The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1200: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (22)

They had discovered the location of this newcomer who was still interested in watching the excitement, and adhering to a principle that could not be let go, they stretched the black hand towards Gu Zheng.

It's a pity that the rookie idiot in their eyes turned into a hideous monster immediately after they met.

The two nondescript iron sticks wandered in the hands of the young man, and in the next second, they were inserted into the left and right sides of the two of them at a very strange angle. The eyeballs on both sides were so powerful. , They stabbed a pair of their heads in an instant.

The iron tip that came out of the back of the head, but as soon as it ticked a drop of blood, it was immediately pulled back by Gu Zheng, and gently turned it in his hand, and the red and white brain on the top was thrown away by him. Go out, clean... as if he had never used it to harm any human beings.


Gu Zheng spit out a mouthful of the sand that was rushed up by the collision, without giving the opponent any more points from his eyes, and rushed straight ahead.

A path of blood and blood was opened in this way.

More and more miners with red eyes were involuntarily giving way to Gu Zheng's route.

They are not afraid of death, but they are not stupid enough to actively seek death...

Since this person has no intention of staying in this chaotic mine to get a piece of the pie, letting him leave as soon as possible is the most correct choice.

In the next few steps, Gu Zheng ran quite smoothly. He just used his arms to block the crowd two or three times that were too chaotic and bumped into him. He never felt like it was at the beginning. Like to chase and intercept.

This also made the steps under his feet gradually smoother.

Seeing that the gate of the mining area appeared in his line of sight.

Great, time is still rich! !

After Gu Zheng's eyes swept across the gate of the mine again, he planned to collect the iron lottery and rush towards the gate of the mining area. Whoever thought it was at the moment he just took it away. The skinny palm came out from the side, and grabbed his trouser leg...


It was old John, the old man who had paid too much attention to him from the beginning, unexpectedly appeared in front of him at this moment.

This had to make Gu Zheng think more about it.

While he was beating the drums in his heart, he was appropriately panicked on his face, and asked the old man on the ground loudly: "Oh, my God, old John, what are you doing! Hurry up! I let go! I want to run away!"

"Don't you see the gate? We will be safe soon!"

But the bloody, dying old man lying on the ground, tremblingly raised his other hand, pointed at the place where the table for ore exchange was placed at the gate, and anxiously turned towards Gu Zheng. Yelled: "Oh! My child! Are you blind? Didn't you see that the Fox family had already ambushed outside the door?"

"This is basically a conspiracy. This is a trap. The Fox family intends to make the last fortune on our poor group of people, together with this small town, to end their once glory here."

"Oh, my God! I'm fifty-six years old, why shouldn't God have mercy on me, a helpless old man?"

And just after Old John finished saying that, the doorway that was empty when Gu Zheng entered the door suddenly looked like an image from a projector, and nearly twenty people wearing work clothes appeared. , The sturdy man with a gun in hand, the muzzle of the black hole pointed straight in the direction of the gate of the mining area.

This is too vicious.

What kind of hatred, what kind of grudge, such a bad hand?

And the old man seemed to know what Gu Zheng was thinking, and he lied on the ground madly: "The last fortune of the gold diggers, these cunning wolves, they know, they must know, all the gold rushes that left at the last moments. People will wear their wealth for so many years, and after this last mine is closed, they will leave this abandoned town directly on the journey of a new gold prospector."

"And today is the best time for them to start."

Understand, this is a typical Tuzhen! That’s how Gu Zheng had just begun to walk through the bones and bones.

In this small town that has long since disappeared on the map, this tragedy that once happened, with the closure of the town, is no longer known to outsiders.

The scenes that Gu Zheng is seeing now are scenes that once existed in reality and forgotten by everyone.

So here comes the question...

How should he go out now...

Once again, he held the iron lottery to Gu Zheng, and pulled up the old John who was crawling on the ground. He stared at the opponent's eyes with a scrutinizing look for a long time, and then slowly opened his mouth. Asked: "Do you know how to get out? You must know!"

And the old John, who was vomiting blood as if he was about to die in the next second, smiled at this moment.

His red, yellow, and yellow teeth are very funny, and they are missing two of the front teeth, but at this time, from Gu Zheng's perspective, they have added a bit of inexplicable hideousness.

There was a sly light in his eyes, like a demon who lured an angel to fall to the mortal world, and said his answer in a low and hoarse voice: "Yes...I know..."

"On the edge of this abandoned mining area, there is an underground tunnel that I have dug straight to the outside. Although for some people, this is just a dog hole, but for you and me who want to escape, it is enough."

