to patterns in this world.

The only thing that can be used as a reference is the beating countdown.

This is also a new self-speculation feature that comes with the upgrade of the Xiaowangshu system.

As for its accuracy, it remains to be confirmed.

But this kind of reminder is too important for Gu Zheng nowadays.

Since he is here now and has taken over everything, in such a short countdown, he will do the following things.

First, quickly ride the three-wheeled motorcycle with half a car of water back to the original water station, and settle the monthly salary and commission.

Resign and return to his hometown.

Second, find the cheap son of the original owner, talk to him about their current living conditions, and express it very clearly... He does not intend to fund his different grateful profligacy without restriction, and tell him clearly, He intends to leave immediately with the desire to return to his hometown.

And give his son a buffer time for thinking.

Is it to withdraw from the meaningless private university and return home with him steadily, or to stay in this unfamiliar town by himself, relying on his own ability to continue studying here, this is Gu Feifei's own choice, and it is also Decisions an adult should make.

As for the money?

Gu Zheng remembers that the original owner just paid the tuition and accommodation fees for the new semester for Gu Feihua, and filled his meal card with a huge sum of 1,000 yuan, which was taken away by his precious son and he left it in his hands for use. Emergency 2,000 yuan in cash.

I am afraid that in a short time, there is no need to worry about money.

As for the coming of the end times that immediately follows?

Gu Zheng only hinted at the other party with cryptic words.

Based on the wishes of the client who has been resolved on the spot, there is absolutely no request for the son. UU read www.uukanshu. Com thinks that Gu Zheng is definitely not a saint, so what obligation does he have to be responsible to an adult strong man?

As for the third point, it is even simpler.

Packed up all the luggage that could be packed, immediately rushed to the train station next to the university town, bought a ticket for the express train that can reach his hometown the fastest, and returned to his own warm hometown that the client wanted in his heart.

As for the next four, five, six or even more to-dos, everything has to wait for him to successfully return to his hometown before discussing other things.

Gu Zheng, who had made up his mind, did what he said.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and put the bottled water back into the back bucket of the tricycle. He twisted the throttle of the electric tricycle and went straight to the water station of Fisherman Springs.

This bad weather, only in the spring of May, was as hot as a steamer.

Gu Zheng lifted his **** slightly, but just a while ago, the seat of his electric bicycle was already hot by the unobstructed sunlight.

The distorted scenery on the ground, the rising water vapor like layers of white mist, reminded Gu Zheng of a problem. The weather is too abnormal, not the temperature that a normal May should have.

But the people in a hurry in this city have no response at all.

Maybe it is because there are too many vehicles in the big city, maybe the glass of the adjacent building is too dazzling, so that people living in this city have no time to stop and observe what is happening around them.

In addition, the weather has been abnormal for several years, and even the meteorologists who specialize in observation as their job can't tell the reason.

Therefore, even Gu Zheng, who can't take care of himself, doesn't even have the mind to report globally.

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