The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1205: Ghost Story: Naihe Town (End)

As the area of ​​the fat dragon's photo burned by the flames became larger and larger, and his figure began to turn into pitch-black coke, the maggots also turned from white to yellow, becoming shiny and scented.

This is probably... the biggest plate of fried maggots Gu Zheng has ever seen.

After the last little corner of the photo was burned out by the flames, the bodies of these insects seemed like they had never appeared in this world...In an instant, the transformation from coke to powder was completed.

At the end, it turned into black powder like fly ash in the photo, followed by a breeze blowing in from the window, and then floating in the air. After hitting a small swan, it completely disappeared in this room. Inside.

‘Oh oh...’

The wind is very quiet.

Standing in this room, Gu Zheng did not dare to move.

The closed door opposite him has been silent for a long time.

But he didn't dare to open the door so hastily.

Because, in the room he was standing in, everything was as usual, without any change.

He didn't dare to take risks, and now he can only wait.

Time just passed one minute and one second...

Gu Zheng, who had gradually walked to the door, pressed his ear to the door panel, which was not too thick.

After waiting for a few breaths, he heard a huge rumbling sound, followed by this sound... the crisp sound of'ding dangdang' that made Gu Zheng's heart beat twice more. .

Is this the sound of a key hitting the ground?


The link between the photo and the fat dragon has been perfectly cracked by him, and everything will return to its origin after all. Now he opens the door and takes a look. There should be nothing wrong, right?

Gu Zheng, who had already touched the palm of his hand, opened the door of the outpatient room quietly. What you saw was a huge dark maggot corpse, lying in the middle of the outpatient corridor, facing the outpatient room where he was. Door.


After seeing this, Gu Zheng let out a sigh of relief. After taking a closer look, he found a shiny key under the pile of corpses like a mountain of coal.

The end of its opening was held down by the corpse mountain, and I was afraid that I would have to go forward and pull it out before leaving.

Don't be afraid, there is no disgusting taste. Compared with the weird love you furnishings on campus, this corpse is so much better.

With a relaxed face, Gu Zheng bent down at a very fast speed, the moment his fingers touched the handle of the key...


‘Swipe Lala...’

The pile of meat covering the tip of the key turned into a twitch.


At this moment, Gu Zheng was so scared that he kicked his foot reflexively. Even so, he still held the key desperately and didn't dare to let go.

Joke, this is the last shiver. Even if he is dead, he will have to hold his hard-earned trophies in his arms before dying.

Gu Zheng here was ready to face another fierce battle. The corpse of the giant worm over there flew upside down with him.


It smashed into the side wall of the registration hall of the health clinic in an instant, like a gecko that had lost its suction cup, stuck to the wall, slipped to the ground again, and continued to limp and flatten, keeping a corpse as it should be. Literacy.

"I was scared to death. I thought I was cheating a corpse."

"Fortunately, that fat man doesn't have that high IQ."

"The fourth key is in hand, it's time to leave."

Now, Gu Zheng, who is getting more and more relaxed, can finally show a relieved smile.

When he walked against the sun and walked towards the two girls waiting anxiously for him, the white key was shining brightly in his hand.

"Gu Zheng, long live!"

"Wow, that's great, let's go back to the hotel and put Dong Dawei on our back..."


These three young people laughed so happy and relaxed for the first time.

When I look at this small town again, it seems that the gloomy sky that is about to fall is not so unbearable.

It's just that the saying that Fu Wushuang does not mean misfortune alone, seems to have become a more consistent truth.

When they rushed to the hotel room excitedly and pushed away the room where Dong Dawei slept alone, they found that Dong Dawei who was lying on the bed had already stopped breathing.

"Ah, how could this happen, it's almost a bit."

The sentimental Ye Qingan couldn't bear to look again, turned and turned his head to the door.

But Gu Zheng, who stood at the door and never entered, muttered to himself in a low voice: "Zhang Qiang, is this your ultimate goal?"

"You know the situation here, but you used your own life in exchange for the enemy's two hands, just because you know that only two hands are deadly enough?"

In a small town lacking medical care and medicine, maybe a small wound infection will be a life-threatening event.

I want to come to Zhang Qiang's last pounce, for the result today.

It's really a person who will pay for it.

Dong Dawei, will you regret your evil thoughts?


Gu Zheng, who was backing up again, couldn't hear the confession of those who stayed here.

He could only pull up a girl with one hand, and head straight to the direction outside the town without looking back.


At this time, the mist squeezed together was already approaching the front end of the entire hotel.

Come to think of it, if they still can't find the key to get out, it will probably take less than two days. When the mist is compressed into the hotel, it will be the day of their death.

