The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

: One thousand two hundred and one supernatural chapter: Naihe Town (23)

As a result, Gu Zheng's hourglass was about to end in two minutes, and when Gu Zheng was about to abandon Old John and lift his foot away, the old man who couldn't hold on had a look of pleading in his eyes.

"I was wrong! Forgive me, my lord, I will say whatever you want to hear, and I will give whatever you want..."

This made Gu Zheng's step forward suddenly stopped on the spot, turned his head, and only asked Old John: "I only need the key, do you know where it is?"

After finishing speaking, his hand holding Old John's neck added another three points of strength, squeaking, making that not very strong neck seem to be squeezed in two in the next second.

"Stop!! Stop!!! I know! Not only do I know where the key is, I can also get the key out!!"

"I will give it to you! I will give it to you!!"

"Don't torture me anymore, don't torture me anymore!!"

If... if the result of gaining an endless life is suffering, he might as well die.

This boneless old guy opened his mouth wide in a wailing, revealing his yellow teeth full of gaps.

After his mouth, Gu Zheng was really shocked.

Because in his rotten tooth, there is a great mystery hidden unexpectedly.

Those big molars of black, yellow, black and yellow were not blackened because of the water pipe, but because they were gold teeth inlaid with gold castings.

Under the cover of smoke stains, no one can discover the little secret hidden by Old John.

Let him successfully walk around the abandoned mines with extremely valuable wealth every day in full view.

It's just that this secret was revealed by a second person today.

And it was Old John who took the initiative to reveal it.

But what did the old man show him for?

What does it have to do with the key?

At the moment when Gu Zheng was surprised, he saw Old John squeeze into his mouth... and he pulled out the last two large molars.

This tooth, which is like a sleeve, only revealed its true content after being pulled out.

It was a small cylindrical box. After opening the cover that served as the surface of the tooth enamel, a very small and exquisite golden key appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

"Here, here it is, this is all my wealth... you can take it."

"If you can find a hotel in the town."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, that ruined place might have been burned to ashes by the Fox family, who had been ransacked a long time ago."

"And my old John's wealth is buried deep underground along with the hotel."

"Ah, I'm so unwilling. I almost can have that wealth. I will go back to my hometown in the north to buy the most fertile piece of land, plant grass and flowers, and then ask my neighbors. Is the old widow in the family married yet."

"It's a pity, all of this can only be old John's dream."


Speaking of this, Old John's face was strangely distorted, and the resentment that soared to the sky slowly rose.

With the ticking of time, every time he said more, his face went dark, not to mention how frustrated.

But Gu Zheng, who heard these words, did not express any sympathy. There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even laughed.

Because the source of old John's grievance... is really different from others.

In the one-sided massacre many years ago, because Old John was too stingy and poor, he was asked to kill all the Fox family who had absented from work and searched for his body... never found him. The hidden teeth, thus became the only member of this group of miners who kept all the property.

But in the same way, just because of his performance of the golden tooth treated like a treasure, it became his obsession, allowing him to stay in this eternally silent mine forever and never leave.

Now, under Gu Zheng's duress, he has surrendered his own treasure. There was a vague thought in Old John's mind.

He felt that once his wealth fell into Gu Zheng's hands, he might get relief from this never-day place.

Therefore, when he knew that he could not be the enemy, the old man immediately handed over his wealth...the golden special key, and hoped that Gu Zheng could use it to free him.

Old John couldn't help but praise his wit.

As for Gu Zheng, he was quite satisfied after he got the key. After taking a look at the direction of the hourglass, he nodded secretly, and then in the incredibly small eyes of Old John, he picked up the iron sign and snapped. Snap...toward the position of the opponent's two cheeks, and pulled over.

Papa papa, bow left and right.

But two or three times, none of the old John's molars fell.

Gu Zheng, who snatched the teeth of other people, used the end of the iron rod with a slight dislike, and pulled the teeth out of gold, picking out the teeth that were made of gold, randomly took a piece of rags such a random roll, and stuffed it into the bag. ...


Old John, who stuttered, didn’t say the rest, because Gu Zheng who had done all this...had already put his hand on the old John’s neck and jumped out of the mine without looking back. He broke through to the periphery of the mine gate.

It was just a moment, the star shifted.

The old John's place behind him was gone, like two intersecting points of time and space, out of that barrier, you can't see me, I can't see you.

Only two golden teeth and one key were left in Gu Zheng's backpack.


Gu Zheng exhaled, wiped the dust rising from his forehead, turned around and showed his big white teeth in the direction where he had come.

The town, I'm here, let's keep up our work and take the hospital down in one fell swoop.