"If you promise to send me safely outside the town, I will guide you through this tunnel."

"How about, my child, are you willing to help me, a helpless and seriously injured old man?"

Gu Zheng lowered his head, looking at the **** old John, and then showed a bright smile, nodding without thinking, and agreed: "Okay, let's go now! You lead the way, I'll run. ."

After speaking, he changed the direction of advancement and ran straight to the edge of the mining area.

One person, a chicken being carried, these two strange combinations just stumbling and turning around, but it took a while to get close to the edge of the abandoned mine.

"Here... from here..."

In front of a small mound, Old John's reminder sounded again, and a tunnel not much bigger than a dog hole appeared in front of the two people.

But Gu Zheng, who ran here, slowed down his pace, and the smile on his face became a bit strange. He did not rush to the mine, but instead asked Old John with a smile on his face: "You go down first. Or should I go first?"

But the old John made a decision that surprised Gu Zheng. He coughed and vomited blood, saying that he was too weak to lead the way, but he was willing to follow Gu Zheng’s feet. Climbing and stopping, won't cause this young man any more trouble.

However, this image of being considerate really didn't fit the cunning that Old John had exposed just now. Even if he took the lead in going down the tunnel, Gu Zheng still had a bit of attention on Old John who fell far behind him.


As they deepened, the noise of life and death on their heads gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of water droplets that inadvertently penetrated into the ground in the dark tunnel.

"It's going to be safe..."

A sigh that seemed to be absent, sounded in Gu Zheng's ears...

At the moment when his hairs stand up, ‘pop...’

A hand like an iron hook drew towards the back of his heart...

"So... how can survivors be allowed to come in this mine?"

"So, kid, stay here with me..."

It's the old John who is about to face mutation... His hand with little strength has become a life-killing weapon at this time...

But when his smug smile appeared on his face just now, his fingers that had been pinched together were gone, and he didn't grasp anything...

The sneak attack failed...

And just when Old John responded to this stunned, a cold iron fence pierced his forehead directly.

"When did you notice it..."

This was the last sentence that Old John said when he fell, and Gu Zheng, who was squatting in front of him, was too lazy to answer.

He just pulled out his weapon calmly, turned and ran without any delay.

Who would have thought, he had just moved out only three steps away, and a sound that only he could hear shook in his eardrums.

‘Ding Dang Dang, Ding Dang Dang’

not good!

It was the bell that rang for workers in the mine.

The hourglass that represents peace and peace has come to the end! !

Gu Zheng's eyelids twitched, and an ominous premonition sprang up spontaneously. From this moment on, his feet burst out instantly, as if riding the wind, heading straight ahead.

Light, light!

The export is coming soon! Victory is far away! !

"Pattern, patter..."


Where is it so simple?

When Gu Zheng flees quickly, the old John who fell on his back is like a zombie coming out of the coffin...and he stands upright again like a spring rebound, using a very strange high speed, parallel to the height of five centimeters on the ground, Quickly chased in the direction where Gu Zheng was.

It only took a breath of time...Danger rushed towards Gu Zheng once again.

"Grandma is a leg!!"

These few days are the most frustrated days that Gu Zheng has ever had.

He was either being chased or on the way to escape.

There is no day that will kill the Quartet and be fearless.

Embarrassed, exhausted, and his heart tense all the time, no matter what it is, he feels aggrieved at this time, and it is difficult for him to feel resentful.

When the wind of old John came and a pair of skinny hooks were on his shoulders, Gu Zheng finally exploded the anger accumulated in his chest.

"X, the tiger doesn't show off, you treat me as HELLO!!"

"I don't believe it anymore! I'm fighting with you! Even if you die, I will pull you back!"

"Oh, forget, you've already died once. But it doesn't matter, sir, I will let you die again, and disappear completely!"

After being caught, Gu Zheng fell back and fought with the old monster. Even the blood splattered from the opponent's claws on his shoulders could not be wiped away.

Now Gu Zheng has only one thought in his mind, and that is to kill this **** raised by B.



The iron lottery is very effective against other monsters, but loses its original effect at this time. The termination of the hourglass timer seems to have opened a forbidden valve, completely giving these monsters physical energy. Full of.

If Gu Zheng was still standing on the ground of the mining area at this time, he would be surprised to find that the illusion of prosperity in the original mining area disappeared at the moment when the hourglass was stagnant, and the entire mining area was instantly restored. A scene of dilapidation and loneliness in the past.