Quite fortunately, Gu Zheng glanced at the fog again, and used the hotel cleaner’s work clothes on him to tear into two long slender cloth strips, one left and one right tied to the waists of the two girls. superior.

The final terminal is naturally to be tied behind him, lest everyone is scattered in the fog when they haven't found the door yet.

Ye Qingan had no complaints about Gu Zheng's behavior, and he took the initiative to tie a few more knots on his rope.

In this way, the rope will be a few minutes shorter, and the distance between the two people will be able to get one step closer.

As for Pan Xiaomeng?

Because of the excitement of being able to go out, her little unwillingness has already been dissipated, and the group of people unexpectedly tacitly counted the slogan of one, two and one, and then walked along the way out into the invisible thick fog. Among.

People tend to go astray in the dark, but that is only for ordinary people.

As a talented and specially trained Gu Zheng, although he didn't see the road ahead as accurately as he walked, he went well in the general direction.

When he took the person behind him and stumbled for a long time, he slapped his hand against an invisible barrier.

"That's it..."

"If I remember correctly, there should be a door near here, a cold, metallic door."

"Both of you posted, one to the right, the other to the left, groping against the wall, once you find it, call out loudly, I'm in the middle, but you can get there in a moment."

"How? Agree?"

This is not a negotiation, but an undoubted arrangement.

The two girls who couldn't say no, didn't even say any extra words, and quietly untied the ropes on their waists, and began to fumble towards the barriers on both sides.

It's also a coincidence that when each of them fumbled for more than 20 steps, Pan Xiaomeng's direction came out with an excited shout: "The door is here!"

"Found it? Very good, Ye Qing'an, fumble back, I'll wait for you in the middle."

Hearing the call, Gu Zheng quickly called Ye Qing'an back. When they held their hands together, one large and one small, the two men and women, who had a good understanding, began to move forward with a bit of excitement. Pan Xiaomeng rushed in the direction.

"Here, is it this door?"

I saw Gu Zheng and Ye Qing’an’s Pan Xiaomeng again, and she was in a pretty good mood. Now she didn’t bother to think about why Gu Zheng was so close to Ye Qing’an. She just laughed and cried and pointed to the very special path behind her. For the metal gate, I want to get the final confirmation from Gu Zheng.

"Yes, that's right."

Nodding, Gu Zheng let go of Ye Qing'an's little hand, looked at the two girls left and right, and made the last reminder before leaving the town.

"So, are you ready to leave? Then I will open this door now."

After Gu Zheng saw his left and right nodded, the man who rushed out with a heavy burden on his shoulders took out the four keys of red, white, black and yellow from the backpack, calming his excitement. , And walked step by step toward the keyhole corresponding to the door.



One key after another was inserted into the corresponding slot, and the person who inserted the key was also very grateful.

In this scary town, behind every key is a ridiculous and sad story.

But don't be afraid, the person who interprets the story is gone, and the person who has read the story should also leave.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng put his hands on the two keys. Then, after thinking about the door for ten seconds, he was slightly embarrassed. Ye Qingan and Pan Xiaomeng, who were standing behind them, greeted them: "Cough cough cough cough, huh, you alone, help me turn two keys?"

Gu Zheng, who was all about to be handsome, discovered in the process of twisting that this key was not turned one after another, but four keys needed to be turned together to achieve the effect of opening the door of the mechanism.

This is... very insidious.

If they were a little careless, and he was left alone to the end, then Gu Zheng would only have the fate of waiting to die.

But now, his Gu Zheng is here, the battle is reduced by only half, as if it is not too bad.


"I said one, two, three, let's twist together!"

"Gazhizhi, Gazhizhi"

As Gu Zheng's words fell, the four keys rolled like gears.

When all the keys were rotated to the end, this metal gate was like a mirage, disappearing in front of everyone.

Gu Zheng, who reached out his hand, showed a slight smile on his face when he couldn't touch any barriers.

As the dense fog behind him became shallower and shallower, a dazzling bright light suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Gu Zheng subconsciously covered his eyes with the back of his hand. When he opened his eyes again, he realized that he was sitting in his newly furnished villa.

what happened?

When he successfully escaped from Naihe Town, did he shuttle out of that world together?

So, he has achieved the final mission of the client of that world?

This is too abrupt.

So did his system come back with it?

Gu Zheng, who hadn't gone through the shuttle tunnel again, had his divine knowledge penetrated into his mind without daring to be sure. After seeing the two golden **** hugged together and shivering, he was greatly relaxed. In a sigh of relief.

These two are still there, just ask them, everything will become clear.

"Go ahead, what happened?"

