The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1199: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (21)

For this huge gold mine, the Fox brothers also gave them the most reasonable price.

"2000 yuan, no more."

At this price, someone else can sell gold ore with half a fist, but when it comes to him, it is exchanged for a small mountain.

How can this make the husband feel reconciled at this time?

Angrily, he immediately shouted loudly: "This is impossible! Only 2000 for such a large piece? Then I won't sell it! I will cut one-third of it to you, and the rest is myself. Take it away and sell it!"

"Even if you catch the toll and earn less than 2,000, I will admit it!!"

After finishing speaking, this man who was already a little crazy, took the shovel in his hand and knocked it up on the huge ore in front of him. It looked like he was really planning to take two shots.

It's a pity that it's not him, an unpowered miner, who has the final say in this mining area, but the Fox family with more than a dozen brothers behind him.

After his offer was rejected by the miner, the face of the boss of the Fox family became ugly.

His suffocating breath finally broke out when the opposite man started to dig ore. The boss who didn't even think about it, pulled a double-barreled shotgun in his arms from the brother behind him, and went crazy at that. The man's hands banged, and there was a shot.

"Dog bastard! Let you shovel my cargo! Did I say this is yours?"

"This mine was bought by Lao Tzu, and everything belongs to Lao Tzu."

"A free coolie wants to take away the big head? Beautiful you!"

In the face of huge interests, the ambition and ugliness of the Fox family were finally exposed.

In this era of black and black, whoever masters the force is the final winner.

Accompanied by this gunshot, the workers in the entire mining area became quiet, and the screams of the miner who had been lying on the ground and holding his hands were more stern.

A naked and undisguised forcible grabbing is officially staged here.

The miners around Fox were daring to say nothing. They were red eyes, staring at the Fox family, who thought they had suppressed everyone, and then personally started to move the ore out of the Fox family, a kind of indescribable. His emotions were passed on between them.

‘Why this gold is not mine, and why should it be taken away by the lazy Fox? ’

‘Didn’t you say that whoever has the bigger fist can hold it? If you kill Fox, will you get a lot of wealth? ’

‘There are only a dozen of them, and there are more than two hundred workers here...’

‘Kill them and bury them in the abandoned mine without knowing it...’

"This gold ore belongs to everyone..."

‘I think one person can get at least 10,000 yuan, right? Can you do it...’

More and more people are using their eyes to communicate with each other, and their eyes are getting redder and red to the point of purple.

Gu Zheng, who was hugging on the railing, shivered afterwards...

This group of miners were finally intensified and began to run away.

Do you run away or do you run away?

Just as Gu Zheng hesitated for this time, the quiet scene underneath was suddenly changed because of a woman.

This middle-aged woman, who was wearing a coarse linen robe and the apron on her body could not see the original color, and with wounds on her fingers, finally broke out in the wailing of her husband.

She took the shovel used to dig the sand in her hand and patted the head of the Fox family who was bending over and watching the bottom of the ore.

'boom! ’

Thick blood plasma spurted out with the loud noise, officially kicking off the prelude to the melee for gold.

"Ah! Stinky girl! You are looking for death!"

Fox, holding the gun in one hand, touched the blood slid on his forehead with his left hand. After touching a sticky one, he raised his hand in a hurry and fired a shot in the direction of the woman. .


The gray smoke rose into the air. After the smoke fell, the woman who held the shovel high and planned to give it another shot on the head of Fox's head, her eyes widened, clinging to the shovel, and slowly fell on her back.

'boom! ’

A burst of dust rose into the sky, and after a large amount of blood was soaked under the woman's body, the body completely lost its vitality.

"Ah! It's murdered!"

"Brother Fox wants to kill people! Run away everyone!"

"Can't run! They have a gun to die faster! Only if we kill them we have a way to survive!"

"Yes! Let's go together and avenge the old Nuoli family!"

"Come on!!"

From this moment on, there are some people who are calling to run away, some who are struggling to resist, and some even more attacking the frail and single-handed people taking advantage of the fire.

The entire mining area was in chaos and staged a living **** on earth.

Those distorted faces, those darkest desires, kept rising and fermenting in this fearless space, and finally spread to the entire area.

Gu Zheng, who hadn't figured out a countermeasure for a while, couldn't get up and down on the railing.

This is such an awkward situation, how can it become such an embarrassing situation?

Gu Zheng didn't care about his safety, because as long as he was not unlucky enough to be hit by a stray bullet, the mining area would be fighting like mortals like this, and he really hadn't been afraid of anyone.

What he was afraid of was that the two girls waiting outside the mine area wanted to come in and see the situation when he saw that he hadn't walked out of the abandoned mine within the agreed time.

When the time comes, they will face the Shura **** as soon as they step into the gate. Maybe they will be taken to see the Hades at the same time.

This can't be It's not enough to just look on the wall.

Before eating at noon, he must rush out of this runaway mine, hold the gold in his hand, and try to go to the hospital to try his luck.

But now there is not much time left for him. Seeing that the hourglass used as a timer on the high platform is about to go to the end, he must hurry to evacuate.

Because he didn't know what would happen to him before leaving the mine after the normal working hours in the morning.

But according to the urination of the most disciplined monsters that Gu Zheng had encountered in the past, it would definitely not be a good encounter.

Gu Zheng, who couldn't delay any longer, slid down the pillar when he loosened his arms, held his head, pulled out the iron bars on both sides of his waist, and started to run towards the door of the mining area.

"Ding Dong..."

A pair of miners who were scrambling together blocked Gu Zheng as soon as he landed. When the three parties met, the two men turned towards Gu Zheng as if they had negotiated. Pounced.

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