However, all the workers who had flooded the entire mine site have all disappeared. Oh, no, there is one more...

Old John...

This mine lasted until the last day, and the last person who died in this mine was still entangled with Gu Zheng underground.

This Gu Zheng's luck... really cannot be said to be good or bad.

After he entered this abandoned mine, the first person to talk to was the key person in this mine.

And now, he is about to die in the hands of this monster with broken combat power.

The opponent was using a bit stronger than his tremendous strength to depress the iron lottery he was constantly jabbing, and instead turned his head...toward Gu Zheng's forehead.

"Crack, click, click..."

Gu Zheng, who gritted his teeth and fought against the opponent's strength, the blue veins on his forehead burst out, and his eyeballs were gradually filled with bloodshot eyes because of the tremendous pressure, but even so, he deliberately rubbed the stone a few times. Exposed a somewhat sharp iron tip, still advancing between his eyes, until now, the cold metal texture has been attached to his skin.

Ah, are you dying?

The mission just failed?

Do not!

He Gu Zheng hasn't lived enough yet!

He came into this world only two days ago! !

No one can! No one can take away my life! !

A force that has never been seen before pouring out of Gu Zheng's body, it is laugh and forget the book! It was actually activated by Gu Zheng's strong brain wave fluctuations at this time!


This was the last language of Liao Wangshu. I didn't know what to express. After sending this force to Gu Zheng, the machine-shaped little man drooped his head and turned into a dead body again.

Then, grateful Gu Zheng discovered that his hard-to-harden system provided him with the support that made him truly experience the sorrow of the three-second man.


At the moment when Xiao Wangshu was powered off, Gu Zheng felt a sense of emptiness in his body, and the iron lottery that had been successfully lifted by him moved toward his forehead at an even faster speed. Come whizzing.

Dead, dead...

Gu Zheng stared angrily, remembering the appearance of this monster that killed him, if he had any later, he must do everything possible to make him alive! !

Make him alive so that he can die!

This **** spiritual world, this **** inhuman power, this **** sense of helplessness! !


I am not convinced!

Gu Zheng's last struggle still didn't help. He just overturned the schoolbag he was carrying and broke a few bricks in the tunnel before accepting the penetration of the cold weapon.

But when he closed his eyes as he appointed him and waited for the coming of death, the power he felt in his hand disappeared instantly.


Subconsciously, Gu Zhengkai opened his eyes again, a high... and turned up from the ground, ‘dingdong’

A crisp sound of glass sounded right at his waist, and Gu Zheng looked down at it, and he understood how he was out of danger at this time.

The small ten-minute hourglass that he found in the school did not know when it was activated.

Now, the sand that represents the continuous movement of time is quietly flowing from this small glass jar into another small glass jar.

And since it started to move, the monster that had mutated due to the stagnation of time has once again returned to the original state of Old John.

Where is the current old John as fierce as before, just like the weak chicken before, being held firmly in his hand by Gu Zheng who has not yet reacted.

"Ha ha!"

An unidentified laugh came from Gu Zheng’s chest. Gu Zheng picked up the hourglass and carried the schoolbag on his back, carrying Old John in one hand and the iron sign in the other, and once again embarked on his escape route. .

It's just that Gu Zheng can no longer claim to be the patron saint of Old John along the way.

Every time he took a step, he stabbed the opponent's arms, thighs and lower abdomen a few times. Gu Zheng didn't care if he could get the key from Old John's hands. His main purpose now is to vent his anger. .

Taking advantage of your illness, killing you, or losing your life, will make you worse than death...

Before he successfully escaped from this abandoned mine, he had to torture the monster who wanted to kill him in every possible way, letting him know that the ability to die does not mean invincibility, and it may also be endless torture.

As a result, the old John who was caught by Gu Zheng in his hands and fleeing for his life could be considered bad luck.

Is there no ladder when climbing out of the pothole?

He didn't wipe the pads when climbed out of the ground?

He should.

I'm in a bad mood, what sandbags are you looking for?

It's him.

Gu Zheng's tormenting tricks have been inherited for five thousand years. Ten minutes is enough for Old John to enjoy most of the content.

And his deeds, in addition to allowing him to successfully stand at the gate where he first stepped into the abandoned mine, he also gained a monster's sincere conviction.

This old John, who was not a powerful person before he died, was a typical bully and fearful of hardship.

He didn't understand why he was restrained by Gu Zheng, and he didn't even know when this torture would end. He only knew that he didn't want to experience the pain he felt personally anymore.

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