The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 1206: Supernatural replay (1)

Unlike the scene when Gu Zheng once left... the car was stuck in the body by the big ditch that suddenly appeared. At this time, the three souls rushed in the direction...

Their originally unscathed RV...

Smoke billows!

The front of the car has long been dented in the front direction.

At the beginning, the crater they encountered was only a pit that sank about one meter. Now, it is like a **** hole with a monster's open mouth, sinking to a depth of three to four meters.

It was the culprit that caused the tragic situation of their RV.

"A bit weird?"

Gu Zheng, who was muttering to himself, watched as these three floating soul **** floated around the car, as if there was an invisible suction force, and immediately... they sucked them there. Among the scrapped RVs.

And then,


The firefighter standing at the rear buttock of this vehicle, holding the life tongs, twisted the rear door of the RV that had been deformed.

Immediately they found six teenagers with different postures being hit in the car.

"Survivors found!!"

"Come on!"

With this roar of the firefighter, the ambulance immediately behind the fire truck rushed down two medical staff, carried the stretcher, and slid down towards the soil slope.

After simply checking the situation of these six people, the emergency rescue plan was immediately activated.

"There are three people with vital signs, come on! Help!"

Following the call of the emergency doctor who went to investigate, the people behind immediately pushed the stretcher in.

The first person to be carried out was the host of this world, Gu Zheng.

He was lying on a stretcher with black ashes on his face. From the physical characteristics, he had only a few scratches, the least injured among the six people.

After Gu Zheng was carried into the ambulance, Ye Qingan and Pan Xiaomeng were rescued shortly thereafter.

Although they looked a little embarrassed, they miraculously suffered only a few minor injuries.

He and the others passed out temporarily in a coma due to the impact of the vehicle, and there was no apparently serious problem.

As for... the situation of the remaining three people in this car is not so optimistic.


They are all dead.

And his death was extremely miserable.


Among the three of them, if you can still see the appearance of a person, I am afraid that it is Dong Dawei among them.

His arm was cut directly from the shoulder by the backlog of the car window. The cause of death was caused by excessive blood loss.

And the broken wall he was cut down fell in the flames ignited at the forefront of the RV, and now it exudes a scorching smell, like a charcoal stick that can't see the original appearance.

As for sitting on the side of Dong Dawei, Zhang Qiang, where the co-pilot is?

The front of the front, where the legs were directly crushed, was cut into sections.

Because of the sharpness of the incision and the extremely rapid cutting, there has never been a large amount of blood flowing out of the incision.

But after his legs were cut off, a small flame emerged, and it was slowly cooked.

According to preliminary judgment, the teenager died of great pain directly.

As for the very flat Shen Yuesheng in the middle section of the RV, because of the huge boulder above it that looked like a stack of building blocks?

Due to the repeated impact and compression of this boulder, his body can no longer be called a body at this time, it can only be called a blood clot.

The internal organs, meat pieces, skin tissue and clothing are mixed together to become a half-cooked meatloaf sandwiched in a sandwich.

Only his head survived...

As the firefighters creaked and split the RV, they rolled around on the fairly spacious floor in the second half...

His eyes were staring straight at the direction outside the car door...

There is a white ambulance there, honking its whistle, driving towards the distance...


In this scene, Gu Zheng, who was holding his mobile phone and staring at the screen, felt cold all over for no reason, even if it was separated by time and space.

It's okay, this is all an illusion, what to fear, he is not Sadako.

He doesn't have the ability to turn this place into a terrifying world. Besides, what will happen even if he comes?

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there is only one way to go.

Gu Zheng, who was determined in his heart, continued to watch the replay, and saw that in the vast environment, the three surviving people were all very well rescued.

Just when he let go of his heart and thought that this was the end of the matter, suddenly, a piece of news broadcast on the big TV in the public area of ​​the hospital attracted his attention.

"It is reported that recently, six young patients who escaped from the city mental hospital have been found."

"They used pseudonyms as Xiaoli, Xiaoqiang and other pseudonyms, and successfully fled to the outskirts of the inaccessible city. After successfully stealing a luxury RV that had forgotten to be locked, they fled in the direction of City C in other provinces."

"On the way to the 109 National Highway, I encountered a rare sinkhole. Due to the inability to escape, the whole vehicle fell into the tunnel and a violent collision occurred."

