The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1198: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (20)

The unscrupulous Gu Zheng left quickly, but after a while, the person behind him was turned into two small black spots.

The open-pit mine that was about to face also successfully appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

At the entrance of the mine, there were originally two iron gates that were closed back and forth. I don't know what I had experienced. At this time, they were lying crookedly on both sides of the gate, completely unable to intercept them.

The abandoned carts in the mining area, the dilapidated wooden houses, and the pitted mines that can be seen everywhere, can see the prosperity of this place and the loneliness now.

But just looking at it like this doesn't seem like a place that can cause a lot of bones.

What story happened here that he didn't know, and what kind of danger existed?

It seems that it's time to step into this gate, and look at it clearly.


Gu Zheng, who did what he said, stepped in front of the door. In an instant, his side was like traveling through time again, becoming noisy and complicated.

Countless miners exuding a strong body odor, wearing dirty old clothes, and masters wearing ragged felt hats that can't see the color, with black and red faces, passed by him one after another.


Astonished Gu Zheng retreated to the door again, so that the scene of light and shadow shuttled and disappeared immediately, and his surroundings were still empty, desolate and desolate bone mountain.

It's so evil, and so strange.

This appearance is more than a hundred times stronger than Xiao Wang Shu.

It's a pity that after Xiao Wangshu came into this world, he has never taken the initiative to wake up.

This made Gu Zheng even if it was a blow, he couldn't find a good target.

Gu Zheng, who just felt novel about this, was not in a hurry to step into the illusory world again, but first walked to the two twisted iron gates and put his hands on the twisted fence. .



The security gate of the mining area: it is made of strong fine iron, and everyone is responsible for protecting the mining area (scene props, usable)

Very good, you are waiting.

Without saying a word, Gu Zheng threw the bone stick in his hand and twisted the two straightest steel bars from the iron fence, and he inserted them diagonally like two knives. Up to the waist.

"Okay, Longtan Tiger Cave, let's go and explore."

With a free and easy air of Gu Zheng, he stepped into the mining area in one step.


"Ding Dong Dang... Ding Dang Dong"

"Go to work, go to work!"

"This is the last time we have opened the battlefield today! How much you can buy depends on your own abilities!"

"It's still the old rule. One-third of it is turned in, and the rest is yours..."

On the newly renewed platform, a foreman in overalls was standing, holding an amplifying tin tube, talking the latest news, and shaking the hanging bell on the platform.

The crisp bells spread far away and successfully attracted the attention of the confused workers in the entire mining area to the high platform.

And after everyone heard the news, a look of ecstasy emerged on their faces, and one or two people actually rushed toward the direction of the high platform.

The crazy crowd skewed Gu Zheng, who hadn't figured out the situation, so that he, who was consciously strong, began to doubt his life.

Isn't it just going to work?

Need to behave like this?

Even if it’s the last one to register, isn’t it possible to enter the mine?

And just when Gu Zheng was puzzled, a voice suddenly heard from the side...Oh, Gu Zheng subconsciously gave him a hand, and he helped a young man who was not young enough to help him, so as to avoid it. He was trampled underfoot by a small group of powerful men and horses rushing out behind him.


The uncle who survived the disaster, tremblingly helped Gu Zheng to get up, and after looking at the unskilled team that had already surpassed him, he turned his attention to Gu Zheng's body.

Then, after taking a close look at Gu Zheng's current dress, he grinned open his big, shriveled mouth, which was missing several teeth.

"Young man, just came to town to ask for a living, right? Is this the first day you came to work?"


Gu Zheng, a veteran actor, immediately put on his accustomed honest expression, and asked dumbfounded: "Master, how did you know?"

But the uncle smiled triumphantly, clutching Gu Zheng's fairly clean overalls and said, "Look at your white, fine-skinned meat, how do you look like a mine worker."

"But you don't have to worry, you, I am afraid that you will not be like a man with a manly taste like me."

"Because of your job, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it long."

"Our mining area will be closed in a few days."

"Huh?" Gu Zheng was a little surprised when he heard here, he hurriedly asked the uncle: "Why is this? I still expect this job to make some money."

Three yuan, it seems that it is not so profitable.

When Gu Zheng asked, the uncle sighed, replied with a bit of nostalgia and a bit of vicissitudes: "That's because, the surface mines in this mining area are about to be dug. It's gone."

"If you stay here now, why can you enter the zone with only one-third of the gain?"

"It's not because the mining company has already withdrawn from this waste mine."

"Otherwise, how can we allow the scattered gold diggers to appear in large-scale mining areas?"

"As early as half a year ago, this place was a waste mine."

