The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1197: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (19)

The rest of the work was carried out in an orderly manner under Gu Zheng's arrangement.

The Dong Dawei, who was first burned and then soaked in water, was diagnosed by Gu Zheng with his eyelids rolled, and he could only shook his head helplessly.

Dong Dawei's hands are probably just like that.

Even if they are in a prosperous big city, there is only one way to go by amputation.

At the beginning, he injured Zhang Qiang into amputation of both legs. Now, he is also facing this tragic situation. I don't know if this is the so-called...

If this is not the most serious situation, it is accompanied by fever and infection after the burn.

Unlike Zhang Qiang who had his legs cut perfectly by the doctor, Dong Dawei's body was burned by the fire without any means.

The damage caused by this kind of non-human damage is accompanied by the subsequent danger, but the severity of Zhang Qiang's legs is much greater.

I only hope that the exploration in the health clinic tomorrow will find for Dong Dawei some medicine that can temporarily control the condition.

Otherwise, as he is now, he can only temporarily lie in a small hotel, and he won't be able to help with half a lot of effort.

Gu Zheng, who had cleaned up everything, closed the door of the room last, and slowly closed his eyes in the darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, he was awakened by the gradually lit environment.

It's strange to say that the sky in this town is still without the sun, but this day, it will change without being affected.

Gu Zheng felt that this was a reminder from the biological clock in the town, telling them that the danger of the night had passed and that everyone could move towards a new goal again.

Gu Zheng, who didn't dare to take apart the instant noodles, and the two girls who were still able to move, they just drank some of the cold white boil they had cooked in the morning, and then they started to head towards the health center on the left side of the road.

It's not that they don't want to take a longer break. It is really that after getting up early, when Gu Zheng checked Dong Dawei's situation again, he found that Dong Dawei, who had slept all night, was in the worst situation...he had a fever.

The burnt skin and flesh still have different degrees of swelling and inflammation. If you don't find the corresponding medicine, I am afraid that my life will be explained here.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng hurriedly packed up his tools and ran directly in the direction of the health clinic.

Now is not the time to consider the fourth key. He will first take down the two doctors and talk about it.

Out of caution, when Gu Zheng left the hotel, he cleaned up the furnishings in the lobby, moved a few tables and chairs, cleaned up the drawers at the front desk, and successfully got it (2.3/1000) After the value of the mission, he set off toward the target location.


The location of the town’s health clinic is roughly the same as that of the Naihe Town Middle School. There are two buildings on the left and the other, not far from the hotel.

Gu Zheng and the two girls only walked for a few minutes and saw the outline of the health clinic. This simple bungalow courtyard is really like what Dong Dawei said. It can be seen from the outside. Look at it clearly.

But after Gu Zheng walked around the health center, he just looked inside from the outside window...that was invisible to any medical staff.

It is like the most inconspicuous village and town health center, with a red cross sign hung in the dust. If there is something different from other places, it is the windward erected on the roof platform. The Red Cross flag is on display.

So, in this environment, people must enter the health center to activate the necessary conditions?

It seems that I can only try to step on it.

Gu Zheng, who thought of this, looked at each other with Ye Qingan and Pan Xiaomeng. According to what they had discussed early in the morning, Gu Zheng was in front and the two girls fell behind... at least three steps behind.

After Gu Zheng searched a room, they could enter later.

In short, the longer the safety distance, the better.

"Don't move, just wait for me here."

The two girls who obeyed the arrangement nodded afterwards. They stood still in the yard, watched Gu Zheng push the door, and entered the front hall of the health clinic.


As the door opened, a smell of disinfectant rose quietly, and in the quiet sanitary station, the hospital’s unique incandescent lamp was lit, and the slightly rough concrete floor was shining brightly. .

It's just that there is still no figure in the place, all you can see now are the signs hanging outside the rooms.

‘Medical Examination Room’

"Injection Department"


Ah, there is also a "registration office"

The location of this registration place that Zhang Qiang and Dong Dawei didn't pay attention to at first was also particularly hidden.

It was in a small four-sided room protruding after entering the door, and it blocked the sight of outsiders with a frosted glass that couldn't see the inside.

Gu Zheng, who was already standing at the registration window, was not sure if there was someone inside.