"In this accident, three male teenagers died on the spot, and the remaining three survived miraculously... One man, two women, and three teenagers have now been sent to the central hospital for treatment."

"According to the hospital doctor, the three people suffered minor abrasions, and there is no danger to their lives."

"The following are the mentally diagnosed cases of six people provided by the Municipal Mental Hospital."

"We can see that these six teenagers do not have the social outlook and basic common sense that normal people have."

"Shen Yuesheng (pseudonym): a patient with schizophrenia"

"Pan Xiaomeng (pseudonym): A patient with affective disorder"

"Ye Qing'an (pseudonym): a patient with phantasy"

"Gu Zheng (pseudonym): Hysteria patient"

"Zhang Qiang (pseudonym): a patient with irritability"

"Dong Dawei (pseudonym): masochistic and depression patient"

"From the confirmed cases of several people, it is not difficult to see that the destructive power of these six teenagers is extremely huge."

"However, it has been nearly a week since they ran out of the yard to the occurrence of a major accident."

"In order to evade responsibility, the staff of the municipal mental hospital actually suppressed the news that six people had fled. They neither notified the families of the six patients nor the relevant units. Instead, they chose to search privately. Way."

"Thus delaying the best time to find people, and eventually lead to the consequences seen in the news."

"After this news was released by our reporter, it attracted great attention from the leaders of the Municipal Health Bureau, saying that they would strictly investigate the guilt of dereliction of duty in the municipal mental hospital, and give a reasonable basis to the family members of the patients who died or were injured in this incident. Confess."

"Here, the reporter hopes that more people will pay attention to these mentally problematic young people and the management loopholes in related mental hospitals."

"Avoid similar problems from happening again."

"After all, the tragedies of these six young people only happened to themselves, but what if they mix into ordinary people and into the downtown area?"

"The following are some tragedies caused to ordinary people by poorly supervised mental patients..."

With scenes of tragedies repeated in the news, this thought-provoking picture went dark in front of Gu Zheng.


When the screen lit up again, it was a memory he had never had before.

In that fragment of missing memory, it was never said where these six people came from and where they were going.

But in this frame of picture, it is perfect to restore it.


‘Twee, twee...’

A piece of garden garden with the fragrance of birds and flowers makes those who see it feel a little relieved.

If it weren't for this green garden, if there were a few unusual looking people dangling, it would be a beautiful sight.

Yes, these people who were walking in the woods were all wearing uniform light blue vertical-patterned uniforms, a little fat, but still neat.

On the back of these uniforms, there are the big characters An Ding Mental Hospital, which are flushed red, giving people a sense of infinite impact.

Look at these again or talk to yourself, sleepwalking with your hands and feet trembling, or squatting in the corner, trying to stretch yourself into a flower-like person.

I'm afraid that no one will be in a good mood after seeing this scene.

This is the free movement area of ​​the mental hospital where six people have been imprisoned by Gu Zheng.

Just looking at the facilities inside and the structure of the basic buildings, you can see that this is an organization that serves the wealthy.

At this time, in a regular hospital, the three Gu Zheng, who were confirmed to have no major problems after observation and treatment, were sent here once again. After a carefree meal, they opened their mouths and their clothes stretched out their hands. Life of the mentally ill.

"No. 102, Gu Zheng will get your medicine for today..."

"No. 99, Pan Xiaomeng, this is yours..."

"No. 100, Ye Qing'an, your oral..."

With the appearance of the combination of a white coat and two black clothes, a three-layer alloy medical trolley was pushed into the garden.

For these patients with milder symptoms, they can come here every day to enjoy the breath of the the way, take the afternoon medicine early.

Under the coercion of powerful force, this group of people is also a rare cooperation.

Especially the three young people who escaped from the dead, didn't know if they were stimulated, they were actually a rare behave, and under the watch of the nurse sister, they swallowed the pill they particularly resisted.

"Well, it should be like this a long time ago. If you are sick, you must be treated properly, and strive to leave a good impression when the psychiatrist talks."

"After you have passed the doctor's test and can live like ordinary people, you can return to reality."

"This is what a patient should do."

What the nurse said was quite true. The three young girls just nodded obediently, and after leaving each other satisfied, one after another ran to the bottom of the most hidden rose bush in the entire garden area. ,'Oh...pah pah pah', they spit out the colorful pills that were pressed under their tongues.

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