Looking at these two **** that seemed to be dizzy, Gu Zheng opened his mouth.

And Xiao Wangshu is indeed worthy of its salted fish attributes. After Gu Zheng opened his mouth, it screamed like a ghost.

"The space-time channel is automatically opened. It seems to be waiting outside that town, waiting for our airdrop to pass."

"When I saw the passage, I also wanted to control the flow of time so that we could have an intuitive impression before leaving the host."

"But it doesn't work. It was too sudden. The barrier is the last barrier between that world and our world."

"We are excluded!"

Isn't it the initiative to leave after completing the task?

What about my task rewards?

After seeing Gu Zheng's face, the laughing Wangshu who was on the other side instantly turned blue. It hurriedly grabbed its own main system, and after seeing the world's feedback, it was another surprised scream.

"There is feedback! Gu Ye, the feedback is really a lot!"

"Look! It's a hundred years, a hundred years!"

After saying this, Xiao Wangshu didn't have much trouble, and Gu Zheng, who was holding his mobile phone, almost spit out.

Bragging, a hundred years, plus the original life span, wouldn't it be an old fairy?

But think about it again, it seems that your volume has just reached the 70 mark. Doesn't it mean that you just fill up your lifespan, and in fact you can't reach more than 150 years old?

Just when Gu Zheng started to think about it, Panting Laughing Forgot to complete the rest of the story.

"It's a gloomy life, it's weird. Only the lifespan given by the ghost is gloomy. The world we go to this time is quite normal."

Before Liao Wangshu continued to doubt, Gu Zheng here surprised one more question: "What is Yinshou?"

"After a person dies, can he still walk in the real world with a living corpse?"

"Is this another form of zombie?"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, Xiao Wangshu shook his head and explained to Gu Zheng the effect of longevity.

"Master Gu, let me tell you that. This gloomy life is equivalent to what you believers say about the merits."

"This merit cannot be converted into a realistic life span, but it can provide Master Gu with two very practical choices."

"The first point, Yin life, 100 years, is a point of nothingness, it is the feedback of the number of life after reincarnation in the next life, as long as it is reincarnation in the reincarnation, it can accumulate as many times as it is limited."

"For example, in your original situation, Gu, it must be that the Yin Life Value is also directly 0, and there is no more follow-up supplement, and only the right to die on the spot."

"You have the right to use it as a refill pack of laundry detergent."

"As for the second choice, it is directly fed back into the real life of this lifetime."

"The people who are protected by merit are a little different from ordinary people."

"Oh?" Gu Zheng became a little interested when he heard this, and he touched his chin and asked, "What's the difference?"

Xiao Wangshu was slightly excited and said a few cases: "For example, super lucky."

"When a major disaster was encountered, he was the only one who escaped lucky enough."

"Or in a certain field with extraordinary talents, do certain things with half the effort, it will be a matter of course."

"This can be done by a person with great merit and protection."

"Master Gu, you can be regarded as earning this time. Although this gloomy life is not much, it is more than enough to be converted into the merits of a good person in a lifetime."

"So, Master Gu, how do you choose?"

Laughing and forgetting the book, who thought Gu Zheng would struggle for a while, was disappointed.

Because after Gu Zheng listened to the effects of longevity, he directly said his choice.

"I choose merit."

A joke, the world in the future seems to be less and less suitable for mortal tasks. How can he survive in the new world if he doesn't find himself some trump cards and gain some luck.

As for things like lifespan?

How much does an old man like him want, just continue to do the task?

Gu Zheng, who thought he was very clear, saw the words Yinshou 100 in the system panel of Xiao Wangshu after talking about his choice. It was cleared to zero at once, and then there was a mysterious and mysterious feeling. It appeared on his body, but in an instant, it was calm again.

This is the upper body of merit?

It really hasn't changed.

But fortunately, for him who has a scientific outlook on development, all he wants is peace of mind.

As for why such weird things happen in that then we need to find the clues in the scene of the playback.

Gu Zheng, who thought of this, was not too verbose, and directly addressed Xiao Wangshu and asked for the replay.

After the phone screen turned on, the two-person system fell into a very quiet state, staring at the playback together, trying to see some clues.


The screen went black for an instant, and when it lit up again, it was the entrance road to the town of Naihe that Gu Cheng seemed to have known before.


The three familiar figures seemed to suddenly pop out of the transparent water curtain in the void, from the mid-air...successively on the oil road.

And just after the three people touched the ground, they turned into the speed of light of the three souls like when Gu Zheng passed through, and they rushed straight to the location of their vehicle that broke down on the main road.

In just a dazzling time, the camera turned to the desolate national highway.

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