Out of caution, he still intends to follow the hospital's procedures.

"Anyone? Register!"

Just after Gu Zheng's tentative voice fell...

A pale, fat hand...


It came out from this small registered window.

Suddenly stretched under Gu Zheng's eyelids, followed by a low and hoarse voice...

"Normal number, 3 yuan..."

Gu Zheng stared at the other party's hand for a long time, and asked a little bit weakly: "WeChat, Alipay, QQ wallet, are you successful?"

After the other party heard such an answer, he was silent behind the window for a long time. When Gu Zheng had already turned around and was ready to escape, the voice behind the window stopped. It rang once.

Only this time, he seemed to memorize a line, and said a bunch of words related to cashiers.

Probably the town has been isolated from the outside world for too long, and the birth of new things has not yet been fully connected. Gu Zheng’s question perfectly poke a certain node of the problem triggering people’s nerves, and finally gave Gu Zheng the standard answer. Came out.

That voice said: "You don't have registered money?"

"That's very simple. The open-pit metal mine in this town is hiring people."

"If you are lucky and find a part-time job, you can make three yuan in less than half a day!"

"Not only can you earn money from your registration, but all the miners there provide lunch."

Look, look, what a standard. When the standard is reached, Gu Zheng wants to lift the hat that doesn't exist on his head, and show him a gentleman's courtesy.

However, this time the visit to the health clinic was really the right one. Only by registering a number, you can find the fourth special building related to it. Gu Zheng should really thank this one.

The grateful Gu Zheng said thank you very sincerely, and he pushed the door of the health clinic open without nostalgia. The one who strode forward chased the two girls who had already ran away in the yard. Past.

"Don't run! There is no danger for the time being!"

"Let's go! Let's explore the abandoned mining area in the innermost part of the town."

"The key to the low-difficulty search of this hospital lies in the ruins."

Hearing Gu Zheng's yelling behind, the two girls suddenly slowed down their steps, waiting for Gu Zheng to catch up, while patted their chests with lingering fear.

"I was scared to death. I thought someone was chasing me again. Just now I almost went on the roof and pulled the flag."

Hearing what Pan Xiaomeng said, Gu Zheng, who had successfully surpassed the two girls, was tripped on the dirt road ahead. Pan Xiaomeng was shocked for a moment when he saw him. What came was hahaha's loud ridicule.

"No, Gu Zheng, hahaha, you can fall all this way, I'm just kidding, you're really nonchalant!"

But her laughter stopped abruptly after Gu Zheng got up and pulled the culprit who moved to him from the dirt road by the way.

Pan Xiaomeng, who couldn't take his expression back for a while, twitched half of his face.

Because at this time, Gu Zheng was holding a severed bone in his hand.

It is not chicken bones or duck bones, but the bones of real people.

Don't ask how Pan Xiaomeng saw it, the set of bone racks placed behind him like a neuropath in the biology teacher's office is impressive, alright.

"Ahhhhh! Bones!!!"

The two girls... screamed in unison again.


As Gu Zheng got up with a solemn expression and kicked the road leading to the mining area behind him like this, after a large piece of sand was washed up... the bones hidden underneath were exposed.

These bones are densely covered with stars, leading directly to the abandoned mining area that gradually emerged in the line of sight.

The featureless mining area in the distance was also a bit gloomy and horrified by the numerous bones.


If one bone can only be said to be scary, when the densely packed bones are suddenly exposed in front of three people, only endless heart palpitations are left.

The girls who had experienced two weird places could not help but knock their teeth up and down.

"Gu, Gu Zheng, do I have to go to this place?"

This situation makes people have to think of the natural disasters of the undead.

Gu Zheng, who was holding a bone stick, nodded his head indisputably. After looking back and seeing that the legs of the two girls behind him were soft, he made his own proposal.

"However, for safety's sake, you should stop here."

"I am afraid that the situation there is the most dangerous, and I may not be able to worry about your safety at that time."

This time it was not like an ordinary building of one or two monsters.

Gu Zheng, who didn't want to say any more, turned the bag on his body again, carrying the bones, and strode towards the mining area without looking back.

No longer give the two people behind him a chance to regret.


Even if you are thinking about your own personal safety, it is time to be alone with the sword.

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