"And after more than half a year of private mining and scouring, we will squeeze out the last little value of this mining area."

"Maybe this time today will be the last gold rush feast...boy, cherish it."

"Ah, oh, good, good!"

Gu Zheng, who was slapped on the shoulder for encouragement, immediately recovered. After showing a shy smile at the old man, he carried his bag and walked towards the end of the long queue in front of the high platform.

Waiting patiently for his entry.

Not afraid, only three yuan...

From the information obtained just now, it can be known that this mine is actually a gold mine...

Three yuan should be a good profit, right?

Because the content of the registration is very simple, workers who want to enter the arena only need to say their name and receive a uniformly issued badge to enter the arena. When Gu Zheng recovers, he has already walked from the end of the team to the end of the team. The forefront of the team.


The feeble clerk was writing with a pencil.

"Gu Zheng..."

"Okay, take your number plate, 233 is really a good number."

"Good luck, my child!"

After copying to Gu Zheng, you can stop and rest for a while.

There were so many people who came to this last gold rush. Gu Zheng, who blinked his eyes, was not sure if this was the evil taste of the people in the small town. He only knew that as the crowd entered the real mining area, the hot scenes that caught his eye... The impact it brought to him was tremendous. .

Every gold digger’s face is full of enthusiasm.

There is no place where people are more motivated than the workers here.

In each of them, the light of gold and money seemed to appear in their eyes, as if they were shining in general.

"Young man, don't patronize it. Time doesn't wait for anyone. Mining is open for half a day, but it will pass in the blink of an eye."

In Gu Zheng's dazed work, the old voice rang behind him again. The old miner he had helped stood behind Gu Zheng and interrupted what he could not do.

"Hey, I didn't do it before. You, follow me and see how I did it."

After speaking, he pulled up Gu Zheng's sleeve and pulled him to a shallow shoal where a shallow stream flows, showing him how to screen the sands.

The old miner used a shovel to dig out the placer to be screened and placed it in a special wooden box. Using the washing force of the water in the shallow stream, the sand and gravel were gradually separated carefully.

The gold particles with the largest specific gravity were left at the bottom of the wooden box, while sand and gravel flowed out along the stream.

This has also created a situation where the upstream potholes are all big pits, but the downstream is a mess.

"Do you understand? What tools did you bring?"

When Gu Zheng took out the sieve in his hand, the old miner showed a fairly satisfied expression.

"It's not stupid at all, although the eyes are a little bigger, but it's better than the guy who came over there with nothing."

"Listen to me, hurry up and work quickly."

"By the time of the lunch break, maybe you can make enough money for a month."

Okay, Gu Zheng nodded when he was particularly obedient.

He didn't dare to tell the old miner that he actually only wanted to make three yuan and just ended up.

In order not to attract more people's attention, Gu Zheng just squatted down on this shoal where there were basically no people.

The old miner who had consciously said enough just shook his head at Gu Zheng.

This kid is not smart at first sight. There are so few people in a place, can't it explain the problem?

It's just that there are too many eyes around. If you say more and let this kid run away to steal someone else's business, his life as an old man is probably going to be difficult.

The old miner who had been protecting himself felt that he had already reported the kindness that Gu Zheng had just helped, and after only a sigh, he walked in the direction of the most popular river channel today.

And Gu Zheng, who was left alone here... didn't care at all.

Because at the moment he was digging the sand, Xiaojun’s wife’s ‘living’ classification function played a big role.


‘The gold content of Jinsha ore (nothingness) is 0.00001...equivalent to...none’

With this function, he walked and fumbled, looking for a secluded place, it is real to get bored and rich!

Gu Zheng, who said nothing, immediately evacuated from the shallows and ran to the next place two meters away to explore the past.

Amidst the beeping sounds, one is going farther and farther, and the ups and downs are busy and ecstatic.

And his behavior, when seen in the eyes of those years of old miners, actually fits his identity as a novice.

Without patience and eager for success, after seeing no goodness, he will immediately lose confidence and try to find a new mining spot as an incision, hoping to hit it once.

How is this possible? In this mine that is about to be abandoned, even the old miners have to bury their heads in an area of ​​suspected deposits for nearly one or two hours before they can finally confirm whether this piece of deposits.

Just like Gu Zheng's posture, if the gold mine can be found by him, it would be a ghost.

The workers who shook their heads also took the last of their attention from Gu Zheng.

I thought there was something special about the young people who had been specially instructed by the old Tom. Who would have thought that the mud couldn't support the wall.

However, other people's perception of him is the least important to Gu Zheng.