Gu Zheng, who was just doing it, hugged his little schoolbag and hurried happily.

When he stepped on the bones of his feet and stumbling and looking towards the road ahead, he found that there were two slender figures... also walking in the same direction as him.

The three of them converged smoothly in the center of this corpse land. After that, Gu Zheng looked at the two trembling girls who were walking with tears in their tears... He sucked his nose in wonder.

"Didn't you say that you are waiting outside?"

"If there is something good or bad, you can still turn your heads and run away, how come this will follow?"

This is quite good, and I am especially concerned about the masses, but Pan Xiaomeng, who is standing on the opposite side, exploded all at once, yelling at Gu Zheng like an explosion of beans.

"Do you think we are willing to come to this ghost place! Do you know how much mental construction we have done?"

"If it weren't for a fool like Ye Qing'an, who would come in to find you all the time, girl, I wouldn't take the initiative to come in and find death!"

"You still have a face? Do you know how much time has passed since the agreed rendezvous time?"

"One hour, one full hour."

"I thought you were brave enough to be righteous! We plan to pass the barrier with our two women!"

Pan Xiaomeng was so angry, his chest was up and down and his cheeks were flushed from the sun. It seemed that he was shocked by Gu Zheng's late homecoming.

As for Ye Qingan at this time, the girl who had plucked up the courage to come over to look for him, after seeing Gu Zheng, she kept dropping the golden beans, crying because she couldn't help herself.

She also didn't know what she was feeling right now.

Fortunately, happy, sweet, and a touch of sadness about the unknown.

Like the words most often said by a young literary girl, this might be love.

As for Gu Zheng, who was sprayed, he used his expression to perfectly explain what is called surprise.

Because in his impression, he was only ten minutes behind the normal return time.

Or is the flow rate of this hourglass actually not as simple as he imagined?

It's a pity that this hourglass turned out to be a one-off item. After it finished the last grain of sand, it dissipated like starlight in that time and space.

The current Gu Zheng used up all the important cards in his hand. Looking at a large number of props, but none of them could deal with the doctor, he could not help but sighed, and then stared at the two girls. Next, he waved his hands and explained why he came out so late.

What made the two girls heard was that they exclaimed again and again, but they were also very upset that they had lost such a good hole card.


Just when they got together once again to analyze the details that Dong Dawei and Zhang Qiang encountered when they went to the hospital, a very loud voice came out of Gu Zheng's stomach.


"Ah, I'm hungry, shall we eat first?"

Because of Gu Zheng's lateness, it is already past lunch time. As a young man who is still growing, it is the stage of panic when he doesn't eat a meal.

The two girls who heard these words laughed involuntarily.

As they did when they came, they took Gu Zheng’s schoolbag and stumbling back to a safe area. They boiled hot water in the small hotel where they lived temporarily, and took apart their last instant noodles. .

"Tonger instant noodles, spicy beef, hot and sour beef, and fresh shrimp and fish plate flavors. As for the leftover tomato marinated noodles, it is suitable for Dong Dawei..."

When Gu Zheng got the face, he was distributing food while unpacking it, but Pan Xiaomeng, who had just come down from the second floor and watched Dong Dawei's current situation...but pouted and waved his hand at him.

"No need to soak for Dong Dawei, I just went up to check his condition, and smoothed his mouth; Liang Bai opened and moistened his mouth."

"I've been tossing like this, but this kid shows no signs of being sober."

"If this goes on, I'm afraid that before we get the four keys, the child will die in the hotel early." And when I heard that Gu Zheng here, he was very calm about the taste of tomato noodles. The noodle bucket was put back into the backpack again. Since I couldn't eat it, I kept it as an emergency reserve. I had to plan for the worst of everything, and I could not have anything, so I couldn't starve myself.

Seeing Gu Zheng reacted so calmly, Pan Xiaomeng, who didn't get a response, rolled his eyes, grabbed the orange-yellow spicy beef noodle bucket that Gu Zheng left in his hands, and took care of himself. Brewed into hot water.

Then, as if remembering something, he pointed to Gu Zheng's location with the white fork inside, and asked mysteriously: "Did you know that Dong Dawei has the same thoughts as you did for me at the beginning? Don't plan to care about his life and death?"

"Okay, you don't need to say, I understand, hey, it's all the fault of beauty!"

Gu Zheng, who was blocked on the spot, was heartbroken only because of the empty hands. He really wanted to say to the girl opposite that brain supplementation is really a disease.

But then again he thought that the one he was wearing was more ill, there were a thousand words waiting there, and he couldn't say it anymore.

However, when he sat back on the small bench, he found that the remaining two buckets of noodles had all been soaked, and when Ye Qinganqi's brushed them were placed in front of him, his mood suddenly became brighter. stand up.

