The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1196: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (18)

What's more, the grievances between Dong Dawei and Zhang Qiang cannot be understood by others.

However, before Dong Dawei started, he was still the little brother Zhang Qiang really wanted to protect.

Unfortunately, Dong Dawei did not understand that Zhang Qiang's asylum was to be exchanged for equivalent bullying.

He only resented the rebuke and beating he had received, but never saw the relative peace that followed Zhang Qiang's back.

It can only be said that this is an unwilling coward, stupid and vicious.

For such people, Gu Zheng always stays away.

If it weren't for Gu Zheng who couldn't ignore a life, and his heart wasn't ruthless enough, he wouldn't be rescued from Huo Ren's hands.

Therefore, Gu Zheng could only respond with silence to Pan Xiaomeng's accusation. Just when the girl wanted to speak, the door was ‘right’ and she was pushed open again.

"Pan Xiaomeng! How come you are here! Gu Zheng needs a rest, can you not mess around!"

It was Ye Qing'an, carrying a large bag and a small bag, who turned back from the back kitchen on the first floor. After she saw Pan Xiaomeng's figure, her dissatisfaction with this girl broke out completely.

The clever Ye Qingan keenly felt Gu Zheng's attitude towards Pan Xiaomeng, so he boldly accused the girl who she had used to smile on.

Ye Qingan didn't need to approach Pan Xiaomeng to secretly observe Gu Zheng. From now on, she can boldly and passionately pursue the man sitting in front of her.

And Pan Xiaomeng, who was suddenly reprimanded by Ye Qing'an, after a daze for a moment, the entire eye circle turned red.

A fear of being abandoned by the whole world slowly emerged from the bottom of her heart.

In this weird world, before she even had time to be afraid, she ushered in waves of death attacks.

Let this girl, who was always held in the palm of his hand, finally approached the brink of collapse.

" are fierce to me! Wow... bullying..."

The cries of hiss and lungs rang out, making Ye Qing'an, who had never seen such a battle before, stunned on the spot.

She thought that Pan Xiaomeng would follow her and yell at her, but she never thought that Pan Xiaomeng would cry because of her words...

But Gu Zheng, who had already seen the crying of various types of women, waved at Ye Qingan calmly at this time, and then pointed his finger at the bag she was holding: "Have you found anything useful? Come, bring it over and let me see..."

He seemed to have completely shielded Pan Xiaomeng, unaffected by it.

"Oh. Well..."

Ye Qingan, who was infected by Gu Zheng's calmness, also tried to ignore Pan Xiaomeng, cautiously walked around her, carrying the bag of things, and walked in front of Gu Zheng.

The two people just counted their discoveries like this, and in Gu Zheng's palms touching again and again, these things that were deliberately found were immediately recognized.

Except for a densely woven sieve, most of the ingredients that Ye Qingan found were not edible.

After Gu Zheng's palm was squeezed or rubbed, it all turned into black ash like coke.

But I don’t know if it’s because Gu Zheng finally saved the manipulators of the hotel, this Fang Tiandi finally didn’t kill them all, but instead let him find a few things inside it that could make a living. s things.

1. Toast bread: 4 servings, one day's amount (Time-sensitive props: countdown from opening 12:00:00)

2. Four buckets of instant noodles: life-saving food, please be cautious (special props, long-term effective)

There is nothing more than these.

Looking at the rations given by the town, Gu Zheng, with the utmost malice, guessed that the best time for the four keys to be gathered would be only two days left.

Eat toast bread tonight. It depends on the situation tomorrow morning. If you can't find any food in other places, I am afraid that even if they give them more time, they will not be able to complete this task.

Fortunately, he successfully searched for two keys in the first day.

The third known one also has corresponding clues through Zhang Qiang's feedback.

Now that only the whereabouts of the last key is left, it is not known, but although the town is small, the corresponding facilities are quite complete. It is still very difficult to find a special building among so many buildings.

After all, what they have to beware of is that something extraordinary will suddenly appear in the rooms where the keys are not stored.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, he raised his head and asked again: "Is there all these things in the back kitchen?"

"Did you find anything in the reception hall on the first floor?"

Ye Qingan on the side was stunned as he watched many things turn into powder, leaving only one basket and two packs of ingredients, he shook his head subconsciously.

"No, the drawers at the front desk are empty, nothing."

When I heard this, Gu Zheng was a little disappointed: "If there is no money, where can I find the registered money?"

"Could it be that you are going to grab the credit union here? The price is too high, right?"

But let's stop here today. After he has regained his energy, has eaten enough, and tomorrow, the sky will return to a normal state again, the health clinic must go there in person.

After making a decision, Gu Zheng tore and opened the bag of toast bread. He took a piece of bread out of it and put it under his nose and smelled it lightly. A faint smell of oatmeal appeared on him. In the nasal cavity.

It's edible fresh bread. It's a weird life experience. It looks like this town hasn't been inhabited by humans for many years.

After he took a bite upward, he felt the most intimate collision between his saliva and the soft dough fiber.

A hint of sweetness A hint of toughness, with a grainy texture of oatmeal, and the mouth and tongue produce fluid.

This is the salvation of a hungry and impatient person, even if it is the most extraordinary bread, Gu Zheng will eat it in his belly.

"Here, eat it, it should be non-toxic, you can eat it."

Gu Zheng, who swallowed a piece of bread in two or three mouthfuls, handed the bag to Ye Qing'an, but the extra piece in his hand was stuffed into the little tongue that was still open and crying. Pan Xiaomeng who was about to fly out.

"I have something to eat, don't want to howl!"

"After eating, let's go see Dong Dawei. If there is nothing serious, we will turn off the lights and go to sleep!"

Half of the candle on the candlestick that was found out was already burned.

In this pitch-black hotel, there is only one lighting thing left.

Since the Burning Man disappeared, the hotel has also plunged into darkness. Before the props are wasted, it is better to take the time to sleep.

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