Because at this time, he had already arrived in an empty shoal, and with a calm face, he removed the tools from his body, seeing that he was actually planning to conduct his gold panning here.

The old miners who met here laughed loudly, and their small groups of three or two got together and followed them.

It is true that the location that Gu Zheng has chosen now is too barren.

This is one of the first shoals to be developed in the entire mining area.

This is equivalent to the saline soil that has been repeatedly screened by countless people.

If Gu Zheng can buy gold here, they can all twist their heads off and kick the ball.

Of course, this stupid decision Gu Zheng made, no one would kindly remind him.

In this mine where everyone is a competitor, one less person is equivalent to an increase in your chances of making a fortune.

Looking at the workers who Gu Zheng had already started digging from a distance, it was only after Hahale had finished this for a while that they once again immersed themselves in the work at hand.

They didn't know that in the sand of Gu Zheng's place, extremely fine sand particles were sifted out.

Although the tiny sand is a bit pitiful, it is an extremely good phenomenon.

Gu Zheng didn't want to be rich, he just needed the amount of sand dug up this morning to accumulate to the size of a fingernail.

His three yuan and everyone's food for a day have been settled.

Don't think this price is a bit scary.

In this small town with no self-produced assets, even a bottle of water and a piece of brown bread can sell for a sky-high price.

Thinking of the subordinates here, they are constantly working. The handkerchief he originally held in his arms has now become the best tool for storing these fine grains of sand.

With the passage of time, the sand grains gathered together have formed a substantial weight in Gu Zheng's arms, just like Gu Zheng's mood at this time, heavy joy.

And just when he felt that he could almost get up and go around the mine a few times to find some clues to the key, there was a shocking cheer from the densest area of ​​the mining area.

"Gold! What a big gold ore!!!"

"Oh my God! It's a raw ore, I have never seen such a large ore!!"

Gu Zheng, who was attracted by the exclamation of the crowd, subconsciously wanted to look into the circle where the exclamation first erupted, but found that in just a short time, the location where the gold mine appeared... The workers rushing over here were surrounded by water.

Don't think about it, Gu Zheng can't see what's inside.

Gu Zheng, who always felt that the key's clue might be related to this sudden situation, was so willing to be isolated from the crowd and lost the best time to find the clue?

He made a decisive decision, hung the basket in his hand on his waist, and ran a few steps along the direction of the shallows. When he ran under an abandoned elevated railing in the mining area, he spit out two mouthfuls. He spit, kicked his feet, and climbed to the top of the dark wooden stake.

Ascend naturally and look into the distance.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng showed the situation in the circle clearly.

It turned out that in this area, a huge piece of gold ore more than one meter high was dug out.

It is hidden underground and has been repeatedly ignored by so many gold prospectors. It can be said to have considerable luck.

Only this time, its good luck finally ran out.

It was defeated in the hands of a middle-aged woman who only knew the work with her head buried in machinery.

This dull woman, who was brought to the mine by her man and dared not walk around at will, just kept digging under the piece of sand in front of her.

Knowing that if the shallow layer does not withdraw gold, the probability of withdrawing gold at the bottom layer will be lower... She is still reluctant to move a bit.

Thanks to her perseverance and fear of changing to a new location, she succeeded in digging out the ore that was half of her body still buried in the soil. This abandoned mining area once again fell into the madness of the first excavation. .

"Don't squeeze...Don't squeeze..."

The husband who arrived later, wiping the sweat from his forehead, led the current person in charge of the mine to the side of the huge gold mine. He was quite pleased and nodded and asked: "This is my wife. The ore found..."

"I don't know how much cash can be exchanged?"

Yes, the gold ore excavated in this mine, miners have a unified sales channel to realize ~ that is now the owner of the mine, the Fox family.

They are placed on the table at the entrance of the mining area. Not only do they have weighing tools, but also a stack of colorful banknotes, which can directly realize the gold in the hands of these miners with one hand and one hand for delivery.

And this lucky miner, even if he distributes one-third of the ore to the Fox family, the remaining two-thirds can make this extremely poor family rich overnight and smoothly upgrade to many. A group of millionaires that the upper class needs to look up to.

Now, this excited husband asked the Fox brothers to estimate the value of this ore, and quickly dispose of it, take his wife, children, and money, and leave the declining town that they have worked so hard for many years.

Their good days are coming.

But who came up with it? The three Fox brothers, when they separated the crowd and came in front of the ore, they shook their heads at the ore and shook their heads after a lot of investigation. A conclusion that the gold content is extremely low, it takes a lot of time to smelt, and in the end it may not produce any gold.

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