It's okay, isn't there a good girl waiting for him?

Look, two buckets of noodles, let him eat with energy, what a good girl this is.

When he thought of this, Gu Zheng's heart softened a bit. He pushed one of the buckets in front of Ye Qing'an, and said to the other party in a rare and gentle tone: "You also eat, you can't run if you are full. I have to carry you..."

Yes, once you say this, the half-heartedness is gone.

Pan Xiaomeng, who was eating the noodles with his head buried in the opposite side, took a bite and sprayed the twisty instant noodles... from his mouth.

The force of the jet is so great that if it's not for ears and eyes, I'm afraid that two of them can be rushed out from there.

The girl who ate the hottest instant noodles followed by a loud cough.

After she recovered to be a normal girl, she looked up and down Gu Zheng with the most sympathetic eyes many times, and finally confirmed that the boy who had silently followed behind her, even if he had become capable. But still can't change the fact that he is a hidden single dog.

This is a person who has been so slow to speak such dismal words in that situation. Tsk tsk tsk, Ye Qing'an, Ye Qing'an, you also have today, you who pretend to be stronger than me everywhere, are afraid that you are only looking at men. It was a terrible loss.

Pan Xiaomeng here is proud, but the protagonist Ye Qingan showed a particularly gentle smile after a daze: "You are right, then I will eat fresh shrimp noodles, beef. It’s high in calories, so it’s more suitable for Gu Zheng."

The beef of GodTM, the beef cubes in the instant noodles are all measured in grams!

Huh? and many more? The location of the complaint seems a bit crooked?

When Pan Xiaomeng reacted, he found that this man and woman who were not normal had already eaten all the soup and noodles in his belly, and the packages were packed, just waiting for her reaction.

What kind of speed is this!

Looking at the noodle bowl that had only eaten two bites, Pan Xiaomeng's heart was filled with heartburn.

Sure enough, those two talents are a natural pair.

The fact is that no matter how much she complains, she will have to fill up her stomach, and, with Gu Zheng's unwavering eyes, obediently walked behind him, packed up, and was ready to set off.




This trip to the health clinic will definitely result in a final victory.


The small white courtyard was pushed aside from the outside once again, still in front of the weird registered window. When the pale and plump hand stretched out from the window, Gu Zheng removed him from the old John. A gold tooth knocked out of his mouth was placed in the hand of that hand.

To be honest, Gu Zheng's heart was also a little nervous.

He didn't know whether he would admit the purchasing power of gold in this health clinic.

Then, when this hand took the golden tooth and quietly retracted into the window, he let out a sigh of relief.

At ease, the hospital recognizes gold.

But before Gu Zheng was happy for a second, the hands that had been retracted were stretched out immediately.

And the palm of that hand returned to an empty state again.

At this black-hearted toll office, one gold tooth is not enough!

When Gu Zheng was about to go violently and smash the frosted glass open, there was a light and fluttering sentence: "I received one dollar, but it's two yuan!"

I go!

Dare to feel that the billing system in this health clinic uses gold coins as the final unit.

Gu Zheng, whose eyes were scared, immediately took a handful of it on his body, and handed the remaining second gold tooth and the bag of scattered sand bags he had exchanged to that one. In the palm of your hand.

Then, those hands withdrew back, but in a moment of effort, a light slip of paper was handed over from inside.

Just like a regular hospital, the time of the registration form and the name of the doctor visited... are all printed on the paper.

This is the first piece of hospital-related information that Gu Zheng got. This special item also appeared in Gu Zheng's explanation because of Xiaojun's function.

Registration form: This is a useful receipt. After all, these days, people who don’t have money can’t see a doctor (special props)

Well, since it's so useful, let's take a look at the information above.

Naihe Town Health Center registration form.

Doctor: Yong Yi

No.: Well-known experts

Department: Whatever you say is the same

Treatment number: No. 1 in the afternoon

Visiting time: Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The look in Gu Zheng's eyes here is The registration form in his hand is clearly today's date. Why is it that all the special buildings in this town give him extreme How about a strong sense of age?

So what special significance can this registration form play for the doctors in this health clinic?

After Gu Zheng searched the empty hall three times, he still didn't think of a reason.

Therefore, now he can only take one step at a time and continue to try his luck in the health care department.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng opened the door and entered, but after seeing the facilities in the health care department, he showed an expression of unconcealable disappointment.

The layout here is really perfunctory.

This is not as good as an ordinary community hospital in modern times.

The kind of small health center that is only responsible for vaccinating infants and young children, anyway, there is a weight scale for measuring the baby's weight and a height measuring instrument.

But here?

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